What You’ll Discover in Steven Burton Dim Mak Secrets
Steven Burton – Dim Mak Secrets
So here’s exactly what you’re going to get in this package…. And it’s awesome • The Complete Dim-Mak Secrets Combat Training Set: 5 DVDsDim Mak’ secrets DVD set • The 2 DVD ‘Forbidden Dim Mak’ DVD set • The ancient and lost pressure point and Dim-Mak chart from Master Hohan Soken • Dim Mak Secrets A4 ring binder work book to take to training classes • Dim Mak Masters Secrets CD ROM (PASSWORD PROTECTED for privacy) • TWO A3 Dim Mak point wall charts • All the above presented in a Metal case to keep the information secure.
Everything you need to know about this amazing art.
Dim Mak DVD 1 – Foundation Within this foundational DVD, you’ll also learn… • A run-The striking techniques used in Dim-Mak To ensure that dim gets a hit, there are several ways of striking.-mak points) – Steven Runs through the best for you. (Fists are NOT compatible with Dim-Mak) • Specific, versatile, focused striking techniques that Dim-Mak Hit points are a method used by Chinese masters. Please use with caution. • How to use ‘Shaking Energy’ like Dim-Mak Chinese Masters harness the power of “over”-The-Top’ power Dim-Mak, ensuring you go from rookie to someone who can cause massive damage to any opponent • How to FOCUS your energy on an extremely small point…this is the ‘secret’ to Dim-Mak and will cause untold damage to your attacker You’ll also learn the secret of the iron needle…Steven’s favourite striking techniques …and more… Dim Mak DVD 2 – Making things in the body go wrong
Next on DVD 2 Steven Burton The Shaolin principles, principles, and’secrets to success’ were revealed. Dim-Mak work. I’m talking about things like Yin and Yang, using ‘opposites’ effectively, meridians and using the destructive cycle…how to affect Chi and make sure it ‘travels’ throughout the body…the ’12 times’ principle that means you can strike someone…and they only collapse a few days later. How to use the Principles of Yin and Yang to make the attacker’s body collapse
Dim Mak DVD 3 – 12 Major Dim Mak points You’ll learn… • How to throw the heart out of sync using a certain point with the lion head strike = extremely dangerous material that is not to be shared with anyone. You should use caution and not in training.
• How to ‘hook’ a certain point to make your opponent nauseous – yes, he will literally feel sick after this one
• A point that affects the person’s entire intestinal and digestive system – it will cause severe pain when struck then major problems afterward (when you effect the digestive system, all sorts of problems can ensue)
• A two-finger move that creates a ‘horrible feeling’, making your opponents legs collapse from under him…yes, using just two fingers…
• A point that, when struck correctly, will cause parts of a bone to ‘float’ off around the body…causing unheard of destruction and pain. Only in extreme cases.
• A huge point that affects the legs. When you strike this, it will also break the ankle as well as affecting the whole body – all at the same time. Use this correctly and your opponent will pass out – the pain is THAT over-whelming.
• The Dim-Mak ‘brain switch off’ point – using this is like hitting on ‘OFF’ switch on your opponent’s brain! It’s best to use it in conjunction with the strikes Steven will show you and watch out – you can make a man crumble and lock him out with ease as his brain switches down.
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Dim Mak DVD 4
• Further 12 Major Dim Mak Points Steven Another DVD was added with 12 more of these dangerous and secretive DVDs Dim-Mak How to use points to your advantage You’ll also learn about the 24 most dangerous and secretive points. Dim-Mak The Striking Points
You will also learn …. An aspect that disrupts the entire body. This is like an explosion in your internal organs
. • A super-Easy target that can be used in headlocks.-One knows of this or is tempted to do it. This can be used in any type of headlock and your attacker will collapse.
• A ‘vessel’ point which can cause neurological symptoms if struck. It is a horrible pain. Steven He states it himself. This is how it works. Steven This has been used on the “front.”-lines’.
• A point which is the human energy centre – hitting this will drain the energy right out of him and may even cause unwanted bladder movements.
• Blood pressure lowering point – causing knockout. This point can be used in conjunction with a claw or pinch to give you complete control over your attacker.
• A effective point that can cause sinus membrane rupturing…even though it’s NOT on the nose!
Dim Mak DVD 5 – Applied Street Dim Mak Applied Street Dim-Mak This DVD
The DVDs will teach you how to use the knowledge from the previous DVDs to actually go out and apply it to the streets as a ‘Combat System. You’ll be able to know what to do and when. No doubts. This information will give you the knowledge that you need to make use of these points in many different ways.-A variety of street situations.
You’ll discover…
• How a simple slap from a grab can cause an knockout (and NOT from hitting the face or head)
• How to defend from a punch and cause the body to effectively ‘reset’ itself, causing your attacker to crumble like the proverbial cookie.
• How to TEAR muscles using a simple Dim-Mak You can do that! Steven This will help you.
• Simple point that ‘releases’ a neck…allowing you to quickly knockout, fell or otherwise ‘damage’ your attacker
• A virtually ‘unknown’ Dim-Mak The secret behind your ability to manipulate and play with your attacker is the eye. This is a very rare fact and gives you an unfair advantage on the streets. Forbidden Dim Mak Secrets
• Advanced Dim Mak disk 1 & 2 These are the secrets that have been passed down for generations from Wu-It’s a mountain, and very few people will see it.
You’ll learn…
• How to shut down an organ, so a person will need treatment to survive
• A LUNG point that can actually cause the lung to collapse. This can cause the lung to collapse.
• A stomach point that can cause instant unconsciousness… and also delayed (and even worse) effects in the long-term
Download it immediately Steven Burton – Dim Mak Secrets
• A simple PALM point that must be struck at a set time to cause maximum damage. This can actually damage the heart.
• A navel point that must be hit at a certain time that will affect the digestive system, causing let’s just say ‘ill’ effects at a later date (Steven will explain in full on this ‘forbidDen’ DVD) … and much much more OK, I’ve told you what Steven has created for you here – a tour-de-Force ‘everything to be revealed’ 5-DVD Set…
PLUS 2 additional-DVDs on Forbidden’ Dim-Mak Secrets’ (that’s 7-There are total of DVDs
There’s still more …. Although you may not have heard of Hohan Sken, he is one the most respected and well-known karate masters in the 20th century.
• A Grand Master based out of Okinawa, who taught some of the most powerful principles you’ll ever see. Fortunately, Steven He has been able to locate, hunt down, and ‘collar for’ you the old pressure point. Dim-Mak Hohan’s secret drawings…yes, Hohan the Okinawan master’s pressure point secret. Dim-Mak Few people will ever have the ability to access charts that are so detailed and informative. Dim-Mak ‘Death Touch’ points.
There’s more …. You’ll also receive a workbook which consolidates the principles on your DVD …., and an additional CD calledDim Mak Masters Secrets” which will increase your understanding. You’ll also get two more! Dim-Mak Use wall charts! These can be used to help you remember what you’ve learned or in training.
This is a huge amount of information, as you can see. It’s also the fastest and easiest way to learn about this terrible art.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Dim Mak Secrets
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