What You’ll Discover in ChiKaRa Reiki Do Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki Self-attunement course
ChiKaRa Reiki Do – Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki Self-attunement course
Almost everything you’ve been told about Reiki This is completely false!
Yes, it’s absolutely true!
You see, you’ve probably been led to believe, amongst other things, that…
- You need to take the classes of an existing teacher. Reiki Master to be attuned Reiki, haven’t you?
- Both must be taken. Reiki 1 and A Reiki 2 classes are required before you can ask to be tuned to the appropriate level. Reiki Master.
- You may also have been told it’s compulsory to wait for a certain amount of time between classes before you can move on.
- This entire process requires both time and commitment. and money.
Some actually Reiki Teachers will even tell you to take on twelve extremely costly courses.-Minimum of one month apprenticeship required before you can be a teacher. Reiki Master!
But, you’ll no doubt be surprised, and very happy, to hear…
All of those ‘requirements’ just don’t make any sense at all and These are completely inexplicable!
Because it’s not how the accepted founder of modern-Day ReikiMikao Usui He was tuned to Reiki.
So, it’s not how YOU have to do it either.
So, let’s take a closer look at how Mikao Usui, Actually was attuned to Reiki…
…for there’s a profound and The simple truth about Reiki most people either don’t know or don’t want to talk about…
…and it’s the 5th and most important, thing you really MUST know…
Mikao UsuiThe founding father of modernity,-Day ReikiHe actually tuned himself to Reiki It was all those years ago!
Which is quite obvious when you really think about it – as there was no-He will find someone else to help him on the mountain!
(Yes, some people believe that a great light rose out of the darkness. Usui In the forehead and He gave it to him Reiki – and that sounds beautifully mystical doesn’t it? But, it’s just a ‘flight of fancy’ I’m afraid, and it’s not meant to be taken at all seriously).
No, what actually happened was…
Usui Took his favorite meditation spot completely alone. and After a period for fasting and meditating, he experienced a sudden flash of deep understanding – a Satori if you will…
Download immediately ChiKaRa Reiki Do – Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki Self-attunement course
…about how a particular aspect of the vital life force energy already flowing within him could easily be accessed and Both healing and maintenance. and The acceleration of your own self-realization.
It was this sudden realization that led to the creation of Reiki It was reborn.
A sudden understanding which did not require any kind of…
First you take Reiki Level one and Wait a while. You can then move on to level 2. and Wait up to one year before you can become a citizen Reiki Master.
It is the truth Usui The Master of all Trades Reiki All at once
…no waiting, no different levels and There are no such huge fees!
He only discovered, accepted, and deliberately opened up to and This energy was harnessed by him and It was so called Reiki.
He formalized the whole process. and It taught others how to be open to it.
But, here’s the important part.
This energy is the same as this energy Usui found within himself, is also flowing within you right now too – it has to be – for it’s your very own life force energy, without which you wouldn’t actually be alive!
What does this all mean for you?
It is, however. Reiki IS NOT something you can transfer to yourself by a Reiki Master during a Reiki Attunement ceremony: As everyone has been conditioned, believe it. and…
There are no need to take three different levels. Reiki either – one is all you need.
The only thing that matters is your attitude. Reiki Master is doing the right thing for you during a ‘hands-on attunement’ Is just ‘awakening’ You to your own abilities…
…they are not ‘giving’ you Reiki – you’ve already got it…
…they’re simply awakening you to the part of you that is already Reiki – and that’s something you can easily do for yourself as I’ll show you in just a moment.
For the truth is, you’re already a Reiki Master right now, you just didn’t know it!
- You really don’t have to go searching for a Reiki Master to ‘transfer’ The energy of Reiki to you, because it’s already an undeniable part of your own incredible life force energy right now
- You really don’t have to seek out and Take separate Reiki 1 and Reiki There are 2 classes to open up to becoming the Reiki You already know what mastery means, so it automatically includes the levels Reiki 1 and 2 are also possible.
- You really don’t have to pay the totally exorbitant fees being charged in most ordinary Reiki Take classes, leave work, or pay for extras such as travel, hotel. and You can also pay for meals.
For it’s just as every Enlightened Master, Prophet and Mystic has been saying since the beginning of time…
You don’t have to look for anything outside of yourself. Everything is within you.
Meaning, quite simply…
…the complete energy of Reiki is truly there inside you right now…
You can clearly see the second paragraph in this extract taken directly from Dr. Usui’s own Memorial Inscription, which reads…
Be inspired by the great principles and Be clean and quiet. Your heart should be your focus and Do things from the still space within you.
Access is available to everyone ReikiIt all begins within you.
And here’s why it’s so vital that you attune yourself to Reiki…
Because subconsciously, you do it because you already know what it is. and, more importantly, consciously acknowledging that it is YOU who is the power in your life – nobody else.
This is the first step towards absolute mastery not only of but also of Reiki But of life itself.
How can you tap into this dynamic energy?
Well, it’s simplicity itself…
All You Need Is A Simple System To Follow…
And, I’m going to show you exactly where you can get hold of this dynamic self-attuning, self-Chikara is an empowering system.Reiki-DoIn just a second.
But before I do…
Please take a moment to read these letters from self-helpers.-Attuned Reiki…
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “ChiKaRa Reiki Do – Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki self-attunement course” It is totally Downloadable and Available Check your account
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