What You’ll Discover in bruno frazatto 2
Scene 1- Delariva guard, Scene 2Scene 3- Pass Guard, Scene 4- Attack from Side control
bruno frazatto 2
Disc 1: Gi
Scene 1- Delariva guard
Scene 2- Berimbolo
Scene 3- Pass guard
Scene 4: Attack from the Side Control
Scene 5- Inverted Delariva guard
Scene 6- 50/50 guard
Scene 7 – Use lapels to sweep
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Disc 2: Nogi
Scene 1 Attack from the 4th position
Scene 2Attack from Sitting guard
Scene 3: Attack from Quarter position
Scene 4: Attack from a side position
Scene 5- Heel hook
Here’s what you’ll get in bruno frazatto 2
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