What You’ll Discover in The Silva Life System 2.0
The Silva Life System 2.0
The personal evolution system is used by everyone, from scientists to award-winning celebrities to your next door neighbor.
The Silva Life System is our bestselling multimedia home training program that trains you to awaken your mind’s full potential. In it you’ll find a time-tested system of active mind tools and insights that over 6 million people – including CEOs, athletes, bestselling artists and medical professionals – use to realize their peak potential every day.
And in 2012, 5 years after launching the original program, we’ve updated The Silva Life System You can now upgrade to the latest version. It features a new framework, optimized tools and techniques and better results. This will make learning more enjoyable.
What You Can Gain From Silva
The Silva Method has been extensively studied at universities all over the globe and its scientific benefits have been proven. This is what you can expect to gain…
1Banish stress and live a happy life
You can quickly learn how to get into deep meditation in a matter of minutes. You are free from all distractions. Sounds don’t disturb you. Stress disappears. Productivity increases. Ambitions are clear and focused without distraction. No longer are your worries a hindrance.
The Silva Life System The instructor will guide you verbally and mentally through 10 sessions of deep Alpha/Theta Level meditations.
Get rid of stress with deep meditation. Silva Method for mind control
Positive thinking patterns can be developed with the Silva Method for mind control
2 Develop positive thought patterns
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After studying Silva’s training, Dr. James Motif of the Psychology Department in Hope University, Australia, found that it led to an increase in adherence to moral and ethical standards, positive attitudes to family members and better social self-image. It also reduced self-criticism.
In addition, Dr. George Desau has conducted a study about Silva Graduates of the Incarnate School for Girls, San Antonio, Texas, discovered that our curriculum helped them to build ego strength, prevent shyness, increase trust and cooperation among peers, and lead to more self-assurance, warmth, and open-heartedness.
3Learn to naturally accelerate your body’s rate of healing
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Jose Silva I believe that healing begins with the mind.
The Silva Life System you will learn a variety of mental visualization methods designed to accelerate your mind and body’s natural capacity for physical and emotional healing. A variety of medical professionals have endorsed these results.
Dr. O. Carl Simonton, a world-renowned researcher in cancer therapy, has described the Silva Method is one of the “most powerful single tools” He can offer his patients.
The ability to accelerate your body’s healing rate with the Silva Method for mind control
The ability to increase creativity and attain alpha levels of meditation is a great way to boost your creativity Silva Method for mind control
4 Boost your creativity
Research has shown that creativity can be enhanced when working at the Alpha level.
Listening to Silva Life SystemThis course will teach you how to get to the Alpha level and to use your creative brain to think up solutions to problems, boost creativity, and let inspiration flow.
Silva Graduates have used this process for patent development, starting new businesses, and to create works, literature, or music. Here are some examples.
Richard Bach, best-selling author, is praised The Silva Methode: “Mental discipline and creative visualization are what’s behind the power of the Silva Method,” he said in an article in Harper’s Bazaar magazine. Bach also credits inspiration with The Silva Method was his secret weapon in finishing his best-selling book. “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.
Dr. Severinsen, band leader, has written music while he was in his Alpha level. He stated that it helped him to connect with his spiritual life and made him a better person.
Harry Jackson, a world-renowned sculptor, said that it gave him the peace of heart he was looking for.
5Think big to achieve powerful goals
The Silva Life System It is much more than a motivational self help course. Although motivational self-help courses can leave you feeling high for a few days, many people revert back to their old ways within weeks. But not with Silva.
Studies have shown that Silva You will become more confident, positive and self-assured as a result of these programs. Most importantly, you will be able to think bigger and set higher goals to help others.
Whether you’re 12 years old or 80 years old, Silva Makes you think bigger and gives you the drive to do more with your life.
You can think big and achieve powerful goals using the Silva Method for mind control
You can improve your performance in sports or career with the Silva Method for mind control
6Performance Enhancement for Sports, Careers
Charles Garfield is a former NASA scientist and president of The Performance-Science Institute, Berkeley, California, discusses a remarkable experiment by Soviet sports scientists.
The A study was done to determine the impact of visualization and mental training on four world-class athletes in the days leading up to the 1980 Olympics at Lake Placid. The These four elite athletes were broken into four different groups:
Group 1: Completed 100% physical training.
Group 2: 75% did physical training, 25% mental.
Group 3: Did 50% of the physical training and 50% of the mental training.
Group 4: 25% did physical training, 75% was mental training.
What the researchers found was that group 4—the group with the most mental training—had shown significantly greater improvement than group 3.
Also, group 3 had greater improvements than group 2, while group 2 had a better result than group 1.
The The results were astounding. It was surprising to see that athletes who train mentally were able achieve greater results than those who train physically.
Garfield stated, “During mental rehearsal, athletes create mental images of the exact movements they want to emulate in their sport. Use of this skill substantially increases the effectiveness of goal-setting, which up until then had been little more than a dull listing procedure.”
With the Silva Life SystemYou can practice these mental rehearsals. The The results can be extremely significant.
7Sleep better, and you can learn to dream creatively
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Silva teaches you to “command” You can set your mind to allow you to go to sleep whenever you wish. It also shows you how to set your internal clock to be able to wake up anytime—without the use of an alarm clock. Imagine how much productivity and energy you will gain by always having a good night’s rest.
You will also learn a wonderful technique to help you remember your dreams—and even to ask for dreams that could contain the solution to problems. People have always credited dreams with helping to develop new ideas. The Elias Howe was inspired to create the sewing machine by a dream. Paul McCartney was the one who came up with this song “Yesterday”In a dream. The Through a dream, the Carbon-6 structure was discovered.
You can now use your imagination to inspire and boost your creativity.
The best way to sleep better is to learn how to create creative dreams with the Silva Method for mind control
The ESP program teaches you how to make the most of your psychic abilities every day. Silva Method for mind control
Silva Everyone is born with intuitive abilities. Anyone who can learn to use these abilities can function at an extremely intuitive level. Through our proprietary scientific and time-tested process, you’ll learn how to use your inbuilt psychic abilities in everyday life, and use your “gut feeling” You will live a happier, better-off, and more intelligent life.
Research by George Maycock, Appalachian State University in North Carolina, showed that students who complete a course successfully. Silva Training led to a significant improvement in creativity and intuition. 25 out of 30 students participated in the training showed improvement in their intuitive abilities.
Five of the five remaining participants (who didn’t show any improvement) were already operating in an intuitive mode prior to the training. Both students and adults can benefit from intuition. A researcher discovered that 70% of gifted and high-IQ students are intuitive while 39% of regular students are intuitive.
Shakti Gawain, best-selling author on the Silva Method
I was a student in the first workshop. Silva Mind Control Course… The most important technique I learned in that course was the basic technique of creative visualization… Our rational mind is like a computer… The The intuitive mind on the other side seems to have unlimited access to information. It appears to be able to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom…
Shakti Gawain
Author of many books, including Creative Visualization
You will quickly notice the results.
It has been said many times that anyone can change the course and pattern of their life if they know how. You can control your life’s direction and pattern if you know how. SilvaYou will learn easy, practical, and safe methods to accomplish this control. The Silva Method is a set of proven, scientifically tested techniques that you will learn by doing. You’ll see immediate results.
Burt Goldman
Burt Goldman Author of The American Monk
We’re so much stronger than we think
Our time is too wasted dragging our feet. If we spent one half of it just researching in our mind how to deal with life, we’d find we’re so much stronger than we think. She was recommended by Marguerite Piazza (opera singer) to be a Mind Control Graduate.
Carol Lawrence
Famed Broadway Actress from West Side Story The Sound of Music and Funny Girl are just a few of the many categories she has received. She was the first ever recipient of the category of Live Theatre, earning her a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.
What a Texas radio repairman discovered The Silva Method
Jose, an engineer, was born in Laredo in Texas, back in 1964. Silva ran a radio repair shop. But aside from his career, he also had a keen interest in hypnosis and the human mind – and he spent most of his nights studying the works of visionaries like Freud, Jung and Adler.
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Silva’s life changed when he stumbled on a question. Through his work, he was aware of Ohm’s Law – which states that when you reduce the resistance in a wire, more electricity can flow through it. This led him to wonder…
“Does the human mind have ‘resistance’? And what would happen if you could reduce it?”
Decades before Silva’s research, scientists had already discovered what is known as the Alpha and Theta levels of mind: a state typically experienced during sleep or meditation, where the brainwaves slow down and the mind enters a state of deep relaxation.
Silva They believed these higher states of consciousness held the keys for the evolution of humanity
And so he began creating specific mind tools and exercises that would allow a person to enter the Alpha and Theta levels while awake – and tap into hidden reservoirs of intuition, creativity and healing.
In the beginning, Silva used his techniques – which he called ‘The Silva Method’ – to help his children improve their grades, boost their intuition, creativity and IQ, and sharpen their memory.
Word spread quickly Silva’s techniques continued to evolve, and within months he was training people in his community, then across the country, and eventually across the world. Today, over 5 decades later, The Silva Method is used by over 6 million people in 110 countries – and now you’re about to experience what it can do for YOU.
Enjoy the pinnacle of mind empowermenttraining The Silva Life System
Only available on this website The Silva Life System Our brand-new multimedia home training program is updated to provide you with the foundations of our mind empowerment system. It’s like being at one of our world-famous Silva seminars – but from the comfort of home.
This program covers 13 chapters and 4 key areas that focus on mind empowerment. The program includes everything you need in order to become a fully-fledged entrepreneur. Silva practitioner, including:
More than 17 The Silva Method’s most popular and effective mind empowerment techniques, designed to give you full control over your mind’s hidden abilities.
Guided meditation sessions in the comfort of your own home that utilize our Centering technology. These sessions will help you achieve a high level of intuition, creativity, manifestation, healing, and other mental abilities.
President of gives you fascinating lessons and insights about your mind and how it can be used to its full potential. The Silva Method, Laura Silva.
Here’s what you’ll get in The Silva Life System 2.0
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