What You’ll Discover in Lara Adler Tools For Teaching Toxicity
Lara Adler – Tools For Teaching Toxicity
Environmental Toxins
Are you The MISSING ONE?
Health & Wellness Puzzle
Let’s get this fixed…
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Are you interested in a deeper understanding of the effects of toxins on our health and well-being? You do!
By now, you’ve probably heard about chemicals like BPA in plastics (maybe you even have some of those BPA-Free water bottles…), the dangers of non-Stick cookware, as well as frightening levels of lead in the water supply.
These are just a few of the many possibilities.-tip of the iceberg when it comes to what we’re exposed to.
In fact, research studies implicating chemicals in a long list of diseases and health issues are making headlines every single day… headlines like these:
News stories such as these, and public health concerns like lead in drinking-water, have made it clear that people are becoming more aware of these toxins and are concerned, but lack the education and understanding to help them.
For your health, this is also true-Both health professionals and consumers who are open-minded will benefit.
Environmental toxins – chemicals we are exposed to in small amounts every day – are linked to every single health condition that people are struggling with every single day.
For the past 5 years I’ve taught nearly 1,000 health practitioners the in’s and out’s of these toxins. NOW, I WANT YOU TO LEARN FROM ME.
Did you know that the average physician has only 7 hours of environmental health training during their entire academic career as a physician?
The education of practitioners like nutritionists or health coaches, naturopaths, and nutritionists is even lower. There are very few certifications or professional trainings that teach students about environmental toxicology, which leaves them unprepared to provide support for clients.
Let’s fix this!
I want you to be informed, engaged, empowered, and able to navigate the complex world of environmental toxins, as well as the products that we use every day.
I’ve devoted myself to untangling the complicated knot of environmental health for health & wellness professionals and health-Over 5 years, the project has helped thousands of people around the globe to gain clarity on the types of toxins that can adversely affect their health and develop the confidence to incorporate this discussion into their work. It also helps them to stand out in their field.
Here’s the Problem:
Most health & wellness professionals, whether they’re health coaches, nutritionists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, or even fitness instructors, focus primarily on diet, exercise, emotional eating and/or stress management. These are absolutely essential areas to support clients around…
But there’s still that missing piece. All the health problems that people face are caused by toxic substances in our environment. This is why it’s important to seek professional help.
It is a missed opportunity to make sure they are well and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.
If you’re like most wellness professionals, you:
Intuitively know that chemicals are contributing to disease and illness, but don’t feel like you know enough about them to speak confidently to your audience
You want to empower your clients to make better health decisions. But don’t be afraid to use your tongue when it comes to “talking toxins”
Aren’t sure what the most important and most relevant toxins are to the issues your clients are having
Don’t know where to look for sound, science based and reliable sources of information about toxins and health (and are skeptical of some of the big health blogs out there)
Are looking for ways to set your practice apart from the tens of thousands of other wellness pro’s out there who don’t address toxins at all
Want your cleanse or detox program to stand out, and have considered addressing toxins, but aren’t sure how to much to share
That’s why I created Tools For Teaching Toxicity
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It was difficult to find good resources and programs when I began researching environmental health issues. I spent years studying the complex science and translating it into a language that was simple, clear, and powerful.
This is what i want to share with y’all.
Tools For Teaching Toxicity Self-regard is an option-A fast-paced online program that will help you improve your understanding of environmental toxicants and your ability to support clients.
The Tools Course
is for you if you…
Want your wellness practice to stand out from the crowd by being able to support your clients in ways that most practitioners can’t.
Feel overwhelmed by the topic environmental toxins and their relationship to health, and need the confidence to speak strongly about it
You are currently anxious when people ask about toxins. Your tongue is tied when you attempt to reply.
Are a mom who’s eager to learn what are the safest products for you and your family and doesn’t want to stay up until midnight trying to figure it out.
Know your clients are worried about the effect toxins may have on their health, but don’t feel comfortable broaching the subject because you don’t know what to say
Do you want to be at forefront of health conversations and capitalize on growing awareness regarding environmental health issues?
Know that addressing chemical toxins is essential for your client’s health, but aren’t sure where to start or what safer alternatives to recommend
You don’t know what to do when clients, friends or family raise objections about organics, canned food, or natural cleaning products
You want to “up your health game” Move beyond green smoothies, broth, and detoxes to fully embrace a green, healthy, non-toxic lifestyle.-Toxic lifestyle
You’re tired of saying “I don’t know” Oder “I’m not sure” When asked which products are safest and best, he replied:
Are looking for ways that you can better position the non-natural, natural.-You can make toxic products less visible by learning to talk about traditional products with more education.
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Want clarity around which things you legitimately should worry about (and address), and which ones you don’t need to stress about.
How to make a non-profit speaker more persuasive and powerful-Essential oils and skincare lines that are toxic to your skin could be included
Want to know that you’re reducing exposure to toxins linked to chronic disease, to better protect yourself and your family
Understanding the issues, how chemicals affect our health, and what our goals for reducing exposures to chemicals are key.
Pesticides – their links to disease, why it’s essential for children & understanding organics
Plastics – what’s myth, what’s critical to avoid, which ones are less scary, and the best and safest alternatives
Cookware – which items can pose health threats what are the best, and safest alternatives
Canned & packaged foods – what toxins are present, and how to shift away from them safely
Cleaners – kitchen products; what’s toxic, what’s not, and what to use instead
Fragrances & other harmful ingredients in every day products (shampoos, lotions, perfumes) and the ways in which they hide
Antibacterials – are they safe or effective? A case study in consumer trends, regulation & reading labels
Makeup – chemicals in your beauty routine that are loaded with hundreds of toxic ingredients
Avoiding Overwhelm – how to avoid feeling panicked or crazy, or making your clients feel that way.
Talking Toxins So They’ll Listen – how to engage with your clients, friends or family in a way that’s positive, powerful, and not preachy.
Here’s What’s Included:
11 core video lessons for teaching
This is where you will find the meat. Check out the “We’ll Look At” Section above to see the topics we cover.
Video welcome
One for professionals and one for consumers.
Product consultants
Secure Product
Recommendations & Resources
Using Essential Oils As Cleaners Guide
The Best Documentary Films
Coaching call
6 months access to monthly live calls, where you can connect to others in the class and ask questions about toxin or business (ie. “how can I talk to my clients about….”)
Facebook Group
Join me and your fellow fellows! Tools Our private Facebook group is for clients. Here you can connect with other clients and have a discussion about toxicology in your practice or personal life.
Full transcripts
Audio recordings
All lessons in this course, including full research citations.-There are many nerds out here.
Practitioner Toolkit:
Talking toxins during a detox or cleanse
Talking Toxins Client Scripts
About the HostEnvironmental Toxins Expert and Certified Holistic Health Coach. Speaker. Educator.
Lara Adler | Environmental Toxins Expert, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Speaker and Educator
My name is Lara Adler and I’m an Environmental Toxins Expert, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, speaker and educator. I teach and train practitioners within the health & wellness community to better understand the links between environmental chemicals and their impact on disease states – from weight gain and diabetes, to thyroid disease and infertility – so they can better support their clients. My students include direct clients.-sales consultants who wish to become more articulate about the products they represent, and health enthusiasts who are proactive about their and their family’s well being.
I am deeply committed to peeling back the curtain and opening up the conversation about environmental toxins to in a way that’s informative, accessible, actionable and free from overwhelm. We live in an increasingly toxic world – my aim is to educate, encourage and empower people to make smarter, healthier choices for themselves and their families.
Here’s What We’ll Cover Together In This Course:
This course will teach you how to eliminate the most dangerous and important toxic substances in your home.
We’ll look at:
Intro To
Environmental Toxins
your kitchen:
Personal Care Products
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Continue reading: a>http://archive.is/hUr15#selection-1487.0-1531.350″>http://archive.is/hUr15#selection-1487.0-1531.350
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Lara Adler – Tools For Teaching Toxicity
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