What You’ll Discover in Charles Atkins The Unique Nature of Opioid Use Disorders Neuroscience, Co-It happens Disorders, and Treatment Approaches
- Faculty:
- Charles Atkins
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 15 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- February 9, 2018
- Strategies from CBT, DBT and Additional evidence-Psychotherapies based on the Bible
- Assistance with Medication Treatment (MAT): Combine medication and therapeutic interventions effectively
- Make treatment plans to treat opioid abuse disorders and co-Symptoms of mental health disorders that are part of an integrated whole-Approaching the person
Painkillers can cause more harm than pain. Overdoses of opioids have killed more people than those who were involved in motor vehicle accidents. Dangerous synthetic drugs have flooded the streets — someone’s first use may be their last.
Inmates, broken families, and ruinous lives and premature death. These are life-threatening, extreme consequences of Opioid addiction. Opioids are not discriminatory. People can be affected by everyday problems, such as toothache or back pain. of Opioid misuse. Anyone can get addicted to opioids.
Witnessing the tortured deterioration is your personal connection to the problem of clients, friends, and Addiction is a problem that affects many families. While you want to help, it is important to know about other forms of addiction. of addiction isn’t enough. Opioid These disorders are distinct from other substances abuse disorders. of Brain stimulation and Physical dependence has created an epidemic of Unprecedented proportions. To make matters worse, the majority of people with opioid addiction disorders have at least one co.-Mental health issues that are serious need of attention.
Are you willing to stop the suffering and The unique and Complex challenges of Are you suffering from opioid addiction?
Board-Published author and certified psychiatrist and Dr. Charles Atkins In-Deep personal experience to assist clients in dealing with the devastating effects of opioid use disorder. He will walk you through all the details. of How to make evidence that is effective-Treatment strategies that treat opioid addiction that are evidence-based and co-occurring disorders.
You can watch this important seminar and You can leave with:
- Diagnostic criteria and Public-Domain screening tools
- Psychotherapeutic strategies and To help those suffering from opioid abuse disorder, we offer support that is tailored to their needs.
- Combining Medication and Assisted Treatment Psychotherapeutic approaches.
- Comprehensive treatment plans for opioid abuse disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders.
Grab the right tools and techniques you need to help your clients before it’s too late!
Manual (4.88 MB) | 56 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- How to Get Hooked First:
- Understanding Neuroscience of Opioid Addiction
- The Brain’s reward system: Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathway
- How chronic opioid use can alter the brain
- Differential effects from other substances addictions
- Distinct risks of Opioid abuse
- How neurobiology helps you to determine treatment methods and establish realistic goals
- Psychotherapeutic Approaches:
- Tailor Proven Techniques for the Person With Opioid Use Disorder
- CBT and how it’s applied in evidence-Based practice
- DBT and Dialectical abstinence
- Motivational enhancement
- Trauma-Treatments that are based on substance abuse disorders
- Peer-Models based
- Management of contingencies to address problematic behavior
- Mindfulness, wellness-Activity based and Physical exercise
- How to determine if treatment has ended or is no longer working
- Limitations of research and risks of Psychotherapeutic methods
- You can treat drug dependence with medication
- How is medication assisted Treatment (MAT) Can Save Lives
- Is there any end to the debate? Benefits and drawbacks and risks of MAT
- The Latest findings – Research and Research limitations
- Opioid Antagons and An antagonists Methadone and buprenorphine.
- Naloxone (Narcan),
- How to fight associated stigma
- Current regulations
- Role of The MAT’s behavioral health physician
- How is medication assisted Treatment (MAT) Can Save Lives
- Co-Assessment of Occurrence and State-of The- Art Tools
- The Impact of Opioid use and co-Treatment outcomes for diagnosed disorders
- The Intake – if you don’t look for it you won’t find it
- High-Misdiagnosis areas are at risk and missed diagnoses
- The Utility of Standardized assessment tools and When to use them
- Get no-cost, and It is possible to do so.-Validated, diagnostic specific instruments
- Objective data and How and When is prescription monitoring data available?
- The Assessment of dangerousness
- Assess readiness for change and Stage-of The theory of change
- How to approach the level of care decisions
- Validity in co-Research on treatment
- Co-employment carries risks-Treatment options
- Co-It happens TreatmentRecovery Plans in 3 Easy Steps
- Make the Problem/Need list
- Set goals and Client-focused objectives and Regulative requirements
- Integrate treatment and recovery plans
- Understanding Neuroscience of Opioid Addiction
Please Note: PESI has no affiliation with Marsha Linehan, PhD., ABPP.
Charles AtkinsMD Similar seminars and products: 2
Charles Atkins, MD, Is a board-Chief Medical Officer, certified psychiatrist, and clinical trainer of Member of the Community Mental Health Affiliates, CMHA of Yale’s volunteer faculty and A former regional medical director of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, (CT). A frequent speaker on opioid addiction and Assistance with Medication Treatment, Dr. Atkins Is the author of Opioid Use DisordersAssessment: A Holistic Guide, Treatment, and Recovery (PESI, 2018) and Co-It happens DisordersIntegrated Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use and Mental Disorders (PESI, 2014), which has been added to the core curriculum of multiple schools of social work and Counseling for substance abuse He is also the author. of There are more than 15 books that have been traditionally published in fiction and fact. and nonfiction, and Hundreds of people have been able to see it. of Short stories and Articles appear in publications that range from The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to Writer’s Digest Magazine.
Disclosures for Speakers
Financial: Charles Atkins Chief Medical Officer of Community Mental Health Affiliates, LLC, CMHA. Sourcebooks pays him royalties. Dr. Atkins PESI, Inc. gives a speaking honourarium
Non-financial: Charles Atkins Has no pertinent non-financialOnline viewing or digital downloadrelationship to disclose.
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