What You’ll Discover in Matt Furey Tao of Writing Email Copy that Sells
Matt Furey – Tao of Writing Email Copy that Sells
Uncensored, Raw and Uneditable
Matt Furey’s
Tao of Writing Email Copy that Sells
Dear Friend
Holy schnikies. I just discovered something, and I can’t help but smile from ear to ear.
It was this question that I was debating.-Before-Released product I want launch. And just when I was certain I’d made a definite decision, I saw a stack of A corner for CDs and DVDs of My office.
At the front of The CD contained various numbers and dates as well as the letters MAO.
Huh? How could this possibly be?
I took the CDs out of my bag and put one in my computer. After I’d only listened to the first 32:43 I had three pages of notes.
The speaker was ME.
Not MAO as in Chairman Mao.
These CDs were taken from a talk I gave a few years back, which was supposedly based on my method. of email copywriting. In true Fureyesque fashion the audience receives far more than they expect.
To be honest, I find it hard to believe that so many of them exist. of The words that Printed of During this talk, my mouth was open. Even though I had an outline, of 11 Keys to Writing Fureyesque Emails – I went “off-topic” There is so much! that Any serious student should be aware of these facts of Even someone who doesn’t want to ever write emails for a company, success is possible.
You can take, for instance: of These are the 11 Key Points. The first four of these points concern HOW I get in the right frame. of mind, the right mental state, the right emotional space – so that The words flow effortlessly onto screen.
Now get this – I explained how following this method will reduce your editing by as much as 80%.
And if you’re really in a pure state of flow – you can literally write emails, unedited, that POP-like kernels of Orville Redenbacher in high heat
After I had reviewed my notes from the 32:43, I began to look at notes from other talks about email copywriting. I even went through my notes from the two seminars I conducted on this topic – and I’m truly astounded that I did a lot of research. of Material in the first 20 minutes that I have never heard this before that day – and haven’t since then.
Finding these CDs is a GREAT day in my life – and I’d love to share them with YOU.
But I’m not going to crawl over broken glass and beg you to get them. If you’re a serious student of copywriting, marketing and so on – you most likely already know that Many of the world’s TOP marketing people consider me to be “the world’s greatest email copywriter.”
I’m not saying this to brag. I’m saying it because OTHER people have said it – and I think they’re right, hehe.
Even after taking nearly four years off, with very few emails sent compared to the days in which I cranked out two or three per day, every day, rain, snow, hurricane or earthquake – all I need to do is wash my hands with Windex, practice Theatre of the Mind for about 15 minutes, and I’m good to go.
Okay, I don’t use Windex on my hands – but hey, it worked in the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding – so why not add a little levity to this otherwise pompous email?
So you know I’m not going to crawl over broken glass to beg – and I’d never insist that I don’t know if you would do that. But I will tell you. that you’d be absolutely nuts to pass on the offer I’m about to make.
Here’s why: The people who attended this seminar paid five thousand smackers to hear what I had to say.
At the top of that They paid for airfare, hotel and food expenses. They also had to pay for tobacco expenses if they smoked.
At a minimum, people paid six to seven thousand fungolas each for their participation in this event.
To give this talk, I flew home from China a day early. that has not and will never be repeated – except in the living laboratory of your car – or on whatever other audio device you have in your abode.
Listen to this: There are copywriting teachers who literally scold their students into calling our office – asking if they can PLEASE get a copy of the first email seminar I held in 2005 – an event that Participants paid ten times more per person
And those who attended that With the help of what I taught, event has created some amazing businesses.
In rare cases that I was open to receiving the love of my soul and allowed it to be. “just one more person” The right to order that They were charged minimum $1,000.00 for the product.
Yesterday I did a Skype call with a man from Australia who’s been getting mentored by me since last Spring. He’s proud to label himself a “Furey stalker.” He was prouder to tell me. that The November advice I gave him of Last December, he received 1.1 million fungolas.
I interrupted him, and he said, “Actually, it was more like a week because you took off on vacation for the rest of the year.”
He laughed and accepted this fact.
Two weeks ago I met an info executive.-A publisher who has made a lot of money by using my email copywriting techniques. He’s picked himself up by his boot straps, more than once, following what I teach. And he’ll tell you it all boils down to the mindset I teach and the style of Copy that I write.
Believe me now, and then listen to me later when I say that The asking price for this program of 3.5 hours should be $997.00
But I’m not gong to charge you that amount – even though I probably should.
In fact, even though I should probably charge you $495.00 – I’m going to do even better than that.
Here’s the opportunity: This program is only going to be available for about a week – then I’m pulling it off the web.
If you think I’m joking, let me kindly remind you that An entire array of equipment was my possession four years ago of products on marketing for sale online – and I took ALL of them off the market and they have NOT made it back – and probably never will.
It’s more likely that The will experience the same fate. Tao of Email Copywriting.
With this in mind, consider $317.00 $197.00 (plus S&H) one helluva good steal.
Book your copy of this program NOW and I’ll also throw in a copy of my Email Copywriting Seminar manual – filled with instructions and samples galore, that You can use them in your business.
Und wenn that’s not enough, how about i throw in a copy of my “hot off the presses” CDs can teach you Theatre of The Mind, so that You can use it to help you clear your mind before sitting down to write compelling copy that You move the masses in your favor.
Sale Page : http://mattfurey.com/tao-email-copywriting.html
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Matt Furey – Tao of Writing Email Copy that Sells” Completely Downloadable And Available In your account
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