What You’ll Discover in Building Applications with React and Redux
React A library with So much power but so few strong opinions. Building something important requires many decisions and Work to create the foundation …. File Size: 941.34 MB
Building Applications with React and Redux
React A library with So much power but so few strong opinions. Building something important requires many decisions and You must work to create the foundation. Learn how you can use React, Redux, React Router, and Modern JavaScript for powerful building and Fast React Apps from the ground-up. Use Webpack, ESLint and npm scripts. Jest. React Testing Library, Enzyme, and more. You can create a fast feedback development environment that allows for linting and Tests, transpiles JavaScript, runs a local server, opens the app and Hit save to reload changes. Deploy with One command.
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This course provides a clear roadmap for building robust and scalable websites. React Applications using the most recent technology and The most popular technologies
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