What You’ll Discover in Andris Brunovskis Super Spicy Omoplatas
OMOPLATA is a position that everyone thinks they know, but few actually master. Atos Black Belt Andris Brunovskis This powerful approach has helped him build his reputation.
Andris Brunovskis – Super Spicy Omoplatas
The OMOPLATA is the strongest submission. THINK SPICY OMOPLATA will blow you away.
Complete the mechanics, add tons of NEW entries to OMOPLATA from X Guard to 50/50, Shine to Shine and more.
You can see the trailer to this series here!
What are you going to learn?
OMOPLATA, a position everyone believes they know but very few people actually master. Atos Black Belt Andris Brunovskis He terrorizes his opponents with this deadly shoulder lock, which has earned him a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy character.
MASTER the mechanics of the perfect OMOPLATA– it’s truly the most perfect BJJ submission–utilizing your entire body against the tiny shoulder. Maximize your force with your hips, core, and legs against an opponent’s shoulder and watch them feel the heat of your SPICY OMOPLATA.
Get your instant download Andris Brunovskis – Super Spicy Omoplatas
What’s the Series?
This series is in four volumes Andris Brunovskis This covers every possible OMOPLATA setup. This series covers every OMOPLATA setup, regardless of your body type or athleticism. In no time you’ll be snatching the STANDING LASSO OMOPLATA. X Guard, Berimbolo, Phantom Lasso–All roads lead to the SPICY OMOPLATA and your opponent won’t be able to handle the Scoville units in YOUR game.
So what exactly do you get?
Part 1:
Omoplata’s finishing mechanics
Close guard setup
Triangle vs Omoplata
Collar and sleeves from omoplata
Part 2
Shin to Shin omoplata
Set up spider guard
Lasso omoplata
Standing lasso omoplata
Phantom lasso
Berimbolo omoplata
Part 3
X Guard Omoplata
Reverse de la riva omoplata
50/50 Omoplata
Omoplata concepts
Part 4
Omoplata finish 1
Omoplata Finish 2.
Spicy Omoplata
Omoplata sweep 1.
Standing Omoplata sweep
How much does it cost?
Leave your opponents tapped out and looking for Pepto Bismol to forget your SPICY OMOPLATAS.We could have easily charged $147 or more for the series, but we’re not going to do that. We’ve cut that price by nearly 50% and brought you SPICY OMOPLATAS for just:
Here’s what you’ll get in Andris Brunovskis – Super Spicy Omoplatas
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