What You’ll Discover in Michael Breen Emotional Mastery How to Manage your State
Michael Breen – Emotional Mastery – How to Manage your State
“Finally Revealed, Many Of The
Most Effective Techniques To
Master Your Emotions…. So You Can
Create More Success, Health and
Better Relationships In Your Life”
You are about to There are many distinctions to be made
Few people realize that emotional mastery can transform your quality of life. your Life, relationships, and your career…
Why Mastering Yourself Is Important
Why are Emotions Important?
Whatever your goals and aspirations, your life, your The key to success or failure is how it is influenced your Capacity to Manage your emotions. Both. your Your own and those of others. Few skills are as valuable as those that are. But few people are good at what they do.
But emotions are the source for real power.
This skill can be used in any context. your life,
Home with family, friends, clients, in business contexts. Love and relationships. Financial and career.
You can take charge of your life. your You have the power to feel emotions to Change your life your life.
Emotional Mastery Is Key
To our Health, Happiness
And Success
But mastering our emotions
It is not something that any of us can do
Are You a Teacher in Schools?
The Problem
- We don’t have any training in how to do it. to Manage your emotions
- Our emotional responses often make us feel weak.
- Sometimes emotions can seem overwhelming to Control us
- They don’t come with the tools to make it easy for us.
If we allow our emotions to control our lives, then they will never change. Often, it is not for the best.
What does it cost?
Download it immediately Michael Breen – Emotional Mastery – How to Manage your State
It’s possible to think about it…
You can’t manage if you don’t. your emotions…
…In your career?
…In your Are you looking for personal relationships?
You are the best you can be-esteem?
…Your love life?
…Your finances?
…Your health?
What was the price of not being able? to Managers who are more effective your Feelings your life?
It is a MASSIVE expense.
- How We feel it every day
- How Others feel about you
- How Far your Progress in your Karriere
- In our personal relationships
- Failure to Our dreams and goals will be realized
Because managing is rewarding your Emotions are powerful.
There are huge rewards for mastering your emotions
These are just a few of the areas that it has an impact. your life. People who can control their emotions are…
- Happier
- Have better relationships
- Experience greater joy in being alive
- Increase your confidence
- Higher self-esteem-Acceptance and esteem
- A more balanced life
- More success
- Healthier
- Make more friends and have more connections
The Truth About Emotional Mastery This is the Truth for Most People
Don’t Know
It’s a skill.
You can always learn more and improve.
You can develop Greater control with your Enjoy more options and emotions your life using proven techniques.
Research in neuroscience and change technology is advancing
Points of the Way to Practical tools to increase your emotional freedom and self-esteem-control.
What We Know
From Neuroscience
One of the first laws that neuroscience has established is: “fires together, wires together”. Emotions don’t just happen to You, they are a result of your Nervous system activation to respond.
Emotions can be a response to Perceived events or situations.
The triggers for emotions and the reactions to them are both personal. They are not in the environment. They don’t even exist in the environment.
We all have our triggers, and we all have our reactions.
One of the greatest discoveries made in the last 40 years was that triggers can be modified, changed and even removed quickly.
What are the benefits? your triggers?
Take a look at a recent situation in which you had a strong experience. “negative” emotion.
- Was there a strong reaction to something that happened just before?
- What caused it? to React in this manner?
- Did you see, hear, or feel it?
- Oder a combination of both?
Remember that emotions can be a response to circumstances to Perceived events and perceived situations
You should think about it…
People’s “Triggers” Are you
Firing Everyday
- Parent who loses it together with their child
- A guy who looks at a pretty girl and then freezes.
- A woman who is trying to Lose weight but not too-She eats because she is depressed.
You can go on. The opposite response is also possible, which you can learn.
When it comes to Mastering your You have two options when it comes to emotions:
- You can figure it out for yourself.
- You should find someone who has spent many years mastering these skills and can teach you. Strategies and shortcuts that work to Get in control now.
Emotional Mastery
How To Manage
Your State
This Expert Training is for you
You’ll Learn:
- What really is going on? You feel better when you are around other people “crap, stressed, angry” etc.
- These are the key components They have an impact on every state you’ll ever experience
- You’ll be able to master these two. to Change your State With ease, feel confident your Capacity to Better manage stress and other life challenges
- How Emotions can be linked your nervous system So you can be alert For when things get wired up, which may not be a good thing for you (and how). to Set up emotional states that bring you happiness
- Explore How to Deal with anger issues Transform anger problems
- Learn the three master patterns to pull the rug out. “run away states” You can have control over states That could be happening. Havoc over you live
- Learn how to use powerful NLP processes to Stop being habituated Emotional Response
- Get step by step instruction on how to Shift your emotional “set point”
- Michael We will be sharing a number of Making small changes is possible to Use to dramatically increase the positive emotions you feel
- A 7 step inventory to Let us help you identify How you scored in terms of the variety of emotions you feel
- Explore 7 powerful practices to Achieving greater emotional diversity. These are MichaelThese are the top recommendations to You will experience greater emotional influence and significant change …. when you do these things.
- The same powerful processes can be learned Michael He follows his own path in his life to You can always choose from a variety of options Regardless Of what appears to be taking place around the globe
- Michael’s “counter-intuitive technique” to make other people feel great around and you are able to use that feeling with anyone, any day.
- 3 powerful techniques to quickly Release tension your Faster metabolism to increase energy and feeling better
- How to Use the sub-Modalities your Experience to transform feelings quickly
- Learn about three ways to do it to Restore “good” You get into a tailspin when you do something to it.
- The fastest process Michael Paul McKenna, celebrity hypnotist, discovered to You can put anyone into an alpha state that is relaxed and more comfortable than trance-induction.
- …. and many more
Meet Michael Breen
One of the industry’s most well respected
Executive coaches and Master NLP Trainers
This training is provided by an international team.-NLP Trainer and Celebrity Coach for Class Master NLP Trainer Michael Breen. Michael has:
- More than 30 years of experience in teaching NLP around world
- Master Hypnotist and NLP Master DHE Trainer
- Co‐founded largest NLP training school in the world
- For 10 years, co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna
- Are you an expert in behavioral change?
- Consulting in management to Many Fortune 100 companies
- The UK’s first NLP business practitioner
- One of Europe’s top executive coaches
- And is well-known for making NLP easy to learn. to Apply
- Over 80,000 students were taught by her
How Much Is Mastering Your Emotions Worth To You?
- To be more in control of your emotions
- To be able to Stop runaway states and take back control your Responses
- To be able to Negative emotions can be transformed to make you more successful your Family, friends, clients
How This skill is worth a lot to you?
How It would be worth a lot to There are dozens of ways to do it. to Influence your You can feel more positive emotions. To be able to Make others feel happy and emotionally strong.
Hundreds, Thousands? Tens of thousands
Emotional Mastery Is Only $49
Includes all 6 MP3 tracks
Training takes approximately 2 1/2 hours
You can download the entire training.
Anytime, anyplace
A 61-Training transcript page
plus training assignments
Access immediately to The course
after purchase
Read more: http://archive.is/XgDS3
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