What You’ll Discover in Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson The Whole-Brain Child Approach Develop Kids’ Minds and Integrate Their Brains for Better Outcomes
- Faculty:
- Daniel J. Siegel | Tina Payne Bryson
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 48 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Nov 08, 2013
Are you having trouble treating anxiety or behavior disorders? and Children with mood disorders and adolescents?
Join the top-selling authors The Whole Brain Child, Dr. Daniel Siegel, M.D., and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D, present the latest scientific research — with a special emphasis on neuroplasticity and The changing brain — in a way that’s clear, interesting, and You can immediately put it into practice. This course will teach you how experience plays a crucial role in your life. and Focused attention results in the everlasting effects of your focus.-The brain develops in children and adolescents.
Revolutionize your assessment and Treatment for…
- Anxiety
- Affective Disorder
- Executive Functioning
- Disruptive Behavior Disorder
- Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Reactive and Resilient States
Stories, case studies and practical tips are used. and Siegel is a comedian with a lot to laugh at and Bryson Provide creative strategies How to incorporate brain science into your practice. There are five types of integration you can learn. Gesundheit and Wholeness. This video will demonstrate different types of integration and provide case examples demonstrating Practical strategies To integrate into your practice.
Children need new tools to be more resilient. and Feel hopeful that you can make lasting changes in your lives. You will get a new framework at the end of this recording. for Treating your clients with 12 Whole-Brain strategies that help children move from reactivity into resilience
Manual The Whole-Brain Child Approach (2.7 MB) | 39 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Introduction-Integration as a theoretical framework
Part 1-Two Brains These are Better More than One Integrate The Left and The Right
- Whole-Brain Strategy #1-Connect and Redirect:
- Surfing Emotional Waves
- Whole-Brain Strategy #2 – Name it to Tame It
- Telling stories to calm big emotions and Develop resilience for Difficult Transitions
Part 2-Building the Staircase for the Mind: Integrating Upstairs and Downstairs
- Whole-Brain Strategy #3-Engage, Don’t Enrage:
- Appealing to the Upstairs Brain
- Reduce flight and fight and Refrain from responding and Increase thinking responses
- Whole-Brain Strategy #4 – Use it or lose it:
- Exercise the Upstairs Brain
- Strategies for Executive Function, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD and oppositional defiant disorders
- Whole-Brain Strategy #5 — Move it or lose it:
- Move the body to avoid losing the mind
- Moving to shift your emotional automaticity and The body’s responses
Part 3-Get rid of the Butterflies Incorporating Memory for Growth and Healing
- Whole-Brain Strategy #6: Use the Remote of Your Mind
- To Resolve Little Traumas, Replay Memories and Big Traumas
- Whole-Brain Strategy #7 – Remember to Recall:
- Recollection as a Part Of Daily Life
- Creating new neural connections for Self-Identity formation
Part 4-The United States of Me: Integrating all the parts of myself
- Whole-Brain Strategy #8 – Let the Clouds of Empathy Roll By
- Teaching that Feelings Come and Go
- Whole-Brain Strategy #9 – SIFT: Paying Attention to What’s Going On Inside
- Tools for Improve your self-awareness and Get insight
- Whole-Brain Strategy #10: Exercise Mindsight
- Intervention for Anxiety and Mood disorders
Part 5-The Me-We Connect: Integrating Self and Other
- Whole-Brain Strategy #11: Increase Family Fun Factor
- Create new family dynamics
- Whole-Brain Strategy #12 – Connect Through Conflict
- Teaching kids to argue with a “We” In Mind
- Communicating your feelings properly in ways that promote relationships
Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. Similar seminars and products: 48
Mindsight Institute
Dr. Siegel She is a UCLA School of Medicine clinical professor of psychiatry and The founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. He is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute which focuses on the development of mindsight, which teaches insight, empathy, and integration in individuals, families and communities.
Harvard University awarded Dr. Siegel his medical degree and He completed his postgraduate medical training at UCLA. He was an intern at UCLA’s National Institute of Mental Health Research Fellowship. Dr. Siegel is the founding editor for The Norton Professional Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology contains more than seventy textbooks. Five of his books are also available. New York Times bestsellers: Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence, Mind: A Journey into the Heart of Being Human, Brainstorm: The Power and The Teenage Brain’s Purpose, and Two Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D: The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline.
Dr. Siegel’s ability to make complicated concepts exciting as well as easy to understand has led him to be invited to address local, national and International organizations where he speaks for groups of parents, educators, public administrators, and healthcare providers.-Clergy and makers and neuroscientists. He has been invited as a lecturer for King of Thailand and Pope John Paul II, His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Google University and TEDx. To learn more about his educational programs, visit TEDx. and Please visit the following: www.DrDanSiegel.com
Disclosures to Speakers:
Financial: Dr. Daniel J. Siegel serves as the Mindsight Institute’s executive director. He is an author. for W.W. Norton publishing and receives royalties. He is an Author for Bantam Publishing and receives royalties. He is an Author for Guilford Press and receives royalties. He is an Author for Tarcher/Penguin and receives royalties. He is an Author for Random House and receives royalties. PESI Inc. awards him a speaking honorarium
Non-financial: Dr. Daniel J Siegel works as a UCLA School of Medicine Clinical Professor. He is not paid.
Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D. Similar seminars and products: 15
Consultant for parenting and Psychotherapist
Private Practice
Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., The co-Author (with Dan Siegel), author of two New York Times bestsellers, The Whole-Brain Child (Bantam, 2012) and No-Drama Discipline (Bantam 2016, as well as The Yes Brain (Bantam, 2019). Dr. Bryson It is also the co-Author (with Dan Siegel M.D. Author (with Dan Siegel, M.D.) The Whole-Brain Child Workbook (PESI, 2015) and No-Drama Discipline Workbook (PESI, 2016). She is the Center’s executive Director. for Connection in Pasadena, CA, and A pediatrician and Psychotherapist for adolescents. She speaks at conferences and Workshops for parents, educators, and Clinicians from all parts of the world. Dr. Bryson Earned her Ph.D. at the University of Southern California. Her research focused on attachment science and child development.-Reproduction theory and The emerging field of interpersonal neuroscience.
Disclosures to Speakers:
Financial: Tina Payne Bryson is in an employment relationship for Pediatric and Adolescent psychology Associates. She is the Mindsight Institute’s director. She is an author for Random House Delacorte publishers and receives royalties. PESI Inc. awards her a speaking honorarium
Non-financial: Tina Payne Bryson The co-The host of the parenting show online “The Intentional Parent”. Her blog is dedicated to children and Parenting (TinaBryson.com).
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