What You’ll Discover in Christopher C. Wagner Motivational Interviewing Do you have evidence?-Based Skills to Effectively Treat Your Clients
- Faculty:
- Christopher C. Wagner
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 8 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- October 4, 2018,
Are you able to help clients who are:
Can’t seem to Are you ready to make positive life changes?
Can’t quite find their direction or stop focusing on how others are to Who is to blame?
Refuse to accept any offer of help that might make their lives easier.
These are all common problems across a variety of settings, populations, and clinical issues.
Motivational Interviewing (MI) has emerged over the past two decades as a leading approach for addressing a core clinical concern – motivation.
This workshop incorporates the most recent MI developments and focuses on key elements that can transform your practice to escape struggling with clients and make real change in people’s lives.
- Learn about the MI process and how it can be applied in various clinical situations
- Learn why family and friends often contribute to Clients face motivational challenges
- Avoid certain traps by being aware of them.-Meaning that helpers could fall into
- Recognize what to Thread the needle to help clients discover new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving
Chris, a motivational interviewing coach, trainer, and author, is on-screen. WagnerThis action-packed recording was recorded by Dr., Ph.D. Find out how to effectively focus clients’ attention on embracing change and successfully anticipating and surmounting obstacles they face as they pursue it. You will be inspired and ready to take on this course. to Your clients can get out of their ruts and live more fulfilled lives.
Manual Motivational Interviewing (3.18 MB) | 28 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- What is motivation?
- What does ambivalence mean?
- The stages of change
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Conversations about Change
- Change is a difficult issue.
- MI works because of the relationship and technical components
- MI treatment: Research limitations and possible risks
The 4 Processes of MI
1. Engaging: The Relational Foundation
- MI spirit PACE
- Partnership
- Acceptance
- COmpassion
- ESympathy
- Learn to listen reflectively – the backbone of MI
- Core MI SkillsOARS
- Open-Questions
- AFfirmations
- Reflections
- SUmmaries
- Clarify your goals and values
2. Focusing: The Strategic Direction
- Choose a focal point
- Your agenda should match yours to the client’s concerns
- Information exchange
3. Evoking: Preparation For Change
- Importance of change talk – a key ingredient of MI
- Listen to and respond to change talk
- Listen to the following types of talk about change:
- DARN (preparatory Change Talk)
- CATS (mobilizing change talk)
- Ask for more details and get involved in the change conversation
- Respond to “resistance” In clients
- Develop discrepancy
- Inspire hope and confidence
4. Planning: The Bridge to Change
- What and when? to Plan
- CATS: Call us
- Summarize, then ask a key question
Put it all together
- Code a MI Video in Action to test your programming skills
MI and Clinical Problems
- Depression and anxiety
- Enhance treatment engagement
- Potentiate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT
- Suicidal clients
- Addictive Behaviours
- Substance use
- Other addictive/compulsive behaviours
- 12 steps
Christopher C. Wagner, Ph.D. Similar seminars and products 3
Virginia Commonwealth University
Christopher C. Wagner, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in Virginia and faculty member at Virginia Commonwealth University, with appointments in Rehabilitation Counseling, Psychology and Psychiatry. He began practicing MI in the 1990s, and became a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) in 1998. Since 2000-2008, he served in leadership positions in MINT, twice as chair of the network, and he has led three of their international training of trainers events. He was rehabilitated.-elected to MINT’s board of directors for 2018.
Dr. Wagner has offered hundreds of MI trainings in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia/Oceania. Additionally, to focusing on clinical and theoretical advances in individual MI, he has also developed group applications of MI, and is lead author on the official Guilford series book on that topic, co-written with long-time colleague Karen Ingersoll.
He has worked with individuals with a variety of health, mental health, addiction and employment challenges across outpatient, inpatient, residential and corrections settings. Dr. Wagner’s trainings are highly engaging and focused on helping participants incorporate MI skills and strategies into their current style of practice.
Speaker Disclosures
Financial: Christopher Wagner Associate professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. PESI, Inc. grants him a speaking honourarium
Non-financial: Christopher Wagner Has no pertinent non-Financial relationshipto disclose.
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