What You’ll Discover in don Oscar Miro-Quesada Receive the Ancestral Medicine of Pachamama
It’s also an opportunity to work with one of the Pioneering this ancient yet modern path with wisdom keepers of Peruvian Shamanism …. Rooted in the Daily blessings of Life is filled with love
don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Receive the Ancestral Medicine of Pachamama
The journey to self-discovery-A world of renewal-renowned shamanic healer — awaken your shamanic I AM essence, connecting the As a soul, you can choose between the Upper and Lower Worlds-Portal in development the Within.
Shamanism can be a way of life of Life …. One you already know deep down…
It’s rooted in love, the Light of Creation the You are the soul wisdom that you entered this world with.
It is important to remember that you are part of this journey. of the Heavens and Earth… It’s to remember the preciousness of the Your natural world and your self-interests-How to heal and care for yourself of Service to others the planet.
This 7-inch screen is the latest in a series of new designs.-Step by step, join the world-Famous Peruvian curandero (Healer), psychologist, author don Oscar Miro-Quesada, you’ll experience powerful Peruvian shamanic teachings Remember to do this…. to be the You were created to heal the world with the healing light of your soul…
You’ll learn ancient shamanic practices that will help you Seek out and transcend what has blinded you to your inner wisdom — whether that’s depression, anxiety, heartbreak, illness, overwhelm, or a growing grief over the State of our world.
You’ll be initiated into the quantum reality of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, shamanism drawing from don Oscar’s 40+ years of Research and practice in the Healing arts of Peru — the Traditions of wisdom from the past of His country.
You’ll also be among the These powerful teachings were first received by him after his year.-There is a long sabbatical that will be enhanced by stories of His return home …. Transmissions Received in alignment to where the The course community is on its journey at all times.
don Oscar Never, ever teach the Repeat the process twice.
Through ancient shamanic practices and sacred rituals — including the Building of Your own mesa (A sacred altar that draws on the Healing forces of the universe) — you’ll Find your center, find your place the World, and the Shamanic “medicine” Self-help-Healing and helping others.
You’ll learn to find this medicine in the There are many forces visible and invisible within our vast cosmos.
…. the Healing wisdom of Our shamanic animal friends the Anaconda and Boa the Give as a gift of Puma, Jaguar and Mindfulness the Presence of Condor and Eagle embody a transcendental reality.
You’ll also connect deeply with the earth-Honoring presence of Our beloved Pachamama — a goddess-reverent Earth Mother imbued the Indigenous people of the Andes — to Renew your connection with the natural worldYou are your Self, therefore.
To journey with don Oscar is to experience YOU as a creative, divine presence beyond space and time — able to influence the unfolding of Shamanic consciousness on Earth
It’s also an opportunity to work with one of the Pioneering this ancient yet modern path with wisdom keepers of Peruvian Shamanism …. Rooted in the Daily blessings of A life filled with happiness LoveAnd committed to Acts of Service.
This powerful 7-Step by step guide to remembering and reclaiming your memories the light at your core, you’ll:
- Apply the 5 C’s of Connect with others through empowered ritual or sacred ceremonial space the healing power of Our shamanic multiverse
- Reconnect with your mythic past, visionary future Through shamanic initiating into the Fantastic Work
- Receive Wisdom transmissions for bringing repressed life experience to light and experiencing a state of Expanded consciousness
- Take a guided trip into the unknown. the Body-Purifying Ukhupacha (the Lower World the Mind-expanding power of Kaypacha (the Middle World), the spiritual dimensions of Hanaqpacha (the Upper World)
- Find out more the Path of the Universal Shaman, a 7-Generation Labor of Love
- Take awe at the There are many ways to live a conscious existence — the illusion of Separation is replaced with a Self-Actualized experience of Totality
- Learn how to use your evolutionary vision, healing power, for yourself and others. the world
- Your ability to think consciously Your future shamanic practice can be manifested
- To be free, you must learn to take control of your moment Embrace shame and guilt the The past and anxiety or worry over the Future
- Embrace the The northern coast of Peruvians are familiar with magic, medicine and mysticism. curanderismo
- Meet the Associated with ancestral shamanic denizens the elements (Earth, Water and Air, Fire, Ether, and Ether).
- There’s more.
Walking the Path of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition
Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanism (PMT) provides a complete understanding of the Andean wisdom reveres sacred rituals and healing techniques-Keepers since the beginning …. powerful practices to increase their presence as a healing source in the world.
These sessions are for seven people. don Oscar, you’ll be immersed in the Living soul of This transformative ancestral medicine is for you.
You’ll experience a sentient communion with life’s Great Originating Mystery and how this deep connection can restore harmony to your life and the Life of others.
You’ll practice ritual arts of prayerful invocation, evocation, and decree — empowered through shamanic breath, the sacred words of QuechuaCeremony, building an altar, and the powers of Focused intention and imagination.
You’ll receive hands-Rituals and Energy-balancing practices for the Healing of Self, others, and our planet… ancient practices from Peru’s northern coastal kamasqa curandersimo and the southeastern Highland paqokuna Shamanic traditions
This is a deeply personal experience of Shamanic initiation will also be included the Use of To activate, you need to use specific vibrational frequencies the The elements (earth-water, air, fire, water and ether) that harmonize the body, emotions and spirit of your body to heal you and others.
And you’ll become part of A never ending supply of-Growing community of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition initiates who are loving and supportive, and committed to bringing their innate spiritual wisdom and soul light. the surface for the benefit of All beings, and Mother Earth as a whole.
Receive the Ancestral Medicine of Pachamama With don Oscar This potent container is great for self-care-renewal and enlightened living, where you’ll learn to dive deeply into your interior world to awaken your dormant shamanic abilities.
You’ll learn to transmute fear into love, transform the illusion of Separation into the Reality of You can find wholeness by accepting your past shadows as evolutionary nourishment for you soul.
You’ll walk a truly beautiful and luminous path, establishing a harmonious relationship with the The universe through your self-Healing is possible the Healing of Others the natural world.
And you’ll honor your future as a quantum field of There are endless possibilities and life options waiting for you as you take the first step towards remembering and becoming. the You are the healing light that you truly are.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
This 7-Part transformational intensive don Oscar This guide will help you. the fundamental skills you’ll need to master Peruvian shamanic transmissions for healing, belonging, and becoming a light of creation.
This course will include teachings, training sessions and experiential practices. don Oscar. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous. the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to transform fear into love — and your shadows into a light that illuminates your soul and our world.
Module 1: Quantum Reality of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Cross-Cultural Shamanism
In this first class, you’ll become grounded in the Foundations of Shamanism…
As don Oscar Notes: Shamanism is a part of nature-Spirit, venerating-empowered, soul-befriending, healing vocation.
It’s born of Our innate human desire to be involved the Cosmos dance of Creation’s dreaming.
don Oscar We will lead you through this profound initiation. the A legacy of wisdom and ancient medicine of This is inherently self-evident.-Transformative path
You’ll discover the seen and unseen powers and forces available within our vastly sentient cosmos — and how it can lead to profound personal growth.
In this module, you’ll:
- Receive the medicine blessings of Pachamama,a goddess imbued Earth Mother, revered by the Indigenous people of the Andes as an inherently sentient, soul-animated, divinely fertile maternal presence
- Be introduced to the quantum reality of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism
- Apply the 5 C’s of empowered ritual creation and activation of sacred ceremonial space for establishing alliances of healing power with our shamanic multiverse
- Open to a soul awareness of your mythic past and visionary future through shamanic initiation into the Great Work
- Receive a wisdom transmission of heart-opening, healing vision drawn from the sanctity and living medicine of don Oscar’s Altar Mayor (central ceremonial space)
- Experience a guided journey through the multidimensional cosmovision of your emergent Pachakuti Mesa Tradition altar ground
Module 2: Descending Into the Chthonic Beforetime of Amaru’s Lair
Traditional shamanic peoples understand that our destiny lies hidden in our origins — and that authentic magic results when you discover that the past is never truly lost…
In this module, you’ll discover how your unexplored life experiences take up residence within the shadowy chambers of the Ukhupacha (Lower World) — and how you can bring them to light using the chthonic wisdom of Amaru.
don Oscar will show you how to master this plunge into the “underworld” — a key component of your shamanic healing.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the labyrinthine corridors of your unconscious interior world — as a means of transforming avoidance and fear into loving openness toward the wonderfully unpredictable nature of life
- Learn to encounter your shadowy PAST as evolutionary nourishment for your soul
- Befriend the medicine of the Boa and Anaconda as your tutelary shamanic animal allies
- Receive a wisdom transmission on how to bring your suppressed or repressed life experiences to light…. as a path to expanded consciousness
- Experience a guided journey into the body-purifying capacity within the Ukhupacha
Module 3: Choosing an Empowered Presence Graced by Puma’s Vision
Shamanic practitioners the world over honor the power of our consciousness to transform the larger social order in which we live.
You’ll discover how this innate human ability has profound healing value for yourself, and for humanity as a whole.
As don Oscar will share, learning to embrace the perfection within the present moment illumines your essential wholeness. It also reinforces your divine solidarity with Creation…
In this module, you’ll:
- Be awed by the unlimited ways you can live a conscious life — where the illusion of separation is replaced with a Self-actualized experience of wholeness
- Seize your PRESENT life experience and learn to free yourself of unmet dependency — which stems from needs developed in the past, and anxiety or worry about the future
- Embody the gift of mindfulness offered by Puma and Otorongo (Jaguar) as your tutelary shamanic animal allies
- Receive a wisdom transmission on the virtue of living in balance through an experience of reverence for All Our Relations
- Participate in a guided journey into the mind-expanding power of the Kaypacha (Middle World)
Module 4: Accessing the Transcendent Aftertime Uplifted on Kuntur’s Wings
Discover how your ability to experience cosmic awareness is a built-in part of your evolutionary development…
…. and why it can’t be realized or achieved by seeking to master it.
As don Oscar will share, it’s only when you fully overcome your ego that your human spirit can quietly, humbly, and receptively open to becoming a body of light — and this makes a true, transcendent glance into the future possible for you.
You’ll explore the sacred Andean mystical teaching of Condor and Eagle — and the human ability to embody the spiritual dimensions of the Hanaqpacha (Upper World).
In this module, you’ll:
- Live into your destiny as a hierophant, capable of making visible the unseen dimensions of Creation’s dreaming
- Honor your FUTURE as a quantum field of unlimited possibilities and life choices awaiting manifestation as your essential Self
- Internalize the presence of a transcendental reality that’s offered by Kuntur and Ank’a (Condor and Eagle) as your tutelary shamanic animal allies
- Receive a wisdom transmission on the empyrean reality that’s available behind the veil
- Partake in a guided journey of encounter with the spiritual dimensions of the Hanaqpacha
Module 5: Andean Paqokuna Earth Ceremonies to Nourish Pachamama’s Sacred Web of Life
We’re all part of an exquisite cosmic dance of perfect equilibrium — a divinely ordained, balanced reciprocity.
In this module, you’ll discover how this ultimate give-and-take process becomes the foundation of all relationships…. with one another, and with the multidimensionality of our universe as a whole.
don Oscar will explain how there’s much more to existence than mere physical reality — and a transcendent intelligence, known to Paqokuna as the Teqsimuyuq Yachayshaspa, inheres and instructs the developmental unfolding of the cosmos, including all the observable processes of evolution.
You’ll explore how, by performing ancestral Andean highland ceremonial offerings, you learn to embody the principle of Ayni. This creates order out of chaos…. and you become an agent in the fashioning of our sentient cosmos.
In this module, you’ll:
- Review the life-affirming precepts and personal attributes exemplified by traditional Andean wisdom-keepers — and earth-honoring ceremonialists
- Be introduced to the ancestral shamanic denizens alchemically associated with the primordial elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether
- Learn about the practice of Despachos y Pagos a la Tierra (earth offerings and “payments”) — acts to ensure health, love, and prosperity in your life
- Receive a wisdom transmission on the virtue of Ayni as an embodied principle of sacred reciprocity with All Our Relations
- Participate in a guided journey to position yourself as a vessel for the unhindered expression of ritual mastery in regenerative beautifying service to Mother Earth
Module 6: Experiencing the Transformational Magic of Kamasqa Curanderismo Healing Arts
Practitioners of Peruvian kamasqa curanderismo understood that one’s efficacy as a shamanic healer is directly proportional to one’s freedom from a self-serving life agenda.
They knew that collapsing our ego structure is the only way a human being can achieve a breakthrough — leading to authentic mastery as an adept of the Great Work.
You’ll learn to attain mastery as ritual operator of your soul-animated sacred altar space — eliciting a literal quantum leap in vocation and avocation as a pristine instrument of healing light in the world.
In this module, you’ll:
- Review the pre-Columbian origins of contemporary Peruvian folk healing
- Be introduced to the 5 main initiatory levels of ritual mastery for the healing of self and others
- Learn about the role of the Tres Campos de Poder (3 fields of power) comprising the ceremonial medicine ground used by Kamasqa Curanderos
- Receive a wisdom transmission for the development of your Vista en Virtud (virtuous shamanic sight) for diagnostic and treatment purposes
- Set off on a guided journey to embrace the magic, medicine, and mysticism associated with northern coastal Peruvian curanderismo
Module 7: Becoming a Hollow Bone
In this final class, you’ll discover core Pachakuti Mesa Tradition ritual practices — in service to the sanctity and beautification of your life and the world.
In contrast to what science has to say, traditional shamanic peoples have always known we’re much more than just the physicality of neural transmission.
And you, having now been initiated into the soul-empowered worldview of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism…
…. have come to realize you’re truly a Creativity Creating Creation — a divine presence, beyond space and time, able to influence the unfolding of shamanic consciousness on Earth.
You’ll find the following modules in this module:
- Know your Universal Shaman service path as an innate Labor of Love
- Receive an integrative overview of your apprenticeship experience — as a seeding of evolutionary vision and healing power in your life
- Learn to use your evolving shamanic mastery by participating in a virtual Wednesday Night Link-Up ritual practice focused on both personal and planetary levels of healing
- Experience a guided imaginal journey for giving earthly manifestation to a vision of YOUR future shamanic practice
- Be gifted an energetically unifying wisdom transmission — to crystalize the ancestral plenitude of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanic practice as an evolutionary decree of healing grace for your life
— don Oscar Miro-Quesada
The Ancestral Medicine of Pachamama Bonus Collection
(Valued at $250.00)
In addition to don Oscar’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Communication & Communion: Outer & Inner Ways of Sensing, Learning, Knowing & Being
Video Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris
In this fascinating co-creative dialogue between world renowned evolution biologist and visionary futurist Elisabet Sahtouris and don Oscar, you can explore why humans are the only physical beings that have actively given up our birthright to inner knowing (communion) in favor of recognizing only outer knowing through language (communication) as valid. Discover how we can reclaim communion for harmonious connection with all life as we regenerate Earth and build healthier and more joyful human social systems. Join this destined revolution in our human evolution, becoming a seven generational healing force for our world.
Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD, is an internationally known evolution biologist and futurist, speaking on all five continents teaching Living Economies and How to Navigate our Perfect Storm of Crises. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the American Museum of Natural History, she taught at MIT, the University of Massachusetts, contributed to the NOVA-Horizon TV series, became a fellow of the World Business Academy with an honorary Chair in Living Economies and a fellow of the Findhorn Foundation In Scotland, is on the Advisory Board of Ethical Markets, Tree Sisters and other organizations. She’s the co-author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us. Dr. Sahtouris has appeared in numerous films and written for book anthologies. Her newest book Gaia’s Dance: The Story of Earth & Us — is a children’s book for grownups.
Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa
Video Tutorial From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
This compelling tutorial video has been artfully crafted to initiate you into the core shamanic cosmovision and ritual practice of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition as originated by don Oscar Miro-Quesada. You’ll be provided with a step-by-step hands-on demonstration on how to prayerfully consecrate your Pachakuti Mesa ceremonial space and configure and awaken its directional healing power through the placement of various shamanic power items upon its sanctified ground.
Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Basics Toolkit
Set of Resources From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
This toolkit contains everything you’ll need to get started practicing Universal Shamanism in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Available as soon as you enroll, these items will prepare you for a deep dive into the cosmic perspective wielded on this path.
Mirror of Heaven, Embodiment of Earth
Video From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
This beautifully crafted video tutorial provides the viewer with a step-by-step apprenticeship of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-Cultural Shamanism. Stunning imAges of sacred mountain lscapes, avant-garde urban environments, evocative earth-honoring ceremonies, and concise teachings on the contemporary relevance of this ancestral healing practice are All gracefully woven together to illumine an inspiring spiritual destiny for humankind.
Meditations for the 3 Worlds
Audio Meditations From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
This collection is comprised of three meditative journeys that will take you into the supportive, healing, and revelatory realms of the guardian animals for each world: the Boa, the Puma, and the Condor. You can enjoy them again and again, continually deepening your relationship with these soul-animated stewards of the three worlds through these beautiful guided meditations.
Read more: https://archive.ph/Cupkk
IMPORTANT: This entire “don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Receive the Ancestral Medicine of Pachamama” is completely downloadable and available in your account
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