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This section contains general information about load tests (e.g. It includes information such as start and ending times, duration, load profile and test comment (if applicable). It also provides a performance summary as well as a network statistic. HTTP/HTMLLoad tests that are based on load.
XLT Future Sample
A load test is a procedure that involves the following: XLT Framework automatically collects lots of information about transactions, actions and requests, as well as certain events. Programmatically, you can add additional custom timers or events to the framework. XLT API. Last, but not least: Each agent process logs its resource usage. All this data will eventually be the source of the XLT Test report.
Report sections
This section contains general information about load tests (e.g. It includes information such as start and ending times, duration, load profile, and test comment (if applicable). It also provides a summary of performance as well as network statistics. HTTP/HTMLLoad tests that are based on load.
A transaction is a fully completed test case. Each test case contains one or more actions. The displayed transaction runtime shows the total time for all the actions, think times, as well as the actual processing speed of the test code. The transaction runtime might differ significantly if the test case has a heavily randomized test path. The average runtime is a measure of the evolution of tests and helps you evaluate the results of long-running tests.
Take Action
An action is an element of a test case. It consists of prevalidation and execution. This data shows the time it took to execute an action. Its runtime also includes the time taken to process a request, e.g. An HTTP operation and the time required to prepare, send and wait for the data.
The most important section of web application testing is the request section. It directly shows the page’s loading time or page components. Each row contains the data for a specific request. The test case defines the name of each row as timer name. The Count section shows the total executions (Total), calculated executions per second (1/s), minute (1/min), and projections or calculations for the executions per hour (1/h), and day (1/d). The total number of errors (Total), that occurred during page loading or component loading is displayed in the Error section. The error count doesn’t include errors detected during the post-validation of the data received. These are some examples of error situations. HTTP Response codes like 404 and 505 are used to indicate timeouts, connection resets, or other errors. The table’s runtime section displays the arithmetic median, the minimum and maximal runtime encountered, and the standard deviation of data within the series. The runtime segmentation sections depicts several runtime segments and the number of requests within the segment’s definition. If the runtime for the test case exceeds the displayed time period, such as 30 minutes, the numbers will be a linear projection. The linear projection will be used if the test case ran for 30 minutes and the time period was an hour. They will display the possible outcome of a longer run, if load and application behavior remain the same.
The network section includes the traffic areas during load testing. Sent Bytes refers to an estimated number, based upon the data that was provided to the network layer. Cookies are excluded, for example. Received Bytes is an accurate number because it’s based on the data received and includes HTTP Header information. Depending on how long the test ran, the numbers per hour/per day might be estimated based upon a linear projection from the data. If web activities were used in the test, or any other activities that return data, HTTP It can also be found here. In a separate table, each host that participated in the test is listed along with the number requests that it received. The last but not the least, this section includes a table that lists all hosts who participated in the test run. It also lists the number of requests that hit each host.
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Custom Timers & Values
The custom timers include all timers that were placed separately within the test codes. The request section has the same chart and data description. The data from custom samplers that were run during testing are shown in the Custom Values Section below.
External Data
This configuration displays all external data that was gathered during the test. Please see External Data for details on how to include external data in the report.
Errors & Events
This section has two parts, Errors & Events. These are used to indicate when the test encounters a special situation. The first part – Errors – shows a table that contains all errors and their stack traces thrown by the test cases along with an overview of all error types. The second part – Events – consists of a single table that lists all events that occurred during the test run including their name, amount, detail message and the name of the test case that produced this event.
This section describes the resource consumption of each user agent in terms CPU Memory usage. This helps identify any resource bottlenecks that could have affected the load test. Please note that all data is stored locally to the JVM Agent and does not cover a process view.
This section contains information about the test configuration and the load profile that was used to run it. It allows for test reproduction and saves the test settings to be used later.
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