What You’ll Discover in John B. Comegno II Special Education Law in New Jersey
- Faculty:
- John B. Comegno II
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 34 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and video
- Copyright:
- Oct. 5, 2016
- Transgender rights – How will emerging case law and federal direction impact your schools?
- Are service dogs allowed? Special Education consideration?
- You must balance the student’s needs with legal compliance.
- Make a database-Driven, bulletproof IEP to avoid costly mistakes
- This seminar will provide you with practical best practices that will ensure your compliance with all legal requirements.
The IDEA implementation and compliance is one of the most difficult challenges you will face. The many changes made recently in Both federal and state special education regulations. It is important that you are aware of these changes as well as how they impact your day.-To-Day activities and students you serve. School districts and professionals cannot be protected from the financial and legal consequences of misinterpreting special education regulations if they have only a cursory understanding of the law.
For the most current information, watch this recording in Learn more about the IDEA as it was reauthorized and get practical advice on how you can implement IDEA requirements. in In order to meet the needs and ensure compliance with regulations, we have created this guide. You will find answers to many of the questions listed below.
- What are the most current Best Practices?
- What data can you help? in IEP defense and litigation
- How can I support teachers, special education staff and schools better?
Manual (1.21 MB) | 50 Pages | Available after Purchase |
The Rules: Policy Basis and Legal Basis
- Individuals with Disabilities in Education Take action
- Base and Goals
- The development of Law
- Compare/Contrast Laws
- Section 504
- Special Education Take into account
- General Education Particulars
- Who’s eligible, and who’s not (And why it’s critically important to know the difference)
- Criteria best practices
- There are differences between IDEA eligibility and Section 504.
LRE is not just a place
- Does placement determine IEP?
- IEP best practice considerations
- Smart Goals & Objectives
- Dyslexia (anymore) is not a four-letter word
- The largest ticket
Guidelines for Evaluation and Identification
- Evaluation options
- The IEE isn’t a check without a purpose.
- How to address Independent Evaluation requests efficiently and properly
Keep out of trouble; simple ways to avoid it
- Comegno Combat Rules
- Practical Suggestions
- District Resources: Take advantage
- What is the best way to win cases? What wins cases?
- Data
Discipline and behavioral intervention
- Limitations in the Constitution
- General Education Rules and Regulations
- Regulative Concerns
- FBAs, MDs, FBAs, & Other Great, Important Acronyms
- Everyone loves a pony
- How and when are service dogs allowed? Special Education issue?
- Tips
Effective and Compliant IEPs
- Regulatory Requirements
- Practical Considerations
- Who? When? How? How long?
- Consent considerations
- Sign it. (Right? I mean, don’t they?)
Ethical Considerations
- Issues relating to Student Records
- “Need to Know”
- Rules; FERPA, IDEA and State Rules
- Participation of the Team
- Participation of Teachers and Other Personnel
- Transgender issues
- He would like to go to which bathroom.!
- Scenarios
- Case Law
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Comegno Law Group
John B. Comegno II, Esquire, Founding president and founder of The Comegno Law Group, P.C. has been recognized as a prominent school law practitioner representing independent and public schools in the Northeast region. He is a member of all the bars of the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He has also litigated special education cases across the United States. He is an invited speaker to professional groups in the region, and a regular keynote speaker for national associations across the nation.
Mr. Comegno A wide range of experience in The area of Section 504 litigation. He mediates special education issues and attempts Due Process Hearings. Working closely with director of special education, case managers, and members of the child study and IEP teams to efficiently deal with special educational issues in a matter of hours-To-Day basis, Mr. Comegno Has extensive experience with disabilities-He is familiar with specific legal issues and can provide quick and detailed legal assistance. He can provide advice on the classification, evaluation, or eligibility process.
Mr. Comegno Also, has extensive experience in handling general, day-To-Day student issues. These issues include student safety, compulsory education, disciplinary incidents and constitutional concerns regarding free speech. As well as handling union negotiations Mr. Comegno Is involved in There are many issues related to employment and labor, including reporting and confidentiality requirements and reporting requirements for teachers as well as sexual harassment. in The school environment, including the teacher-To-Teacher, teacher-To-Student and student-To-student harassment.
Drawing on hundreds of lectures from thousands of educational professionals across the nation, John’s lectures are equal parts legal/practical guidance and humor, wit and entertainment. Follow regularly the lectures John’s lectures on an annual basis and report that his lecture style not only well-It informs, but also engages.
Disclosures to Speakers:
Financial: John Comegno II Is president of Comegno Law Group PC. PESI Inc. gives him a speaking honorarium
Nonfinancial: John Comegno II The American Bar Association is a member.New Jersey State Bar Association.
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