What You’ll Discover in Tony Flores The Email Millionaires System
Tony Flores – The Email Millionaires System
This is the place to find the best 100% complete step-by-step email system. It will help you write profitable and winning emails in no time.
The The whole idea behind it Email Millionaires System is to expose the truth and the technique behind those blockbuster email campaigns that generate huge revenues of millions of dollars.
What Email Millionaires Anthony, creator Flores understands, and what has made him so successful as a copywriter and email marketer, is that writing emails isn’t about creativity, or your grammar and English skills.
It is easy to write profitable emails by following a template. The The process is simple and requires only following the instructions. Once you have the secrets, each step can be done easily.
Anthony and me sat down to create a system from our combined knowledge and skills. We had to make sure the system did the work and not us. This means that no matter your writing level (expert to…well, non existent) the Email Millionaires System This is the person who does all of the heavy lifting.
We believe we succeeded, and if you take a look at the testimonials on the website you’ll get a clear idea of exactly what Email Millionaires You can.
Let’s now take a look at the actual contents. Email Millionaires System Is, and how to create emails that are as authentic as possible Email Millionaire:
Module 1 – 18 Winning Themes
The perfect theme is the first step in creating an email. The tone and emotion of an email is set by the theme.
If you miss the tone or don’t bring out the perfect emotion in your prospect – your email will get trashed.
Yet…with the right tone and emotion your prospect will feel so compelled to take action that the sale is as good as closed.
Anthony uses 18 proven email themes whenever he sends an email.
In this module you’ll discover how to select the perfect Theme and then have a full blueprint to follow to execute the Theme and compel action from your prospect.
Module 2 – The Art Of The Tease
If you want your email to be opened, it is important to write great teaser text. Yup…your emails “subject” Teaser copy. But it’s not the only piece of Teaser Copy in your email.
You’ll have Teaser Copy sprinkled throughout the entire email. And the Teaser Copy’s job is to keep your prospect glued to the email by teasing THE BENEFIT they are looking for.
Your call will close the email.-To-Action (which we’ll talk more about in a minute) which is where you promise your prospect the answers to everything you have been teasing.
The It is simple to write compelling teaser copy, but it is not easy. This module will teach you exactly how to use this formula.
Module 3 – Email Copy that keeps them reading
The Your email’s body copy is your meat and potatoes. It’s the bulk of the actual email. And it’s the hardest piece to get perfect.
This is the reason why many emails fail.
Your prospect must see the bottom of your email in order to be motivated to take action. They must also read the email in order to take action.
I agree “read” your email, yet with the techniques you’ll discover in this module, your prospect won’t even feel like they’re reading. They’ll just slide down the page being sucked into whatever you tell them.
Module 4 – Believability Breakthroughs
A relationship between you and your prospect is built by trust. If they don’t believe what your telling them or that you want the best for them, they will never give you a cent.
The The last thing you want to do is come across as a con artist who will say and do whatever it takes to make a sale.
Every email should contain Believability components. These elements will allow your prospect to view you as their hero rather than their nemesis.
This is one of Anthony’s biggest strengths. He is the master of building a bond with the prospect no matter what market or demographic he’s writing to. In this module he’ll show you exactly how he does it…and gives you the power to do it too!
Module 5 – Email Power Principles
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This module focuses on giving your emails the most power possible. To keep your readers reading your emails and create intense buying interest, this module will be very useful. This is possible only if your emails have a lot of momentum.
From the moment a prospect’s eyes first spot your subject line … click … and then begin reading your email … they’re literally seconds away from another distraction, boredom and ultimately trashing your email.
That’s why master copywriters understand that the copy must feel energized – like it’s going somewhere FAST – or else the prospect will get bored, distracted and soon will be history.
In this module you’ll unlock the principles the top copywriters rely on to keep their copy moving fast and powerfully.
Module 6 – Big Picture Strategy
Emails are often just that: emails “thrown together” Without an overall strategy. You’ll recall that the first module is all about selecting a theme.
In this module you’ll learn Anthony’s proven strategy for tying all the components of your email back into the original theme. This will ensure that your teaser copy is complementary to your body copy, which feeds into the call to action.
Each part of your email will be linked and logically flow to the next. This gives prospects the impression that you not only are an expert in their field but that your emails will also take them to where they need to be.
Module 7 – Compelling Calls To Action
In the final module you’ll learn the critical skill of the Call-To-Action. This is it…this is what everything you’ve done is leading up to. And it’s ultimately what will decide if your email is a success or failure.
Your prospect has been teased, elicited strong emotions, and you have sent them down a slide with compelling copy. You now need to ensure they take action and click.
As important as this step is…it’s actually a very simple technique that alone will boost your Click-Through-Rate. Yet, when used in tow with all the techniques you’ve already unleashed…this is when you open up the floodgates to becoming a true Email Millionaire.
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