What You’ll Discover in Duane Lakin The Unfair Advantage
The Unfair AdvantageNLP: Selling with NLP This book is designed for people who want to improve their ability to influence others ,….
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Duane Lakin – The Unfair Advantage
The Unfair AdvantageNLP is a way to sell! This book is for people who are looking to improve their selling skills and to help others. It’s for people who want an edge in everything they do, say, and write. You can get an edge, or an advantage in your professional life. Many of the following are included. The Unfair AdvantageNLP: Sell with NLP NLP (neurolinguisticprogramming) skills are used to create this product. NLP can be much more than just what you see in this book. The Here, techniques and skills have been refined-Since the beginning of his career, the author has been using the same techniques over the past 30 years to help marketing and sales professionals be more effective. This book will show you how to sell YOU and understand your prospects. The Revised edition contains two chapters that are new and not present in 2000 edition (Mindsets/Metaprogams and Handling Objections). Other than the format change and the pricing, this is the only major revision to the Revised Edition.
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Dr. Duane Lakin She is a business consultant and psychologist. Graduate of the University of Minnesota. Duane As an industrial psychologist, he has more than 30 years of experience working with business leaders. His goal is to make people and businesses more productive. He realized that the skills required to build rapport with and influence people in applied psychology were very similar to the skills needed to sell oneself and be persuasive in business. So, he focuses on selling yourself, ideas, and products. He also teaches NLP (neurolinguistic programming). Since the mid-1980s-1980’s, he has been looking at ways to make NLP useful to sales people. His sales reps have made it clear that they do not want to be touchy.-It doesn’t matter if you have complex sales strategies or feel-good theories. He also discovered that very few salespeople are taught how to effectively use language and sell themselves. He has noticed remarkable sales growth due to a brief training in the art of selling YOU. His workshop “The Unfair Advantage—Sell with NLP!”Representatives of more than 750 companies from the U.S. and Canada have been able to see him. He has taught managers at companies like Xerox and PacBell, Andersen Consulting and American General Cable and Wireless, Hewlett Packard and GE. He has contributed articles to or written about them. “Selling Power”, “HR Magazine”, “Production and Inventory Management”?, “Sales and Marketing Excellence”. He has been awarded the “TEC 200” “Vistage 100 Achievement Award” Vistage is a designation for outstanding resource speakers in TEC. Based on his workshop, his book has been translated into English, Polish, Spanish, and Romanian. You can also download an audio version and a DVD from a live workshop. You can find new online lessons at www.SellWithNLP.com
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