What You’ll Discover in Jason Fladlien Speed Mission
Jason Fladlien – Speed Mission
The #1 Way To LaunchAn Entire Business Online… Or To Give ANY Existing Business A Kick In The Pants – With No Money, No Connections, And Virtually No Effort
Hey, Jason Fladlien here and wouldn’t you agree… that any system, approach, or method becomes easy if you have the necessary resources?
You get push notifications if you have an email address-Traffic via buttons You can get instant traffic from your connections if you have them. If you have tons of money, you can buy traffic… And these are just traffic examples!
You might not have the money, experience, or list to help you get started. You might need to get something going from scratch… or, like me, you like to have new ideas pay for themselves instead of investing a ton of work or money upfront… which is why I think you’re going to love this.
The Model People Love To Hate
What I find interesting is that the model that is bar none the absolute best way to launch a new business online or give a boost to any existing business… gets a bad rap.
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It’s weird, because it meets all the requirements I love to see in any method. Let’s see…
You don’t need to have a list.
You don’t need to have any experience or talent in order to do this.
It does NOT require you to work for a lot of hours or invest a ton of money before you start seeing results in your PayPal…
And… you might find this interesting: I used this method just recently for what could potentially lead to millions of dollars in my pocket.
It scales ALL the way – from scratch to millions. It is perfect, in my opinion.
What is it? And WHY do people care about it? “Hate” It?
Let’s stop teasing. The method I’m talking about is as simple as it gets. Here’s the link.
You can use the knowledge of others for your own advantage, their benefit and your customers’. Here’s what you do: 1) you find an expert, 2) interview them, and 3) create an information product out of that interview. It’s a simple three-step process.
So, why is the bad rap?
I don’t know. I think it’s because people don’t realize that it’s only a 3 step process.
… Which is pure insanity!
So people who hate it are so off the mark about this model it’s not even funny.
The reality is you can easily do it – without experience. There’s a specific way I’m going to show you that lets you get experience in a no risk environment. If you screw it up… (and for this first time, you WILL screw it up!) – it’ll still make you money if you follow the process.
Plus there’s a specific psychological trick that explains why experts actually DO want to talk to you (if you use a certain approach…) even if they have never heard of you before.
And don’t get me started on questions. It’s EASY to find and ask questions that haven’t been done to death and that provokethe expert to bring their A-Game to your interview
How to make this model work for any niche
Trust me on this: I KNOW for a fact that for almost every single individual reading this page, adding the interview model to their business or using it to make their very first dollar online… makes A LOT of sense. In fact, I think it’s the #1 way to launch a new business online or to get an existing one to the next level.
Together with my CMO, John S. Rhodes, I’ve created a system that walks you through every step of the way, removes every fear and every obstacle and propels you from nothing at all to a product that’s done and making money.
Check this out…
You can start to eat when you begin to eat Speed Mission, you’re going to immediately love it – for a couple of reasons.
For starters, it’s one of – if not ‘THE’ – easiest, quickest, most sure-Fire ways to quickly get something moving, even without prior experience. Anybody can take it and make it work.
Even more importantly… it’s something you can scale into a huge income stream because Speed Mission It’s all about building assets (through the efforts of others ) and acquiring intellectual properties that will make your money over and over.
Here’s what takes the cake…
What makes it special? Speed Mission really unique is you’re getting a whole bunch of unique ‘twists’ to this proven model that…
Will change the expert’s attitude towards you in a snap and make them DESPERATE to be working with you ( How? … Thanks to one little thing you’ll say – look for the exact phrase inside and use it verbatim… )
Lets you come up with exactly the right questions to ask to extract maximum value out of the expert – as a result, your interview product is going to be much more substantial, unique, and valuable to your audience
Shows where to find as many qualified experts as you want – that each may have a HUGE audience and a HUGE platform for you to tap into…
You also get a complete overview of the products. ‘quick-start manual’ You can get up and running today if you wish
Of course, that’s not nearly it – you’re going to get systems, step by step approaches, all that good stuff.
Here’s exactly what you’re getting…
First, 5 modules provide you with the complete system. Each module explains the steps step-by step.-sonic speed and profit – as well as the big picture of how everything fits together. Take a look…
Module 1: The fastest and smartest 5-You can follow a step-by-step process to complete your first interview. You need to create an environment where you can learn and feel confident without pressure.
Module 2: How to extract maximum market value“MMV”Even without talent or experience, you can still do it. These are the steps to build your business.-Traffic is key. You can explore any niche and reap the benefits of the power and success of experts.
Module 3 The “One Foot Hurdles” These are the things that are very easy to solve or overcome in a short time and with little or no effort (or none!). financial investment. Discover why experts are eager to talk with you, how brilliant questions can be asked, how to make customers happy, and much more.
Module 4 This module gives you more advanced access to do Speed Mission Simple, yet highly effective methods are used to conduct style interviews. How to win: Know who and when you should target them. “game” Before you start, learn how to make experts happy and how writers can help. Speed Mission Product sales letters and many other things!
Module #5 Six people can make or break you Speed Mission project. Five of them are great, and one will ruin your product and steal your time like a vampire. Find out who’s most important and least important for your interview product and how to work with all of them in exactly the right way.
Download immediately Jason Fladlien – Speed Mission
Plus, you’re also getting a mindmap that lets you review the process at a glance and do each of the steps in a simple, follow-You can continue to live your life in style, without opening the members area or viewing the videos.
That’s not NEARLY It!
While there’s a WEALTH of information available in these modules and the mindmap… You’re getting much more than that when you invest in Speed Mission today.
You’re also getting an audio recording of me, Jason Fladlien, discussing the interview model in front of a live audience, giving away all kinds of secrets like…
Case Study #1 “The Quick And Dirty Interview” – how we quickly did an interview with a multi-Millionaires that are billionaires! listen to and created a product that is a success. How much time did it take to create this product? Under 3 hours…
The 6 Types Of Experts you’ll encounter when interviewing people are The Egghead, The Marketer, The Connector, The _______, The _______, and The _________ – and why stay away from the last 2 if at all possible ( Important: if you approach this the WRONG way, you’ll never get an interview product done… )
Case Study #2 “The Pro Interview Event” – at the other side of the spectrum as far as the interview products go, you’ll find these huge multi-Expert events and products. Here’s a case study of an event just like that which I was a part of…
The Psychology of Experts – and why a LOT of knowledgeable and important people actually are EAGER to talk to you and to say YES to participating with their resources in whatever you’re building for yourself
The “Sponsor” Trick – how to get a 3rd party PAY for your idea
You can find out more about it here.
Of course, you’re also getting a word-By-word transcript of the recording which weighs in at 23 pages and more than 12,000 words – you’re going to love this if you learn faster by reading or want to review key concepts quickly after listening to the recording.
Is There Money in the Money after You Hit The Save Button
The bottom line is… Speed Mission is a great way to build a business from nothing at all, and it’s something I can wholeheartedly recommend to complete beginners as well as entrepreneurs who have been around the block.
Why? The most important reason is that it doesn’t require you to ramp up before you start making money. As soon as you’re done with your first product, you can be in the money HOURS after hitting the Save button – how awesome is that?
With that in mind…
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Speed Mission
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