What You’ll Discover in Duane Packer DaBen Sanaya Roman Orin Awakening Your light Body Part 2 Opening
It is not necessary to be proficient in the centers you have been taught. Part You can open this fourth level to learn more about the 3 centers.
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Duane Packer – DaBen – Sanaya Roman – Orin – Awakening Your light Body Part 2: Opening
The Awakening Your Light Body The courses provide a path to spiritual awakening that allows you to experience the progressive expansion of your consciousness and directly connect with the truth of yourself.
We hope that you feel the energy and flow of working with the three vibrational energy centers of our bodies. DaBen Orin’s Awakening Your Light Body course. Orin DaBen Have called those of them to the light Leaders, teachers, and healers are body course. They call you those who can hold and radiate the energy. light Your awakened light Many to one. You have heard the call and begun to awaken. light Incorporating body Part 1.
Orin DaBen You can feel the inner growth. light Since you’ve worked with Part 1. It doesn’t matter if you are aware of the greater possibilities. light No matter how many times you’ve worked with Dinia and Nu’a, you’ve added value. lightYour aura and energy will radiate harmony, flow, and joy. Orin DaBen Recognize your commitment towards your spiritual path, your world service, as well as your desire to be a source of inspiration and help others. light. They are grateful for you taking the initiative to do so and for the contributions you make to humanity through your radiating more. light.
When you wake up, your light You are on the path to enlightenment by your body.
The journey to enlightenment is not a destination. You can be as high, aware, conscious and loving as you wish. You can awaken your potential. light You are currently adjusting your subatomic level to a higher vibration. You can experience greater clarity, balance, harmony, love and compassion. Your vibration will increase and many aspects of your life will reflect this higher vibration.
Awaken Your Fourth Energy Body You can center to be in the flow, and more love.
In Part 2 Awakening Your Light Body course, DaBen The Ranthia transmits frequencies and sounds that open the Ranthia’s 4th energy body center. This center allows you to experience love and creates flow. It can be used to achieve tranquil, peaceful states of emotional flow, peace and relaxation. This center can be used to enhance your ability stay neutral and emotionally balanced around negative energies. Stay connected up, centered in this center. lightBe calm, peaceful, and one with yourself, no matter what happens around you.
You don’t have to master all the centers that you’ve learned. Part To go to the next level, simply press 1; you’ll be able to feel more about the 3 first centers when you open the 4th. As you progress through the light You are awakening new consciousness by changing your body. You will find that your previous journeys are more expansive and you have more experiences in the centers and spaces.
You will be traveling with Orin To meet the Enlightened Ones, the beings of the Enlightened Ones light They can help you on your journey to awakening. To experience greater love, forgiveness, compassion, and for others, you will need to work with them. Your aura will be cleared and released from the energy of others. It is possible to discover that your energy has been used too much to help others. You can then assist others in deeper ways, without using your own energy.
Orin This guide will help you to discover your inner healer.-healing.
As you work witYou will be able to transmit the power you’ve been generating in your lower centres to your higher centers to awaken them. DaBen This book will teach you how to increase your body’s energy and relieve muscle pain. This 4th center will be used in conjunction with the lower 3 centers to increase your physical vitality, and transform the energy from the food you eat. Learn about yourself.-Healing and how to remain neutral around others. Learn more about setting a healing space for other people, awakening your inner healer, creating a greater sense of physical vitality, and healing. DaBen will show you how to work with other beings light Who can teach you love and blending?
Part 2 contains 12 DaBen Orin Audio journeys about 21-Each session lasts 30 minutes. Downloads come with a PDF guide, while CDs come with a printed book. Both include instructions, information, as well as transcripts of the journeys.
Prerequisite: This course is designed to help you succeed. This course must be completed in a sequential order. Opening Your Heart Center This is the second part of a six-part series. To be able to use and understand the skills you have learned in part 1, it is important to fully understand them. light In part 2, you will learn body skills.
You have now awakened your first four vibrational energy bodies centers. Part This course consists of 3 sections. DaBen Transmits frequencies and sounds that activate your three higher energy centers. These first four centers are responsible for more emotional flow and physical ease. They also provide the foundation to allow you to experience the harmony and flow necessary to open your higher energy centers. You can experience your higher mind more easily and have greater creativity.
Get your instant download Duane Packer – DaBen – Sanaya Roman – Orin – Awakening Your light Body Part 2: Opening
As you work with the top centers, DaBen You will learn how to use your mental body to connect with the universal mind and experience higher, more positive thoughts and manifest what you desire according to your higher purpose. DaBen This video will teach you how to monitor your thoughts and add more frequency.
You will explore states of Âconsciousness that expand the way you think, bringing illumination, insights, and focused awareness. You can transform your negative, less focused thoughts into more positive, expanded ones. Your Your thoughts can reflect who you really are-Loveable, intuitive, clear, and full with fresh, original ideas in any area you can think of. DaBen This will allow you to travel through the void and give you more light. This book will teach you how to quieten your mind and stop the chatter.
Orin This will help you get a better understanding of yourself and your purpose in life.-lives. This course will help you continue to transform your personality. You will have the ability to rewrite your birth story in a way which will improve your perception of yourself and help you create a better future.
Part 3 contains 12 DaBen Orin Audio journeys about 21-Each lesson takes approximately 30 minutes. Each course comes with a manual that includes detailed information and transcripts.
In Part 4: You will learn how to combine the energy bodies you have awakened during Parts 1 through 3. This will allow you to experience heightened, expanded awareness. Learn how to be more conscious of subtle and higher energies. You can increase your vibration to bring more joy, harmony peace, balance and flow.
This is a fantastic set. light Body meditations that allow you to experiment with the energy bodies centers that have been learned. You can learn new ways of working with the centers to help you have quiet thoughts, no thoughts, feel energized and improve your intuition and inner vision. You can use your center to help you. light Body centers are used to replenish your energy at the source and core levels, and to help you feel more balanced and harmonious.
You will learn how to transform your abundance and relationship issues. First, work on them as energy. Then, be open to the possibility of experiencing the positive changes in these areas. As you awaken your 7 vibrational energy centers, you can create emotional flow and mental fluidity. light Body centers Part 5. Learn how to feel exactly the way that you want!
Orin This guide will help you discover what it feels like to have more refined, higher-quality energy. Your information will be used to improve your light Your body to allow you to connect to your higher self, and/or your guide. Join the Masters to reprogram you DNA for spiritual evolution, expand your aura and create more light Your life.
Part 4 contains 12 DaBen Orin Audio journeys about 21-Each lesson takes approximately 30 minutes. Each course comes with a manual that includes detailed information and transcripts.
In Part 5, DaBen Transmits to you the sounds, frequencies and frequencies that awaken your 2nd sense. light The body centers. These centers can be awakened to help you feel joy, inner visualizations and other beautiful sensations.
Orin This guide will help you experience the soul of the Earth and to see life through its eyes. Learn how to connect with soul-To-Soul with loved ones to transform and radiate your relationships light To others. You will “breathe with the universe” You can journey to the Oneness. You can learn to exist in this dimension while also being aware of the other dimensions in which you exist.
To clear and purify your aura, you will travel to the Temple of the Masters. How to be a source of energy lightAnd call those who can help you. light you are radiating–friends, loved ones, students and the beings of light. You can be a strong worker in the future. light If you are interested in becoming a spiritual leader, teacher or healer,
Part 5 contains 12 DaBen Orin Audio journeys about 21-Each lesson takes approximately 30 minutes. Each course comes with a manual that includes detailed information and transcripts.
In Part 6, DaBen You transmit the energies that awakens the final light Body center. This center is used in conjunction with the other two. light Learn about body centers Part 5 ways to awaken your senses light body. This light A body center can open you up to feelings of blissful beauty and joy. This center connects directly with lightIt brings in light The higher dimensions. It controls, filters and integrates light You can bring it in. You can radiate light and be a source of radiant energy light This center is open to you. This light The body center increases your ability to feel the oneness.
Use the light You will explore the void and other dimensions by using your body centers. Learn how to create the cord that connects to your soul, so you can feel more of your soul and explore new dimensions. You will be able to travel into the Mind and All of God.-That-To explore the nature and origins of the universe. Your personality will be supported by you to balance the vastness of your new perspective on the universe, soul, purpose, and many other insights that may come your way as you explore the universe in new ways.
This center is awakening and you will experience an evolutionary leap in your ability to positively impact others and change the environment.
Part 6 contains 14 DaBen Orin Audio journeys about 21-Each lesson takes approximately 30 minutes. Each course comes with a manual that includes detailed information and transcripts.
Graduating Light is available to those who have completed six volumes. Body courses:
If you have completed all six Parts of this series you are considered an “anonymous” Awakening Your Light Body graduate. Click on the small colour graph “Awakening Your Light Body Path Information” For a study guide explaining the concepts, click here light How the graduate courses relate to one another and your body path
Light is open to you Body Graduate Seminars
After graduation, you can apply to live graduate programs light Experience the power of a group running the energy together at body seminars. The energy of a seminar is very upbeat, and participants are warm and friendly. Learn more about the seminar dates. Learn more about the seminar. You can also take the seminars from your home.
Becoming a teacher or sponsor:
When you graduate, it is the time when you are done. Part You are invited to teach or host 6 classes using your journeys. The manual includes information about sponsorship. You can become a Lighthouse. Body Teachers, this means that you will transmit the sounds from the centers to others. DaBen Do you want to teach live courses? DaBen OrinComplete the course, or the teacher’s teacher’s course. DaBen or your teacher’s course. The Radiance: Transmitting Light You will learn how to awaken others in this teacher’s course light Assisting the body DaBen It transmits energy and sounds from the centers.
Special OfferEnjoy a $30 Discount You can order all five courses (Parts 2)-6) simultaneously and save. You will be considered an a light These courses will make you a body graduate and allow you to apply for the following jobs: light Body seminars and
CD Offer The 5 CD albums are 99c each and cost $495 if bought separately. All 5 albums can be purchased together for $465 and you will save $30
Download the offer If purchased individually, these 5 download courses (89 each) cost $445. Save $30 by purchasing all five remaining courses together for $415
Both special CD- and Download offers are included 5 free MP3 Thaddeus music tracks Purchase
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