What You’ll Discover in Jim Pickins Bookselling 101
While used books are often seen as ‘burdens,’ they are actually quite useful and can provide a huge source of CASH.
Jim Pickins – Bookselling 101
Tired of false promises about making money online from people who don’t even live what they teach?
Sell used books on Amazon FBA and make up to $100k+ per annum
You only need a few hundred dollars to get started.
There’s no need to brand products
You don’t require any prior knowledge to make money instantly.
Learned from the ground up, by someone who is well-known in the Book Selling industry. Jim Pickins
My student made $10,000 in sales (plus $5k+ PROFIT) within their first 30 days.
Book selling 101 Review
This business model involves buying very low books (25 cents to $2) and selling extremely high books (10 to $200+). These margins can be huge.
Fbascan Review
Fbascan Review
Although used books are often viewed as ‘burdens’ or things that clutter up homes, they are rarely seen for the huge source of CASH they can be.
Because of this misconception, I was able to establish a profitable used book selling company by using Amazons FBA program. This allows me to pack, prep, and ship all orders to my customers. It also handles any support issues that they might have.
Once I have sourced books from all kinds of places (books can be found everywhere), all that is left to me is to send them into Amazon. No more customer complaining about missing orders, or the need to pack them individually day in and day outside.The best part is that there is no need for me to have a large storage area for all my books. This business model requires very little space. The books are sent as soon as they arrive.
“By selling what so many people considered to be ‘burdens’ I was on track to do 6 figures within my very first 6 months of doing this business model.”
This business model involves buying very low books (25 cents to $2) and selling extremely high books (10 to $200+). These margins can be huge. This is what attracted my attention to used books. After selling what many considered ‘burdens,’ I was able achieve a 6 figure income within my first year of running this business.
Download immediately Jim Pickins – Bookselling 101
This is a REAL method to make money selling products on Amazon FBA and it has the LOWEST barrier to entry of ANY Amazon based business I’ve ever come across.
Wholesale? Wholesale?
Private Label? Private Label?-Start up capital of 20k and 6 months to break even
Retail Arbitrage? Can be profitable but the margins are dwindling and unless its Quarter 4, the opportunity simply isn’t what it used to be
Now look, I’m not saying any of those other business models are not legitimate ways to earn money online, but what I AM telling you is that ALL of those methods have a much larger barrier to entry with MUCH lower margins.
This is what you’ll learn
How to sell thousands of books on Amazon
My comprehensive training course will cover everything you need about becoming an Amazon book seller.
My top book-sourcing tips
These are the top places to look for books that you can sell on Amazon. Many of these sources are my personal secrets
How to quickly sell your merchandise
All of my pricing and resourcing is shared with me.-The pricing strategies that have helped increase sales by more than 100% are responsible for a number of other factors, including the ability to charge higher prices.
I’ve experienced all the difficulties of building a new company and learned how to make it work. I’ve spent the last 18 months perfecting my processes in order to be as efficient as possible and as profitable as possible. This knowledge is invaluable and people have watched my YouTube journey many times. They have seen the potential of this business model and asked me for a step-by-step guide.
This course was released after months of preparation. This information is much more valuable than I am asking.
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Jim Pickins – Bookselling 101” Completely Downloadable Available In your account
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