What You’ll Discover in Courtney Armstrong Healing with Hypnosis
- Faculty:
- Courtney Armstrong
- Duration:
- 4 Hours 1 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Mar 23, 2018
Hypnosis Research has shown that hypnosis is effective in relieving anxiety and resolving trauma memories, as well as reducing chronic pain, is making a comeback. Discover why hypnosis works well to influence subcortical regions of the brain and how it can help you communicate. with the subconscious using metaphor, multisensory language, and techniques that engage your client’s curiosity and imagination. You might even experience your own transformative state of mind with Live demonstrations and experiential activities.
What is hypnosis? How can it be clinically used?
- Expert definitions
- The evidence-Research based
How to safely guide clients into the hypnotic state
- Assessment of client suitability
- Tools for focusing attention
- Techniques for deepening
- Effectively framing ideas
- Post-Hypnotic suggestions
- Re-Alerting techniques
How to make suggestions for specific issues
- Some suggestions to reduce anxiety
- Some suggestions for pain relief
- Here are some suggestions for reducing depression
- Tips for improving your self-confidence-Self-esteem and self-esteem-Compassion
How to use hypnosis for healing trauma memories
- Preparation of the resourcing methods
- Steps for memory consolidation
You can recall memories without having to relive them
Identify the embodied beliefs
New meaning experiences
Tell your story with New meaning/New ending
Reinforce new meaning
Courtney ArmstrongMHSP, LPC Similar seminars and products 2
Courtney Armstrong, LPC, MHSP, has over 20 years’ experience and is a Board Certified Fellow in Clinical Hypnotherapy who has trained thousands of mental health professionals nationally and internationally in creative, brain-Strategies for healing trauma. The book has been a best-seller. The Therapeutic “Aha!”10 Strategies to Get Clients Unstuck And Transforming Traumatic Grief Contribute to publications like the Counseling Today, Psychotherapy Networker And The Neuropsychotherapist. She has been featured on national television as a grief and trauma expert and is also the director of Tamarisk: A Center for Mind.-Tennessee offers body therapy.
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