What You’ll Discover in Enneagram Global Summit 2020
Truly knowing yourself and how you operate is pivotal in transforming emotional reactivity into poise and power… and realizing how you can get in your own way and, instead, perpetuate disharmony…..
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Enneagram Global Summit 2020
Are you having trouble understanding others’ ways of being in this time of increased conflict and division?
Do you find that you’re communicating about those differences with more reactivity than you normally would?
If we want our lives to be peaceful, joyful, and creative — rooted in love and hope — we need effective ways to face disagreements and misunderstandings… so we can transform on a personal level the divisiveness our world is facing.
Now more than ever, it’s important to grasp that peace does begin at home — in the core of your being.
Truly knowing yourself and how you operate is pivotal in transforming emotional reactivity into poise and power… and realizing how you can get in your own way and, instead, perpetuate disharmony.
The Enneagram — a complex and beautiful system of nine pathways to self-understanding — opens portals to deep and comprehensive knowledge of your own tendencies…. and helps you explore how others work through a lens of compassion, non-judgment, and objectivity.
Instead of seeing differences only as wedges, consider them to be opportunities for growth. Enneagram This gives you a glimpse into the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of others.
… and, as such, can help you reduce violence and suffering and create a more loving existence — for yourself and others.
Now in its seventh anniversary, The Enneagram Global Summit This is a testimony to the power and potential of the Enneagram. Participants from around the world shared their stories of dramatic, sometimes unimaginable changes in their lives and relationships. They were able to make valuable contributions to their communities.
During this year’s summit, you’ll discover how the Enneagram impacts the communication patterns of the nine types… and facilitates the transformation of unproductive patterns.
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Here’s What You Will Get In Enneagram Global Summit 2020
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