What You’ll Discover in Les Mills Bodycombat 2018
BODYCOMBAT will strengthen your body, get you strong and fit fast. Unleash your power …..
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Les Mills – Bodycombat 2018
Step into a BODYCOMBAT workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 740 calories** along the way. This is an extremely intense workout.-energy martial-It is possible to do a workout inspired by the arts without any restrictions-Contact is the best way to learn and there are not many complicated moves. A LES MILLS™ instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ.
BODYCOMBAT can be purchased as a 55-, 45-, or 30-year old.-A minute workout. It can also be done in virtual format at certain clubs.
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BODYCOMBAT will strengthen your body, get you strong and fit fast. You can unlock your potential and become empowered.
BODYCOMBAT is a core-training program that works your legs, arms, back, shoulders, and core. You feel empowered, you lose calories, improve coordination, agility, speed, and coordination.
BODYCOMBAT is customizable to fit your needs. All of our instructors are available to help you work at your level. Start with 1-2 classes a week and you’ll be working out like a champion in no time at all.
Les Mills – Bodycombat 2018: Sample
Here’s what you’ll get in Les Mills – Bodycombat 2018
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