What You’ll Discover in Kresser Institute ADAPT Framework Level 1
Kresser Institute – ADAPT Framework Level 1
The number of chronic diseases is on the rise. It is not possible to stop the current healthcare system from accelerating this rate.
These are some sobering trends to consider:
One in every two Americans suffers from chronic disease. It is responsible for seven out of ten deaths in the United States.
100 million Americans—nearly one in three—have either prediabetes or diabetes.
50 million Americans have an auto immune disease, which is more than both cancer and heart disease.
Now, one in 45 children has autism spectrum disorder. This is an increase from the 1999 figure of one in 500. This year, autism will be diagnosed in more children than AIDS, diabetes and cancer.
The rate of type 2 diabetes in children and teens is increasing by almost 5 percent a year.
Alzheimer’s is now the sixth leading cause of death in the United States; the number of deaths has increased by 89 percent since 2000. Alzheimer’s kills more people than prostate and breast cancer combined.
Globally, the cost of healthcare for chronic diseases will reach $47 trillion by 2030 if it is not controlled. That’s more than the annual GDP of the six largest economies in the world.
Chronic disease is sabotaging our health, and the current medical model is leaving patients sicker than ever—and practitioners like you exhausted, frustrated, and dismayed.
82% of practitioners agreed that the phrase was correct.
“I am disillusioned with conventional medicine.”
Here are the reasons healthcare is in crisis. Conventional medicine fails to meet this need.
The problem is that our current healthcare system, as you well know, isn’t healthcare at all—it’s disease management—and as a practitioner, your hands are tied.
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With conventional medicine, if a patient presents with…
stomach pain, they’re given an acid-Suppressing drug
high cholesterol, they’re given a drug to lower it
a skin rash, they’re given a steroid to suppress it
What’s more, if a patient has a health problem that can’t be fixed by a pill—like an autoimmune disease, digestive disorder, or simply fatigue—conventional medicine has very little to offer.
Patients want a new way to treat chronic diseases. This includes recognizing that lifestyle and diet are key factors in health and disease.
Discouragement is a doctor who has his hand on his forehead.
Kirk Parsley
As an MD, I’ve learned extremely important clinical information from Chris that was simply not taught to me throughout my five years of medical education.
Kirk Parsley, MD, Former SEAL, physician for West Coast SEALs and Division Officer for SEAL Technical Athlete Centre
We need people like yours.
Together, with a new approach to healthcare, we can turn the tide and reverse the course of chronic disease—for good.
Not only can you help stem the tide of chronic disease, but you can also enjoy a more fulfilling career—by giving yourself the tools and the model to do the one thing you got into this business to do: dramatically improve people’s health and lives.
An effective approach and a rewarding practice go hand-in-hand.
The world needs more Functional Medicine practitioners with an ancestral perspective—one that goes beyond symptom suppression to address the real issue: the mismatch between our bodies and our environment.
How does this innovative approach work?
Imagine a healthcare system that aims to:
Instead of managing chronic disease, prevent and reverse it
Physicians, nurses, health professionals, and practitioners can be inspired, fulfilled, and rewarding.
Establish a network that supports each other and your patients by collaborating with other healthcare professionals
Individuals, governments, and organizations can lower the cost for healthcare
Offer the vital and missing layer of emotional and moral support that patients need to make lifestyle and behavioral changes, as well as cope with stress.
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Unconventional medicine is on the rise.
Millions have seen their chronic diseases reversed by Functional Medicine, ancestral diet, and lifestyle changes.
The Cleveland Clinic opened a center for Functional Medicine—and already has a six-Month-long wait list
Private clinics, primary-care groups, and even large institutions such the Cleveland Clinic are all using unconventional medicine with great success.
Christian Tucker
I can’t emphasize enough the benefits I’ve received from this program…
“As a mid-career physician making the transition from pediatric anesthesia into Functional Medicine, the ADAPT Program has provided me with a po
Read more here: http://archive.is/U8Iv3
Here’s What You’ll Get in Kresser Institute – ADAPT Framework Level 1
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