What You’ll Discover in Mark Penn Microtrends Squared The New Small Forces Driving Today’s Big Disruptions
Mark Penn – Microtrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today’s Big Disruptions
Ten years later, his bestseller Microtrends, Mark Penn It identifies the next wave trends that will transform the future of politics, business, and culture.
Mark Penn has boldly argued that the future is not shaped by society’s broad forces but by quiet changes within narrow slices of the population. He demonstrated ten years ago how one small group of people can have a huge influence on the entire country. His best-selling work Microtrends There are many small, counterintuitive trends that have emerged since then, from the explosion in internet dating to the split within the Republican Party.
The world is going through a lot of turmoil today, and microtrends are becoming more important than ever. This environment is challenging. Penn It offers a valuable perspective.
Microtrends Squared Makes sense of the current world. Through fifty new microtrends Penn He outlines the changes that will occur over the next decade. He pinpoints the unseen hand behind new power relationships that have emerged—as fringe voters and reactionary politics have found their revival, as online influencers overshadow traditional media, and as the gig economy continues to invade new swathes of industry. He discusses the next wave in technology, social movements and dating.
This vision gives a clear view of the future of politics, culture, and business. Microtrends Squared This is a must-have-read for innovators and entrepreneurs, political and business leaders, and for every curious reader looking to understand the wave of the future when it is just a ripple.
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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Microtrends Squared
The The old notion of the male breadwinner has been flipped upside down. American women are earning more than ever and many young men are in dire straits. Some women on strong careers path seek out similarly accomplished men, but others are looking for something else—a second-Fiddle husband. This new type husband is able to see that with someone else taking the economic reins, he will need more responsibility for the traditional home as well as the child.-Retaining responsibilities that were once performed by women.
While women have had a lot more power in marital relationships than men, it hasn’t always been due to their education, careers, or money. This is changing. With women graduating from college at a rate of 60 percent to 40%, they are becoming more educated than ever. It’s predicted that by 2023 females will outnumber male graduates by almost half. Just as many Mad Men–era men preferred less ambitious women, it’s to be expected that there are women who now feel the same way.
In the past, men were often in a difficult position. They were less successful at home when they were unsuccessful at work. As work’s nature has changed from factory to strength, so have their chances of success at home.-There are many related jobs, as well as growing numbers that require patience, mental work, socialization and socialization. Many men are falling behind. They are those who end up in jail after overdosing on drugs, get involved in car accidents, hazing, or have a car accident. Even the runaway-This is-The-The mill man is not as successful in the transition to information age.
1.1: Female Breadwinners by Household Income, 1967–2010
Source: Center for American Progress
Here’s a second-Fiddle husbands can fail at work but still be successful at home as loving and faithful husbands. His salary and work title will not define his life. These new responsibilities and outlook will be a great asset to the married men.-fiddle-Husband trend can be a great help to them, removing work anxiety and failure.
In the United States, as well abroad, there are many second.-fiddle-Marriages between husbands are on the rise. For two, work hours are rising-Worker families are on the rise, with almost all of it being driven by women. The The highest number of breadwinning women is among the educated. This may be due to the fact that American women are more educated than American men.
Part of the rise second-The rise in fiddle husbands can be attributed to changing attitudes about parenting and work as well as a more egalitarian view of child care and career. The millennial generation is particularly comfortable with the notion that a woman is the primary breadwinner. Pew Research Center found that millennial men tend to be more comfortable with the idea of a woman being the primary breadwinner.-at-home dads has doubled since 1989—from 1.1 million to 2.2 million in 2012. Unemployment was a factor in this, including the recession, but there’s also a long-term growth pattern for primary caregivers men. 21% of the stay respondents were also surveyed.-at-Home fathers reported that they stayed home to care for their children, four times more than in 1989 when it was just 5 percent.
Second-fiddle husbands are part of our pop culture narrative, too, as seen in Sex and the City’s Miranda and Steve (Miranda was a powerful lawyer and Steve worked at a bar) and the movie The Intern: Anne Hathaway, a successful CEO at an e-Commerce begins-Her husband stays home, while she goes up. However, these aren’t always the prettiest depictions. Both the husbands and wives cheat on their wives. The wives then blame themselves for the situation. “workaholic” tendencies. This will change as the second fiddle rises.
There are usually two types of second-fiddle-Married couples. The First, it is by choice: The husband and wife often decide, often as a key tenet in their partnership, that the wife will become the primary earner of the family. The Other circumstances include a medical condition or layoff. The Couples who opt for this arrangement instead of being forced to are more likely to succeed.
Time magazine published a 2014 Money survey that found that couples who earn more than their male counterparts are happier and just as in love. The A survey revealed that 83 percent of second-place respondents were female.-fiddle-The husband households were more happy than the rest, with 77 percent being extremely or very happy. And they found that in these households there was no shOrtage of romance—in fact 51 percent called said that their relationships were “very good” or “hot” Compare that to the 43 percent of married couples overall. The American Sociological Association published a 2012 study on more egalitarian marriages. It found that both “husbands and wives in couples with more traditional housework arrangements report higher sexual frequency,” These marriages tend to be win-win, suggesting that they are mostly win-win.-Win arrangements
The Not-By-Second choice-fiddle marriages don’t fare nearly as well. These men are second fiddle by default. Fifty-Stay at eight percent-at-Home fathers reported being actively seeking employment as opposed to just 27 percent of stayers.-at-Home mothers. It’s not clear if this is because they want more money or because they were trying to find work to avoid feeling emasculated. The same Pew Research Center study cited above found that 23 percent of these fathers polled were looking for jobs but couldn’t find them. The Largest percentage of stays-at-The 35 percent of home fathers are disabled or ill, which is stark contrast to the 11% of home mothers who remain at home because they have been injured.
Byrne, Barling (2017) claim that when wives outearn husbands it can sometimes result in something the researchers call “The Researchers’ Choice”. “status leakage,” aka “negative feelings about a husband’s lower status,” You may even feel dissatisfied with the relationship. Women more often feel negative feelings about their husbands’ lower status, and men more often feel emasculated when they’re put in this type of partnership involuntarily. Luscombe (2013) claims that these types of pairings can cause competition and resentment. It was discovered that this paper is effective in promoting competition and resentment. “men automatically interpret a partner’s success as their own failure” despite not being in competition.
In Bertrand et al. (2013) found that most people were averse to the idea of a husband who is earning more than his wife. This “aversion also impacts marriage formation, the wife’s labor force participation, the wife’s income conditional on working, marriage satisfaction, likelihood of divorce, and the division of home production.” But this hasn’t deterred women from pursuing degrees and advanced degrees in record numbers. Among “mixed education” There is a rise in college marriages-Education for women “marrying down.” This type of marriage accounted for 12.8 percent to all new marriages in 2008 and 14.7 percent in 2015. The other type of mixed marriage—where the man has more education than the woman—has remained extremely steady, holding at around 8.6 percent of all new marriages. However, college is also an option.-College marriages accounted for 24.5 percent of all marriages, up from 19.9 % in 1999. This is a result of more people going to college, particularly women.
Internationally, 2nd-fiddle-The popularity of husband-wife pairings is also increasing. Klesment & Van Bavel (2015) found that in an EU-According to a large survey, women who are more educated will have a higher chance of being the primary breadwinner. This study was also done: “Unlike the situation 40 years ago, a wife taking a job today tends to stabilize a marriage. But when she earns more than 60 percent of the income, the risk of divorce rises again.”
In 21% of heterosexual marriages in Britain, the wife is the main breadwinner. The Between 2006 and 2010, the percentage grew by 18 percent in 18 EU countries. However, some countries with a stronger model of the male breadwinner and head of household—Italy, Greece, Austria, and Germany—are bucking the second-Fiddle trend
1.2: Percentage Of Female Breadwinners In Select European Union Countries
Source: Jan Van Bavel & Martin Klesment
Rising numbers of female breadwinners are also correlated with economic crises, which can cause many highs-Earning men to lose their job. In countries like Spain and Greece, which were badly affected by 2008’s economic crisis, there was a rise of female breadwinners. The Crisis was the first time that men were laid off and women were more likely than men to keep their jobs.
Women will become more financially powerful in the U.S. as well as abroad. This could lead to more women avoiding marriage and having children unless they have enough potential second chances.-Fiddle husbands are needed to meet the demand. This trend is already evident in South Korea, and it could continue to grow in the U.S. Matchmakers in Japan match wealthy women with men because they know that successful women would rather stay home than go to work. There have been many policies that help women stay home. But policies for second are not as common.-Fiddle husbands can be weak and are often the subject of sarcasm.
Second-fiddle-The economic aspects of husband arrangements, such as purchasing habits and lifestyle, can have an impact on the economy. They also influence money management. Weisser & Renzulli (2014) state that female breadwinners are more likely to have a good grasp of financial literacy and to manage their finances. A wife’s earnings are also affected by how much her husband earns. “greater her involvement in all aspects of the family’s finances—especially the responsibilities that have traditionally been the purview of men, such as investing and retirement planning.” The future will see more financially illiterate men. They will need assistance in later years, and may be less able or able to handle divorce, work, or retirement. As more people are second-Fiddle husbands and divorce agreements could shock high-ranking officials-Salary-Women can earn less if they have to pay alimony and divorcing payments. You could see significant numbers of men living off of alimony for the first time. They were not the main breadwinners and had few chances of finding a job.
1.3. Pay Gap Percentage For Parents Versus Non-Parents by Gender
Source: The Atlantic
The Second-fiddle-While the husband trend is important in America, it is having major implications in South Korea. Ma (2016) states that South Korean women are more likely to want fewer children if they earn more. Women in South Korea used to be the primary caregivers for their children. However, since women are a larger part of the workforce and have more education, it is unlikely that they will want more children. As in the U.S., South Korean women earn less than their male counterparts. The gap between South Korean mothers’ earnings and American mothers’ is much wider when they have children. American mothers are paid approximately 25% less than American dads, while South Korean mothers are paid nearly 50% less than South Korean parents.
South Korea also doesn’t support progressive work policies, like flexible hours, which would allow South Korean women to have children and strong careers. Paid maternity leave with job protection didn’t even exist in the country until 2001. Second-fiddle-In countries where the woman is not married, husband-wife arrangements are less successful.-As-As is the case in South Korea, the caregiver model is historically strongest. All these trends indicate that South Korea could face a rude awakening.
The A key ingredient to being a second-class performer is your ability to communicate effectively.-Fiddle husband doesn’t let the number two spot on the earnings list turn into resentment or loathing. Instead, he uses it to build happiness and strengthen the partnership. Second-Fiddle husbands might never be the majority. As women become more educated, and climb the career ladder, however, they will be often first-fiddle wives—and will need their own support networks and frameworks. These are the first-Fiddle wives will need to have access to child care, investment counselling, and protection from divorce. The Alternativly, many of these women will choose to not get married or have children, which would be devastating for women and men today and for future generations.
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