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What You’ll Discover in iAwake Technologies – Beginner’s Mind (Neuroflow Series)
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iAwake Technologies – Beginner’s Mind (Neuroflow Series)
This tape was played to me on a January Saturday. I was very interested in these tracks because they’re supposed to be designed to affect your brainwaves in specific ways. Brainwaves are frequencies that are formed by firing neurons. Certain ranges of brainwave activity correspond to certain states, such as sleeping or wakeful activity. You can change the brainwaves you experience to alter your consciousness. Tapes like Beginner’s Mind This will allow you to have new experiences and let go of a mind that is stuck in a rut.
- Before I get into the review, I should first introduce the concept of Beginner’s MindThis track is named for the song “Birder’s Track”. Beginner’s Mind Zen Buddhism is the inspiration for this idea. It states that we should experience the world as it is now, not in the past. The expert stays in the past and is unable to adapt to new situations or techniques. A metaphor that Buddhists commonly use is that you can’t fill a cup that is already full. It is better to be a beginner and to learn from the world and its people. Have an empty cup, ready to receive life’s blessings, and experience each moment as fresh and new.
- Before I start, I ensure that I have a quiet place to listen. I also meditate by closing my eyes and exhaling evenly. However, I am not suggesting you meditate as this music piece is very interesting on its own. To get the best results, you should just close your eyes and keep your mind clear. This tape is split into six parts: Ichi San Shi Shi Go Roku Nana and Roku. They all have similar musical styles and sound effects like rain and thunder. These tapes have a unique feature: music often repeats, like a chorus. However, nothing repeats throughout the entire tape. It forces you to always have a Beginner’s Mind because you never know what’s coming next.
- I felt a lot of emotion and had a lot more thoughts after listening to the tapes. Sometimes I felt uncomfortable but it led to greater awareness. There were a lot of discordant notes that interacted in interesting ways and this had an effect on my mental processes that I didn’t quite understand. It led me to something deeper. Many times, during these tracks I’d be sad that the one had ended, but the next one would always offer something interesting and new.
- The tape begins with light rain and thunder crackles. While a horn and a stringed instrument are playing, notes are separated and held for long periods of time. It’s very light and mellow and soothes. I get a sense that these sounds are linked to something from long ago, or something that’s been around for a long time. They’re strange and mysterious. The overall feeling is somewhat intense, but it’s still calming. Imagine being on a boat in an ocean during a severe thunderstorm and still being dry and safe. Being so close to powerful forces that can destroy, I feel like I have to be always awake and alert because everything is constantly changing.
- The tapes’ instruments have an interesting sound, they are different in their sounds, the note progressions vary, and it has a certain resemblance to Ancient Japanese music. The music sounds like it comes from a people who live in the forests and thunderstorms are an important part their lives.
- The music reminds me, as I dig deeper into the tapes and listen to the tapes more, that the world is older than we realize. Not only are people alive for thousands of years but the galaxy is also much longer. It is vast. It’s full of life, rich and varied. Although the strange sounds may seem odd, it makes me realize that there are other things in this universe. Things we might never discover. The rain, which is the life-giving force of all things, is always present. It was raining outside, and I couldn’t help but look out the window to verify. That just goes to show how closely our sensory experiences are tied with our perception of reality. We can be tricked more thoroughly than we’d like to admit.
- I’ll end here because I don’t want to have the entire journey for you, but I will say that I discovered and remembered some important things about what it means to exist in this universe. We start over every moment, and this can be saddening, because there are things we don’t want to leave behind. We must continue moving forward, always forward. This track deserves 5 stars. It was unique and interesting, which made me think a lot. It made beautiful sounds and each note progression was unique. I hope you’ll check it out for yourself.
Buy it Now iAwake Technologies – Beginner’s Mind (Neuroflow Series)
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