What You’ll Discover in Elma Mayer The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal
Elma Mayer – The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal
The Healing Helix
Heal your WHOLE Life – with these 6 Essential Integrations (powered by a new Sacred Geometry)
Do you want a NEW method to heal? Instead of fixing just one or two of your specific issues…
Heal the BIG PICTURE of your life…
so that ALL of your problems automatically Align…with the larger field of HEALING itself.
That’s true healing!
It’s not just “holistic”… it’s actual Wholeness!
What are you looking for? The 6 Essential Integrations
These six PARTS must all be part of your whole life.
Health – your body, energy, vitality, resilience to stress, automatic self-Healing ability and feeling good!
Wealth – your ability to receive the abundance of the universe, income, money, material things, safety, security, gifts, talents
Wisdom – your higher knowing, spiritual awareness, perspective, mind, memory, mood, emotional balance, confidence, self-Trust
People – your relationships, love, romance, family, ancestors, community, fame, reputation, and resonance with others
Get your instant download Elma Mayer – The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal
Places – your home, sleep environment, workplace, birthplace, geopathic stress, feng shui, relationship to earth, and the cosmos
Flow – your personality, patterns, purpose, life’s work, success, creativity, motivation, fulfillment, and evolution
Your Life will be powerfully congruent when you integrate all 6
Your whole life flows beautifully – in a Healing Helix!
You are “in the vortex” – where Wholeness happens automatically. You can achieve your highest happiness and health.
But… when these 6 Parts of your Life are NOT Integrated…
You disintegrate! That’s when you experience suffering, stuckness, stiffness, stress, self-sabotage…
And those are just some of the S’s! There’s more…
Are you suffering from any of these signs? Is your Life…
(More than one could apply!)
Stuck or stuck? Your procrastination, confusion, doubt, chronic pain or inability to heal from illness… can be caused by a blockage or disconnect between any of the six life areas of The Healing Helix.
Chaotic or Out-This is-Control? Control?-spending, or body aches and pains that move around… can be caused by distortion, noise, or negative influence between the six integrations.
What is the difference between limited and lacking? An absence of freedom and enjoyment.-Low self-esteem, sabotage-esteem, thinking small, depression, arthritis, stiffness, lack of mobility, inability to take action – not to mention low income, inability to find a good job… can be caused by patterns of entanglement between the six areas.
What is looping and repeating layers of learning? The Similar problems are resurfacing in new ways. You keep attracting the same type of love partner over and over again. You have the same arguments with many people. Chronic pain or illness or “if it’s not one thing it’s another” syndrome.
Are you experiencing pain? Your hurts, injuries, physical illnesses, emotional wounds – they don’t just “live” Your body and mind. They can ruin your finances, family, enjoyment, and future.
Are You Almost Perfect? If your life is mostly pretty wonderful, but you’d still like to tweak a few areas, or take a leap into your next level of evolution… this program is a super-It’s easy to put it all together and integrate.
What if you combine all of the above? This is the most likely to happen! Sometimes life can feel pretty great. Other times, you wonder why there’s stress, stiffness, stuckness, or self-sabotage – in the same old areas.
Are you “Tried Everything?”
You’ve probably done lots of healing work directly on your specific problem(s). But if it didn’t really “work”… then you need to try something new!
The Healing Helix Different.
It’s a top-Unlike most other approaches, it is a down approach. Most healing modalities focus on the specifics. However, they overlook the important aspect of the over.-Arching top-Zoomed down-View.
In The Healing HelixWe treat both the big picture, and the details.
Because you need to Align the large categories of your life – and most importantly, their entanglements.
If you limit your healing to limited, single areas – like emotions, beliefs, biology, structure, energy, stress, toxins etc – then you’ll get limited results. It’s not about healing just one part of your life.
It’s about ALL the parts, and how they interconnect with each other and your whole life. Because ALL SIX Essential Life Areas should be compatible with one another.
“Sweet Elma, You did it again!!! Standing O!
I found myself actually drawing my own Sacred Geometry Circle with all those little Points and said to myself, Look, I am doing Sacred geometry, and I have no idea what it is, and my Geometry wasn’t too hot either.”
– Elizabeth, NY
Experience “Cosmic Congruency”
All six “Essential Integrations” happen…
You’ll get huge shifts… from this brand new “divine download” that I’m receiving just for you! I tune in to give you exactly what you need – and what you are ready for – on your evolutionary path.
This course will teach you how to tap into the incredible field of morphics. The Healing Helix, and you’ll do it the easy way – the Now Healing way! It sounds complex, but it’s truly simple. It also gives you automatic healing. The best part is that you can use it to heal yourself. “take it with you” Use it to treat any condition you wish to heal
We will activate The Healing Helix’s automatic healing power – and “install it” into ALL parts of your life… to integrate your “parts” To the highest Whole. This is done energetically and morphically. It is not necessary to visualize sacred geometry or wear it in jewelry.
WHY? “The Six Integrations” Essential?
Six areas are essential to achieving the best expression of your life. (There are lots of other areas too… but they will come into Alignment It’s much easier to do this six-step process first!
All six areas of your life must be energetically compatible (Aligned) one another. If they are not… they wreak havoc on each other – usually without your knowledge!
What does a lack of integration do?
The lack of integration between 6 of the most important parts in your life causes distortion.
Distortion and disconnects cause trouble because they are…
1. Hidden! Most of us have at least a few – and we don’t even know it.
2. Entangled! Everything affects everything else – whether we know it or not.
Here are just six examples, out of zillions of possible combinations, of how these 6 areas could be intertwined to create havoc.
PLACES AND HEALTH Your home’s energies (or its “morphic memory” Your past events) could be creating a subtle, but potentially harmful resonance in your health. If the previous resident suffered from health issues, it is possible that they are causing your current situation. “energy” Your home may contain a hidden enemy.
PEOPLE, WEALTH, WISDOM. Your unresolved resentment about your father’s relationship to your older brother can block your income “vortex”– unconsciously. No matter how hard you try, how many long hours you work, how many advanced degrees you pursue to improve your employment chances… your buried “father issues” resonate with your relationships with all of your bosses – so your job security is always shaky.
HEALTH, WEALTH, FLOW, PEOPLE. You feel like you are going to die. You feel like you’re losing control of your life. “lowest” Self, your expectations and thoughts are negative. You feel guilty and fear that you will drive your loved ones away because of your irritation.
In The Healing Helix, we will clean up all the energies and entanglements between all these life areas… to free up your Whole life.
The Healing Helix’s totally unique approach harnesses “flower power” (the Flower of Life)… in a brand new, unique technique that I received as a download from spirit.
This tutorial will teach you how to quickly activate this cosmic pattern of creation with Instant Morphic. Healing techniques. This allows fast healing – and manifestation – for your WHOLE life.
How can this possibly work in all six areas of your life?
You can tap into the power and universality of two deep patterns.
The Helix (Spiral) The Flower of Life
he FLOW of your Life… with the Flower of Life. Two huge universal morphic fields that combine sacred geometry and healing power this healing. This has led to a brand-new Morphic Healing Method is called The Healing Helix.
I’ve “downloaded” And created a unique way of applying Instant Morphic Healing To Sacred Geometry.
These universal patterns underlie ALL of life. Let’s Alignthem to energize yours!
These two incredibly powerful fields of morphic energy can give you literally trillions upon trillions of shifts that ripple into all reality.
Your WHOLE life – and its fractal parts – get a cosmic reset and re-Centering… beyond your conscious mind’s awareness, and beyond your intentions. But don’t worry, your intentions will align too!
The Seven Transformations – 7 hours of audios plus 81-PDF pg
BONUS! Price $197
The Seven Transformations
Space, Time & the Elements
This bonus will improve your experience The Healing Helix. In The Healing HelixThe six essential areas of life are integrated in our work. In The Seven Transformations: We Align seven additional areas that are vital to your WHOLE Life. Read about these seven fields below…
Each of these Seven Transformations are powerful morphic healing fields… universal energies that already exist. It’s easy to tap into them.
Get your instant download Elma Mayer – The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal
You’ll discover exactly how to allow your flow towards Wholeness… for automatic, universal healing.
What are you looking for?
The What are Seven Transformations? What are the issues they address?
1. Transform Time When you Transform Time… Everything in your Life Flows Better. Includes:
Aging, Stress, Procrastination, Daily Habits, Always Late, Always in a Hurry, Cycles (Hormones, Circulation, Sleep, Seasonal), Work & Wages, Income, Time & Money.
2. Your Space is an Influence on Everything You Do. It is important to be in harmony with your space. Your space should not be a hindrance to your daily life. Includes:
Clearing negative energy, clearing space, clearing energetic clutter, instant feng shui, how to “Read” You can create the energy of a space. Also – Create the Qualities you want – in your Home, Bedroom, Office etc (like Peace, Family Harmony, Community, Inspiration, Productivity).
3. Yin-Yang Balance Allow your Life to Flow between Polarities… and to be Integral, Non-Dual, and Multidimensionally Centered – Simultaneously! (It sounds esoteric, but it’s down to earth – and it affects everything!) Includes:
Sleep/Wake; Life/Work; Male/Female. Also… What you want vs. what you don’t want, etc. Feng Shui and Yin Yang have a lot in common.
4. Align with AirLife is Breath! This includes not only physical breath but also spiritual connection and inspiration. Includes:
Oxygenation, breathing issues (Asthma. Cough Fatigue. Fibromyalgia. Lighten up your emotions. Inspiration, clarity, spirituality.
5. Balance Water Water is Essential to your Essence – not just for health, but for wealth and wisdom too. Includes:
Hydration, Elimination, Stagnation, Emotional Flow, High Blood Pressure, Edema, Kidneys, Dry Skin/Eyes, Drained Energy, Plumbing Issues in your Home, Financial Stagnation, Relationships that Drain you, Water Traumas (drowning etc…)
6. Calm Your Inner Fire to Success and Focus Your Fire. Includes:
Inflammation, Metabolism and Digestion. Headaches, Heartburn. Rash. Body Temperature, Energy Levels. Vision and Light.-Spending:-earning, Addictions (smoking, sugar, alcohol), Cool down Arguments, Excessive Spending, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Solar Flare Sensitivity, and… Activate your Star Power!
7. Evolve your Earth Element
Your Health – and Life – Depend on Earth. Includes:
Grounding, Gravity, Presence, Heaviness of Body, Heavy Emotions, Possessions, Earth Cycles, Connecting with Nature… (Note: we work with several “Element” systems, including Ayurvedic Elements, Chinese Five Elements, and the Periodic Table.
Shift YOUR Specific Issues – Instantly. … Best of all, you get powerful transformation for
Your Individual healing intentions and goals. You will transform one issue in each audio. You can also run The Seven Transformations on an unlimited number of your issues – each time you listen, you will get different shifts.
TESTIMONIALS – The Seven Transformations
“I was amazed: there was so much difference in so many things that didn’t seem to be related… like finances, mood, body issues, everyday issues, how to flow with time, control time… so many great things! It’s really great to feel your presence, as you transcend space and time!” – PH
“I had a headache. Within 5 min of listening to #3 Yin-Yang Balancing, I was headache-free.” – Dr. M.T.
“My husband and I have been fighting in our bedroom for years. The residual energy was very thick and suffocating. During this clearing I focused on removing those energies and to put in their place a healing energy. Almost instantly my pain began to subside and my physical allignment of body began to correct itself. You have given me an invaluable powerful tool that I will forever be grateful for.” – Jamie C
“The number of shifts that happen in each hour!!! In old methods this hour would’ve taken a lifetime!” – Peter
Okay, enough about that amazing bonus.
Let’s get back to The Healing Helix…
The The bottom line is:
Get Personalized Healing For your particular issues. We can do numerous powerful, intense Morphics. Healing Alignment for your specific healing intentions – whatever they may be.
More importantly, we Align your Whole Life – your Health, Wealth, Wisdom, People, Places and Flow
Listen to the replays whenever it suits you. The healing can be applied to various issues. The In replays, healing is always active
And best of all, you’ll learn unique techniques for healing, that you can use on anything. You can “do it yourself” based on what you’ll learn.
For your Healing “Specific” Probleme? Heal the big picture!
Because the specific issues you experience usually have huge, hidden entanglements – in many different areas. Integrating all of these areas is crucial, as it allows you to have a life that supports and not distorts each other.
Top-Down Alignment Your life is vital. It is often overlooked by other methods.
If you’ve tried everything…
…and you’re still experiencing limitation, stuckness or chaos… then it’s time to Integrate your Life.
You can heal the parts and then integrate the WHOLE.
Join me, and upgrade your Whole Life – powered by the sacred, universal fields of The Healing Helix.
Testimonials The Healing Helix
Download it immediately Elma Mayer – The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal
What people said about their specific situation “Problem” after Day 1
“what problem?”
“forgot about it”
“I hardly thought of it!”
“This worked. It’s Different…almost gone .”
“right now it doesn’t feel like a problem.”
“It’s disappeared …no longer a charge. At zero”
“My problem was a 10 – now 3, but a foggy sense of it – I have to search to find it Great!”
“Beautiful, awe inspiring, peaceful, and knowing all healings are possible. Went from 8 down to 1. I think it will shortly be 0”
“Down to 0!! Kidneys jumping for JOY!”
“Procrastination, fear about finishing my [project] and progressing with life… now are at a sub-zero! It’s a crusty old thing powdered into nothingness from this new vantage point.”
“At 0 now. I feel that all parts of my life are flowing peacefully.”
“at zero, feeling empty and full at the same time”
“originally was 8/10 unobtainable and painful to think about. Now its almost like it was the wrong question – its just all still – not ever sure it would be fair to call it a zero -its a an irrelevance?”
“Zero. Funny thing is my issue is FOCUS and people are talking loudly around me and my attention is going all over the place. yet I FEEL ZERO problem in this FOCUSSING issues. I feel at peace.”
“8 to 0. Feel free, happy and open to be ALL that I AM !!!!”
“7-8 yesterday to Zero now. Feeling unified with everything/everyone.”
“In the vortex with alignment to source. Went from 6 to 4 to 2. Intention healing from anxiety and panic. Know how to flow now but still a little uneasiness around if it will reoccur.”
“Let go of the fear. Didn’t know it was based on fear. From 10 to 4 to 1. Very confident and trusting feeling.”
“0. I feel held in the loving hands of the Universe”
“I went from 9 to 5 to 1. As I read what I wrote down, it sounds odd. I feel wonderful!”
“went from 7 to 0. This experience has been enlightening to say the least. awesome.”
What people said after Day 2
“These sessions were BEAUTIFUL and MAGICAL, thank you Elma! Last night my realtor got an offer on my condo which I have to sell!”
“One of the most powerful things I have experienced! Thank you!! talk about being taken to a altered state!”
“I have gone through a reset of my life. I don’t have any problems. I feel refreshed.”
“My inner knowing has taken off, and is showing me so much I can do with these tools.”
“My intention was for financial abundance & it went from 8 to 1, going from feelings of fear to flow!! I now feel very much in the flow!”
“I feel very connected to this flower of life like it’s already deeply integrated into my healing work. I’m so glad that I did this teleseminar!”
“This is the deepest most comprehensive, all encompassing healing I have ever heard of. To start with a problem and use it to ultimately connect us with all of ourselves and all that is ,is brilliant.”
“Thankyou for assisting so much with my personal and the planetary evolution in just 2 sessions. Also you have explained so well that I can now use this for any situation, priceless.”
“A profoundly changing program. i spent today doing not much, just being with and welcoming the changes recently made.”
“Thank you Elma for this wonderful Class about The Healing Helix with all those unlimited/infinite possibilities and wholeness made so simplified and easy, I enjoyed every single bit of it.”
“When we aligned with wholeness and universe I felt like lines of the flower of life were all strands of light-blue coloured, electric but gentle light. We’re all connected in a most beautiful way. What a fascinating experience. Thank you Elma for teaching us this beautiful way to centre, empower, and live life.”
“I felt grateful that I did not have to know any details.”
“I appreciate that you included how to integrate the Healing Helix with several of your other programs we have studied. Made all of them more powerful.”
“Elma what a gift. Finances had been a struggle….off the chart yesterday.Today I feel much more centered and viewing life as more a fun game.”
“So many shifts in the past 24 hours…surrendering into allowing inspiration. Thanks to you, Metatron and all the angels and guides who are so present.”
Here’s what you can expect in the new book The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Elma Mayer – The Healing Helix BONUS Q&A & Alignment Cal” It is totally Downloadable You will have access to it immediately. In the event of a broken or lost link, we will quickly renew your link. Your patience is greatly appreciated.