What You’ll Discover in Seth Ellsworth IAMONE Graduate Training
It is available for download in 1 – 3 Days. This will help you to stay focused, be consistent and more. Without the pressure, stress, noise and fear of losing what’s most important, or being less than you are, you can take on any challenge.
Seth Ellsworth – IAMONE Graduate Training
This is how we do it. “Phone Booth” We can be consistent, focused, and perform every day in 2 minutes
This is sorta like a bonus Day 22?
Do me the favor of looking into your eyes. Keep your eyes open while you are wearing sunglasses Each word on this page.
There’s no need for fancy-This is pants verbiage.
You probably already know whether you are interested in the grad program.
You now know more than you did when you first started.
- What you can expect from me.
- What we can do together
- Do more for yourself than you ever have before.
- We’ve made it this far.
- You don’t want this journey to end.
- This is where you are now.
- You can do so much more.
- It is better to do it all together.
- I am a cheezy cheezey face.
It’s that simple. you’ve earned the chance to go deeper and experience MORE and I’ll show you how to do that.
Here’s the deal friend…
If you enjoyed, resented/appreciated/liked the Breakthrough Challenge, and/or felt or experienced life,-Results can be altered …. You will love the grad program. It’s lit (as our teenager would put it).
QUESTION:Â Together we have gained a lot of momentum.
You want to continue building on this?
But it doesn’t matter how it’s delivered.
Grad training is more intense than that of the BC ….. I want to be more involved in your life.
Why is it so limited?
When it comes to your identity, letting time go is a bad idea.-Based growth. Why would you want to succumb to complacency
This is the result of doing it right…
The Breakthrough Challenge has shown you the real you.
Flashes of your Super-A friend followed by a full-Telefonische Unterschrift-Boothing.
QUESTION: Are you looking for your Super?-Do you find a friend who is more reliable and predictable to be more helpful?
You are lucky, because you will be able to enjoy the “Clark Kent” The sightings are rare.
IAMONEâ„¢ is a simple yet comprehensive identity-Super dashboard based on data-Keep your friend around.
It will help you be more focused and consistent. Without the pressure, stress, noise and fear of losing what’s most important, or being less than you are, you can take on any challenge.
It’s what happens when one asset always matters and you focus on it.
It is changing Everything.
DISCLAIMER: None of us have the guts to be Superman all the time. Not even Superman. There will always be ebbs, and flows. Because life and Lex Luthors and kryptonite are both ebbs and flows. But with IAMONEâ„¢ you have more control than ever and can quickly and easily recover from bouts of amnesia.
Realize… It’ll be difficult to create. What could you have expected? It will require work on multiple levels of your beliefs about yourself.
But, you have shown you are up for the challenge.
Let me ask you, friend…
What is more important …., or more influential?
- You can lock in your results and back it up by performance
- To recover from distractions.
- To make it bulletproof to those things that used take you out the game.
What if… Imagine being 50% more efficient in your most important areas of life and work today. How about 75%?
For tracking growth accurately…
FACT: In the 6 years that I have been doing this …., the average productivity increase for past clients has been well over 323%. This is often done while you work less.
Unquestionable growth is achieving more of the important stuff.
DISCLAIMER: Those were private client cases (which I do not take on any more than in rare instances). …. I don’t claim that’s what will happen, but what if it gets to 300%?
It is impossible that you don’t feel a flood of goodness if you’re Superhuman.-Today and every day, be a friend.
What can you expect from Superman?-Is it a friend thing?
You can’t stop the inevitable flow intangibles qualitative that matter more than money.
- Momentum?
- Focus?
- Clarity?
- Confidence?
- Fulfillment?
- Happiness?
- Connection?
Get your instant download Seth Ellsworth – IAMONE Graduate Training
All that extra is just the gravy of controlling just one thing.
This is because you focus on only what really matters.
Yep, just 2 minutes per day (After we do it the IAMONE™work together).
Because complexity can make it difficult to see the important things , we are all hungry for simplicity .
This is the simplicity and power of ONE.
- One phone booth
- One time per day (or more, if necessary).
- One “masternode” This is the only way to control all other things.
- ONE Super-Friend.
This is IAMONEâ„¢
This is the top level.
- Super-customized Super-FactoryRefer a friend dashboard. One side of a sheet of paper (I use 1 per quarter). It’s eco-friendly. There are no years worth of journals you can buy. This sums up to 2-minute process to ANYTHING you are already doing in the morning to maximize it. One 2-minute glance of your almighty eye is all you need to step into your phone booth and stack the deck in your favor to crush your day.
- Complete training. No hidden fees. No partial concepts. No untimely sales pitches. There were no holds.
- All the training you need in a sequence format. Videos, worksheets, support, etc. You can’t skip ahead.
- The Mute Button Exercise (Lesson 6). It’s a life changer. This will help you get to the core of who and what you really are. This will allow us to activate it daily.
- You can take your time. It is 100% flexible and can be done at your pace. It can be done in just a few days, or you can take it all in and soak it all in.
- Access for life, with any updates. These happen every day.
- The 5-Word Fixâ„¢ Lol. This is my favorite tool. It’s amazing. It’s the easiest way to keep up the momentum that you have created. This is the short story. A dude paid me $15k to coach. I gave him the 5 Word Fix the very first time we spoke. It activates the Super- Friend in seconds when you use it properly. He was unwilling to let me teach him anything. This was over four years ago. He still uses it every day. Just received a message from me. It’s so simple and effective. You can easily replace the …. words with these five words if you feel distracted, distracted, or procrastinating ….. The full training is provided, not only the how but also a detailed explanation of why.
- The Breakthrough Challenge Archive. Yup. You can. I have compiled all the information you’ve accessed during the BC and put it together in one place. The BC is closed to you after you complete it. You only have to make one trip. It’s one trip through.
- 6-Months Access “The Grove”: It will be available shortly. It will be yours. You will get 6 months of free access-You can continue your training by paying minths or a charter rate. Each month, new trainings. Monthly group calls Seth. (After 6 months its just $77 per month for you or $597 per year. You can cancel at any time More information …. We’re still building that community. This is why you’ll get 6 months instead of 3. It’s all new.
- The Purpose Tracks Without even having to ask them, you can find big answers for the most important questions. Discover how easy it is to achieve success and get the productivity system I use that fits perfectly into your life. IAMONE.
- INTRASCENSION™ Core. This framework provides the background for the BC. It is the reason it works. I use this framework for diagnosing any dips or problems in my productivity and identity to prescribe a solution. It is so easy to understand that you will never need another mindset training. This is it. It will help you chart your journey to inner growth. My private coaching clients help me to stay focused on this framework, and master it.
- INTRASCENSION™ Size Matters… This is how we play the chess game. The chess match. It’s the moves that matter. It’s simple and easy. If you’ve ever felt doubt, fear, anxiety. If you’ve ever procrastinated or fallen off the rails and not sure what to do, Size Matters is how to use the INTRASCENSION™ assets to right the ship quickly, to turn your Superhuman Nature on and step back into the phone booth. You will be a formidable machine with the confidence and clarity gained from this training.
- Get lifetime updates I reserve the right not to add any information. Yes, I will. Because you have lifetime access to any new course or training.
One-Time Payment of $995
(with HUGE) $ discount)
- You earned $ Breakthrough Bucks during the challenge.
- You deposit $. This is your credit.
- These are all combined to give you a HUGE discount $
NOTE: Graduate training is available at any time for $995. You will still have access to your deposit credit. …. Breakthrough Bucks will soon expire. Let’s go!
Simple Payment Plan
(With just your $Â Credit)
P.S. No matter where we go, I will always love you.
Is there a money-back guarantee? No. You should now feel the value of What we do and How It’s all done from the inside. You don’t have to be a part of our grad training program if you are not. Either you fully step in or you don’t. This is a trust issue. Are you not able to trust yourself?
I am not ready to jump in yet, can I join later? You can join at any time. You have the power to change your life. Breakthrough Bucks are subject to expiration. You’ll be able to save a little so it’s best to get them now. We’ll still be there when you need us.
Why not charge more? LOL, I get asked this all of the time. My industry colleagues are furious that I used charge up to $15k for BC ….. So now, a deposit-The majority of programs that charge $15k or more are better if they are not based. Added to that, IAMONEâ„¢ and the grad training suite is just $995. It’s far lower than usual. Why? My motivation is completely different. My motivation is different.-Change your principles and identify those who are ready to dig deeper. There is nothing against the $15k price tag If not It doesn’t give you the value that you need (which is a problem way too often). That’s it. I don’t want to and can’t charge that much. I think $995 is enough to make it worthwhile for me and reasonable for you. I would rather reach more people for less than there are people who can do the same thing for me. Do you see the logic?
What is the purpose of selling something? LOL. This makes me smile. This is a question I am often asked. The Breakthrough Challengeâ„¢ was a tremendous undertaking to serve the world in the highest way possible for pretty much free…. It’s unlike anything else on the planet. Although this is a business and not charity, it is still a mission that requires funding to sustain. It’s how I provide for my loved ones fund the charity of my wife and show my love to all who are in need. Your ticket should be worth more than it is. You have been winning the lottery up to now. It will continue to be in your favor even after you join. IAMONE.â„¢ Inside the grad training and community it’ll be no different.
Why is this? “Breakthrough Bucks” For the payment plan? To reward the dedicated choice and because it’s tech nightmare ….-Pay is a way to create a better work environment. If it’s possible, it’s the best way to go.
Access to the program for 6 months IAMONEâ„¢ community? Normally, you would have access for 3 months. But the community is still in development and could take a while. As usual, it will offer nothing but the best in terms value, community, and feeling.
Why is access to the Breakthrough Challengeâ„¢ content being removed? You can make the most of your one-way trip. You can use your human nature to benefit you and not against you if you pay attention. Access to BC content will be removed from your account if you decide not to participate in the grad training. If you wish to review, please do so now.
How long is it? IAMONEâ„¢ going to take? You only get what you put into it. But, go at your own pace. Training is just enough. It doesn’t matter how long, because I don’t keep track of it. We care only about what it will do for you. Do you agree? It’s NOT 14,342 hours of preloaded content into the robust, over-You’ll never log in or lose your login credentials ….. You will experience a life-changing result, just like every other thing we do. It will change your life. IAMONEâ„¢ dashboard will change everything for you.
What format does the training take? It is sequential training using the same multimedia as you are used to. It’s not an intensely human nature-Just enough to keep your Super energized-Honesty is the best policy. It is not spoonfull, there are no birdies looking over your shoulder.-fed. It is forbidden to skip ahead, as each layer of training builds upon the last.
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Seth Ellsworth – IAMONE Graduate Training” Completely Downloadable You will have access to it immediately. In the event of a broken or lost link, we will quickly renew your link. We appreciate your patience.