What You’ll Discover in Hong Kong Pharmacist Registration Exam Tutorials Legislation Notes
I’ve also taught pharmacology to student nurses and pharmacy technicians, including writing and marking exams. I also run a Facebook group that supports pharmacists taking the exams. Hong Kong pharmacy registration exams.
Hong Kong Pharmacist Registration Exam Tutorials – Legislation Notes
Your instructor
In September 2017, I created this online tutorial platform. I have a BPharm (1996), and a PhD Pharmacognosy (2003). I have worked in both the community and in hospitals in the UK. Since my move to Hong Kong I passed the 2012 registration exam several years ago. I have taught pharmacology, human disease topics to pharmacist technicians and student nurses. That included writing and marking exams. My Facebook group provides support to pharmacists who are taking the exam. Hong Kong pharmacy registration exams.
Course Curriculum
Summary of each section
Introduction – ASPs, LSPs and Basics Of Poisons Categorisations
You can keep medicines in ASPs or LSPs.
Authorized Seller of Poisons, (ASP) (S.11).
Every establishment must be under the direct supervision of a pharmacist. (S.12).
Registration Locations (S.13).
Code of Practice to ASPs
Restrictions on the use of titles and display of logo
Listed Sellers of Poisons (LSP), (S.25).
Frequently Asked Question
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