What You’ll Discover in Robert Smith Faster EFT Training II Course
Imagine yourself as someone who has experienced an open, honest, direct and sincere outcome-Oriented communication and have used conscious creativity language all your life File Size: 9.2GB
Robert Smith – Faster EFT – Training II Course
Introduction to Conscious Languageâ„¢ (1 CD) + Conscious Languageâ„¢ 101 (3 CDs)
By Robert Tennyson Stevens
Imagine yourself as someone who has experienced an open, honest, direct and sincere outcome-You have always used conscious creativity language and have communicated in a logical way. Imagine that your Mother and Father planned for you and chose you. They prepared you with their deep spiritual focus and commitment. Imagine being welcomed by loving family members and attendants at your birth. Imagine you remember who you really are…
The power of words is in their ability to communicate. When we feel and align our Hearts with what we are speaking, the full power of our language can be unleashed. Pure speech is already within our Hearts. Your heart can speak. Choose to make your life easy and fun. May your Love & Success increase with each newly chosen word.
Download it immediately Robert Smith – Faster EFT – Training II Course
All my blessings, love, and victory to you Robert Tennyson Stevens
ROBERT TENNYSON STEEVENS is the CEO and developer of Mastery Systems Corporation. He is also the author and facilitator of a unique program of personal and professional empowerment technologies and trainings. Over thirty years. Robert He has extensive research, synthesized and enhanced innovative methods to achieve health and success. He has a deep understanding of how language, imagination, emotions and body language affect each other. This allows him to give his students exact tools to duplicate his success. Robert Provides personal and team coaching for individuals who are interested in achieving and maintaining paradigm shifts regarding health, business, communication, and heartfelt results in their personal as well as professional lives.
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