What You’ll Discover in Dan Rust Workplace Poker Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?
Dan Rust – Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?
Career advisor explains why so many people are hardworking and talented.-Working people are often not able to reach their full potential as a professional. the Tells, blind spots, secrets, as well as unspoken rules that you must understand in order to play the To win, you must play.
Download immediately Dan Rust – Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?
Many people’s careers have been negatively affected by economic downturns. or Just bad bosses or We all know people who, despite poor timing, persevere in difficult situations. Most assume that they have an advantage that protects them—degrees from the Right schools, great mentors and influential friends and relatives are essential. or You will have more success. But these hyper-Even successful professionals have had to overcome setbacks. Instead of allowing challenges to derail their rise, they’ve learned how to manage them better.
In Workplace Poker, Dan Rust Get it! the You can use these strategies to propel your career forward and stop setbacks from stalling it. or It is best to spiral it downward. He explains that the secret to success is to “play the game under the game,” To think deeper and to act more strategically. If you are talented, ambitious, and hardworking, but feel your career just isn’t accelerating as rapidly as it should, or This book is designed to help you move as fast and as efficiently as you want it to. If you have been frustrated to see others (less talented, who don’t work as hard as you do) achieve rapid professional progress while your career stalls out, this book is for you. If you’ve been annoyed by those who are successful primarily because of where they went to school, or Families and connections or This book will help you to manage your financial resources.
Rust Get it! the insight and skills you need to transform yourself and adapt and survive any hurdle—to turn every adversity into advantage, and every struggle into strength, including:
Download immediately Dan Rust – Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?
• Recognition of your own “blind spots” What to do about them?
• Mastering strategic and authentic self-Promotion
• Enhancing your personal charm and likeability
• Achieving the High energy is required to achieve a remarkable career path.
• Developing an interest in “corporate anthropology” the Complex human dimensions of business
• Neutralizing the Karriere-The stalling of the difficult or Coworkers who are dysfunctional
• Deeply “owning” Learn from your career mistakes and failures
In his intelligent, funny, and relatable voice Rust This section contains stories from people who have used these abilities in real-world situations. It also includes short exercises that will help you to think more positively about your career and yourself. With Workplace Poker¸ you’ll learn how to get out of you own way, and find the success you deserve.
From the Back Cover
A career advisor explains the reasons many are talented and hard working.-Working people are often not able to reach their full potential as a professional. the You need to be aware of the tells, blind spots and secrets you must know to play. the To win, you must play.
Many people’s careers have been negatively affected by economic downturns. or Just bad bosses or We all know people who, despite poor timing, persevere in difficult situations. Most assume that they have an advantage that protects them—degrees from the Right schools, great mentors and influential friends and relatives are essential. or You will have more success. These hyper-Even successful professionals have had to overcome setbacks. Instead of allowing challenges to derail their rise, they’ve learned how to manage them better.
Download immediately Dan Rust – Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?
In Workplace Poker, Dan Rust Get it! the You can use these strategies to propel your career forward and stop setbacks from stalling it. or It is best to spiral it downward. The secret, he says, is to “play the game under the game,” to think deeply and be more strategic. If you are talented, ambitious, and hardworking, but feel your career just isn’t accelerating as rapidly as it should, or This book will help you get your career moving as fast as possible. If you have been frustrated to see others (less talented, who don’t work as hard as you do) achieve rapid professional progress while your career stalls out, this book is for you. If you’ve been annoyed by those who are successful primarily because of where they went to school, or Families and connections or This book will help you to manage your financial resources.
Rust Get it! the insight and skills you need to transform yourself and adapt and survive any hurdle—to turn every adversity into advantage, and every struggle into strength, including:
• Recognition of your own “blind spots” What to do about them?
• Mastering strategic and authentic self-Promotion
• Enhancing your personal charm and likeability
• Achieving the High energy is required to achieve a remarkable career path.
• Developing an interest in “corporate anthropology” the Complex human dimensions of business
• Neutralizing the Karriere-The stalling of the difficult or Coworkers who are dysfunctional
• Deeply “owning” Learn from your career mistakes and failures
His intelligent, funny, and relatable voice. Rust This section contains stories from people who have used these abilities in real-world situations. It also includes short exercises that will help you to think more positively about your career and yourself. With Workplace Poker¸ you’ll learn how to get out of you own way, and find the success you deserve.
About the Author
Dan Rust Is the Frontline Learning is an international publisher of corporate training materials. His award-Keynote speeches and workshops that win awards focus on employee engagement and productivity as well as career management. He lives in Scottsdale and Minnesota.
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