What You’ll Discover in Henry Akins Inside the Closed Guard
Even today, it is not the Most popular offensive position. If a skilled Closed Guard player….
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Henry Akins – Inside the Closed Guard
You want to learn a secret? If your opponent is TERRIFIED to close their guard around you… their guard becomes infinitely easier to pass.
Do You Want To Be The One? “Hidden Connection” This opens EVERYTHING Closed Guard Like a “Skeleton Key”?
Want to know how to regain and KEEP your posture when you end up in someone’s Closed Guard?
You Want to Know How to RULE Even The Strongest, Most Aggressive Closed Guard Players? And how to set up your passes with ease.
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Kron Gracie Knows.
Rickson Gracie Knows.
His Black Belts “Black Belt ONLY Seminars” Know.
And THESE Guys & Gals Know
It might not be so “sexy” As the “donkey” Oder the “50” Oder the “worm” Oder the “tornado” but lets be real…
Jiu is the only reason you know anything about it.-Jitsu is Royce Gracie’s.
Royce, as we all know, knows a lot about everything. the Closed Guard.
It’s quite simple. the Closed guard is the Jiu was the first to adopt this position-Jitsu famous.
Even today, it is not the Most popular offensive position. If a skilled Closed Guard player locks you in and breaks you down…. Often times the End is near.
But there’s something you should know.
The guy you train with.
You know…. You know… the Bear trap legs the Kryptonite to strengthen your posture. The guy who’s drilled that arm bar, triangle, omoplata transition a few zillion times.
Or, maybe you’re thinking of that guy who has ZERO closed guard game but he ALWAYS puts you there and you can’t do ANYTHING about it. He will just pull on your head, wrap your legs tightly and break down your posture. the whole 5 minute round…
And, as stupid as that is… you’re powerless because YOU’VE got NOTHING for him. Can’t get your posture back, can’t break his guard… you’re just STUCK.
Whether you’re getting finished fast from your opponents closed guard or just getting plain ol’ STUCK there… I’ve got some real world, real life answers for you!
Closed guard has unfortunately become a reality. “defensive” position. An uncomfortable position to attack. A position many people’s ONLY objective is “don’t let him pass”.
First, you must be safe. the Your posture is critical to your safety. Students are rarely taught how to maintain a good posture. the To maintain your posture, you must take care of yourself.
We often see a struggle to push with. the Keep your arms up the We are being pulled down by our opponent the Arms and legs. That’s a losing battle. It is possible to keep your posture straight while sitting down. the Guard so that you feel like an IMMOVABLE stump tree.
You don’t need arms, just slight adjustments. the Place your hips and knees in line with your hips. As a matter of fact I’ll tell you this… if your hands are touching him… you’re doing it WRONG!
If you can maintain your posture you’re opponent will have no attacks available and no other option but to open their legs for you allowing you the Opportunity to pass
If you like hearing training partners respond with ….
◦ -WTF?
◦ -How’d you do that?
◦ -Can you show me that?
• -Nobody’s EVER done that to me
This is it the Only systematic way to escape and dominate inside Closed Guard You have to.
Henry Akins Signature
Guy Ritchie – Black Belt
“I have learned a Tremendous Amount of Details from Henry!”
Dan Hart – Brown Belt
“Henry’s Jiu-Jitsu is life changing!”
Rob Wolf – Blue Belt
“Henry’s approach is completely different. Can’t endorse him enough”
Mike Clark – Blue Belt
“Every time I train with Henry its like Light Bulbs Going Off in My Jiu Jitsu Brain!”
Inside The Closed Guard System
– FINALLY… the The governing principles of and the concepts that govern them the Only proper closed guarding posture will keep you SAFE.
– Discover the handful of MOST important things you should NEVER do when placed in someone’s closed guard
Download it immediately Henry Akins – Inside the Closed Guard
– What to do if your opponent tries to pull you down. This will change EVERYTHING you’ve ever thought about staying safe inside the Closed guard
– Discover the one thing NOBODY EVER wants you to do to them when you’re in their closed guard… and how to frustrate them EVERY TIME
– Sometimes (even experienced grapplers) have NOTHING from the Closed guard, even though YOU were placed there by THEM. I’ll show you how to rue the day they closed their legs around your neck.
– Sometimes (even experienced grapplers) have NOTHING from the Closed guard, even though YOU were placed there by THEM. I’ll show you how to rue the day they closed their legs around your neck.
– Once you develop your ability to be an IMMOVABLE OBJECT inside someone’s closded guard… after you’ve amply frustrated them… I’ll show you “how to open the legs and pass”… THE EASY WAY!
– Opening the closed guar is EASY… but there’s ONE incredibly important concept you MUST UNDERSTAND and I GUARANTEE you that you’ve never been taught it correctly.
– Opening the Closed guard 100% the Time on everyone and everything requires that you do 3 simple tasks. Do them right and you’re OUT and passing… Do them wrong and you’re either drowning in their attack or just flat out stuck.
01-Keeping-Take a posture-In-the-Closed-Guard
Keep your posture in check the Closed Guard.
Pulling is a sport that requires posture the Arm.
Pulling: How to maintain your posture the Neck.
Use the Lead Arm.
Secondary arm defense
06-The execution of a murder-the-hip-bump-sweep
Killing the Hip Bump Sweep.
Freeing the Head to the Posture
09-Concept-This is-Standing-Breaking-the-Legs-vs-Breaking-the-Legs-Starting at-the-Knees
Concept of Standing & Breaking the Legs vs Breaking the Legs Starting at the Knees.
Breaking the Legs with the Keep your feet on the ground the Butt.
Standing to Open the Legs.
Preliminary Defense Cross Collar Choke
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The Inside The Closed Guard This system contains TWENTY SEVEN modules which I share with You the Concepts, ideas and functional principles for opening, defending and posturing inside the Closed guard
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