What You’ll Discover in Dr. Stuart McGill – McGill Method 3 – Enhancing Performance
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Dr. Stuart McGill – McGill Method 3 – Enhancing Performance
This course includes 12 hours of lecture and demonstrations by Prof McGill. You have 1 full year to access and review all lecture material. McGill Method 3 is geared for clinicians, advanced trainers, coaches and performance specialists who wish to obtain advanced skills to enhance the performance of sport and occupational athletes alike. Mechanisms and training techniques used with world class athletes will be introduced and discussed. The development of movement/motor patterns, endurance, speed, and power within the principles that minimize back injury, or exacerbation of existing injury are work-shopped. Specific topics covered include: building resilience, training capacity, strength and speed techniques within pain-free progressions. Formalization of some of the performance “tricks” including how to get through “sticking points”, enhancing pulsing strength for more speed and optimization of elastic contributions, and developing “superstiffness” will be done in lecture and practical sessions.
The primary objective is for you enhance the resilience and performance of your clients given a broad spectrum of athletic demands. You will learn:
- Mechanisms and training techniques used with world class athletes
- How to quantify the demands of specific occupational and sporting athletics, quantify the capabilities of the individual, and create targeted programs to ensure that athlete capabilities are able to meet the demands.
- How to develop movement/motor patterns, endurance, speed, and power within the principles that minimize spine stress
- Coaching cues to maximise effectiveness of injury resilience and performance that recognize differences in neurology, anatomy, learning style etc.
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