What You’ll Discover in Blair Enns, Win Without Pitching Pricing Creativity Bootcamp
What clients are willing to pay… No. What they’re happy to pay and thank you while they’re at it has always been subjective.
Expertly framed, your clients will pay more for you expertise.
Blair Enns, Win Without Pitching – Pricing Creativity Bootcamp
Clients will pay for the value you offer.
Some are existing clients; some haven’t discovered you yet.
Double your investment-Reduced value-Is pricing based on factors? Or suppose that buyers are only focused on price?
These are questions you shouldn’t have to answer alone. In six, you can answer them all.-Modules for pacing created by Blair Enns you won’t have to.
What is the truth? It is not true “fair market value” Creative services
What clients are willing to pay… No. What they’re happy to pay and thank you while they’re at it has always been subjective.
Expertly framed, your clients will pay more for you expertise.
What’s more?
Before you’ve finished Pricing Creativity Bootcamp, you may charge 50% more. You may double or triple your margins within a year…
Even in an uncertain economy…
You’ll profit more because you’ve learned to finally charge for the value you create.
So today even if you’ve read Pricing Creativity
And especially if your idea of the best possible outcome for 2021 is taking any project that comes your way, at any price…
This is what you need to know.
To ensure your agency survives and thrives, you need to be able quantify, price, and creatively value the value that you provide.
Because the value you deliver hasn’t changed. What’s changed are the stakes at play when it’s time to sell that value.
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