What You’ll Discover in Ethan Vorly The Meditation Solution (12 levels)
You will be guided through 12 levels to reach your subconscious mind and release any negative mental or emotional imprints. This will allow you to truly free yourself from the past
Ethan Vorly – The Meditation Solution (12 levels)
Expand your Consciousness
Audio Technology that has been clinically proven to be effective
Brainwave Entrainment Technology Solutions The Quickest, easiest, and most effective access to deep state of the earth Meditation Available!
The Easy to achieve states of consciousness, even for novices, are deeper than what experienced meditators could reach without this technology. Brainwave Entrainment is a revolution in spiritual and personal growth.
“I am somewhat of a skeptic but also a bit of an adventurer so I decided to try these tracks out anyway. I must admit that I was shocked at the power of them. As soon as I turned it on my mind suddenly felt clear. The constant thoughts that are usually present were suddenly quiet. I had never felt that type of quietness before. I have now been using level 1 for a week and already I feel more patient, centered and clear throughout the day. I am now quite excited about what this program may offer. I will keep you posted..” K.B. Washington
This program has 12 levels that will take you deeper into your subconscious and help you to get rid of all negative emotions and mental imprints. This allows you to be free from all past conditioning and opens the door to a spiritual incarnation. This technology can be used in conjunction with any meditation or spiritual technique to make them more effective and easier. It allows for easy access to states of consciousness that are necessary for spiritual transformation.
The Meditation Solution It is part of an overall system of psychic, spiritual, and other development that addresses all dimensions. The Before real Spiritual Change can happen, the metaphysical nature of human beings must be fully explored. This means that the subconscious must be cleansed and explored. The combination of the Brainwave Entrainment Technology and the appropriate techniques can help you achieve much more, and even faster than using the technology alone. This is the home for this system of Spiritual Growth.
The Psyche
The Deep meditation has profound effects on the Psyche. These effects are well-known in many Eastern Religions and Western Esoteric Traditions, but not in Western society. Meditation It is a relatively new concept that is often misunderstood. It is widely accepted that Meditation It is a very relaxing form of relaxation that has many benefits. The brainwave patterns of experienced meditators and Monks from the East have undergone studies that have revealed the remarkable changes they are capable to. These studies and Brainwave Entrainment technology are what have made these changes possible. The Meditation Solution. Deepening understanding of the mental and physical consequences of deepening is a challenge for scientists. Meditation They’ve only scratched a few of the Psyches and Metaphysical aspects that make up the human being.
Meditation is the best way to purify your mind from past conditioning. There are many people who can teach you positive affirmations, or neuroplasticity.-Linguistic programming (NLP), who advocate the reconditioning and reconditioning the mind. The Although reprogramming can have amazing results, it doesn’t necessarily bring about spiritual awakening. You may be more positive, happier and more successful with these techniques, but you will still remain trapped in your earthly mind. The As long as you hold on to the roots of your mindset, changes are only temporary.-It is hidden beneath the surface. Reprogramming adds another layer of programming to your current conditioning, which makes your mind more complicated. The In the subconscious, deep-seated traumas from past life and this current life still remain. These deep emotional scars, which are hidden beneath the surface, can disconnect you from your true self. They form the basis for the ego.
Therapy that doesn’t address these issues or conflicts will result in superficial results.
Deep Meditation On the other hand, actually de-Conditions the mind. It clears away emotional scars. It helps to clear the mind of all conditioning and creates a stronger connection with your true self, which can lead to a possible spiritual incarnation. Along with interspiritual and spiritual experiences, you’ll have many incredible experiences with the different energies that are awakening within your body.-Experiences that are three-dimensional The The long-term result of clearing your mind of all past conditioning is the invocation of your true self, along with all its knowledge and power. This will allow you to be completely free and spontaneous, and inspire all your thoughts and actions. The above-mentioned therapies for reconditioning, or any other therapy that does not address the root of conditioning, will leave you trapped in a conditioned brain that reacts to its environment according to its programming.
As a result, this brief overview is not complete. You can find more information at
 Get Haled now! Ethan Vorly – The Meditation Solution (12 levels)
Before you begin on The Meditation Solution It is a powerful program for purification. The process of purification includes catharsis. Because the meditations that you will experience are extremely deep and are designed to reach the deepest part of your subconscious, there will be moments of emotional catharsis. The Clearing the mind of past conditioning means that all that is there must be released. It is necessary to release all the emotions that were buried deep in the subconscious. This often means catharsis. You will often feel lighter and more clear after your meditation session. It may take a while for meditations to clear emotional scars. In these cases, the cathartic process may last for several days or more. You should continue to meditate if you are experiencing prolonged catharsis. It is well-known that meditation can clear up any issues you have, leaving you lighter and more focused. The The longer you stay in catharsis, the more blissful you will feel.
The Program
The Meditation Solution It consists of 12 levels that gradually increase in power by using lower carrier frequencies.
Each level has 3 soundtracks (1 CD). Track A takes you slowly into deep delta brainwave states, while track B keeps you at gradually deeper levels (2.5hz to 1.5hz), 0.5hz, 0.3hz and 0.33hz). Track C takes you to the highest delta frequency (0.3hz).
Other programs use four CD’s per level. Each uses a different set of delta frequencies for their B tracks. They are 2.5hz to 1.5hz, 0.5hz to 0.3hz. They recommend that you use each one for two months in order to gradually drop to 0.3hz. This is the deepest and strongest.
Listeners can listen to our CDs at 0.3hz. However, they are also available in 2.5hz 1.5hz 0.5hz, and 0.3hz. Track B is held at 0.3hz. Track C is at 0.3hz. Because the four delta frequencies cause different chemical changes in your brain, this is a better way of entrain. It is better to train to all of these frequencies daily than to just one frequency for 2 months as some other systems recommend.
Although some might think that going to 0.3hz is too cathartic, experience has shown that people who use this technology are able to handle it. To slow down your progression to higher levels, you can increase the duration of track B by gradually increasing it over days or even weeks.
The With lower frequencies, levels will gradually increase in strength. You should not rush as the technology can be very powerful. The brain must restructure slowly. Each Level should be used at least once per day for six months. You can continue track C if you want to meditate for longer.
It is up to you to decide when it is time to move on to the next level. If the level you’re at is not as powerful as it once was, and you feel that you need a deeper meditation, then it is time to move on. It is important to remember that the brain takes time to rebuild itself so it is not always a good idea to move up too quickly.
Track A includes some music and the sound of rain in all levels. The Singing bowls produce precise sounds that correspond to each Chakra. They can be used to activate the Chakra that corresponds to the Chakra they are connected to and help get the energy moving. Tracks B, and C are simply rain sounds. The These peaceful sounds are embedded with brainwave technology.
As The Meditation Solution To enter the deepest delta states, headphones are required.
For the same technology, other companies may charge as much as $300 per level. Our program is powered by the latest technology and has high quality. We offer low prices to make it affordable for everyone.
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