What You’ll Discover in 100 Most Viewed Ted Talks
01 Sir Ken Robinson claims schools kill creativity
02 Jill Bolte Taylor’s insight
03 Simon Sinek_ How great leaders inspire actions
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100 Most Viewed Ted Talks
01 Sir Ken Robinson claims schools kill creativity
02 Jill Bolte Taylor’s insight
03 Simon Sinek_ Great leaders inspire others to take action
04 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
05 Pranav Mistry_ SixthSense technology’s exciting potential
06 Brene Brown_ The power and vulnerability of Brene Brown
07 David Gallo shows underwater wonders
08 Pattie Mes and Pranav Mitry demo SixthSense
09 Bobby McFerrin Shows the Power of the Pentatonic Scale
10 Dan Pink’s surprising science of motivation
100 Beau Lotto_ Opcal illusions demonstrate how we see
Amy Cuddy_ Your body speaks volumes about who you are
12 Hans Rosling shows you the best stats that you have ever seen
13 Elizabeth Gilbert_ Your elusive creative genius
14 Dan Gilbert questions, “Why are we happy?”
15 Arthur Benjamin does _Mathemagic
16 Susan Cain_ The power and potential of introverts
17 Bunker Roy_ Learning with a barefoot approach
18 Shawn Achor_ A happy secret to better work
19 Keith Barry is a brain magician
20 Richard St. John’s 8 secrets for success
21 Chimamanda Adichie_ A single story is dangerous
22 Sir Ken Robinson_ Let’s start a learning revolution!
23 Matt Cutts_ 30 Days of Something New
24 Benjamin Zander: Music and Passion
25 Mary Roach_ 10 facts you didn’t know that are about orgasm
26 Ric Elias_ 3 lessons I learned during my plane crash
27 Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice
28 Johnny Lee demos Wii Remote hacks
29 Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth
30 Marco Tempest_ The magic and truth of lies (and iPods).
Jamie Oliver’s TED Prize wish – Teach all children about food
32 Jane McGonigal_ Gaming could make the world a better place
33 Derek Sivers_ Starting a Movement
34 Jay Walker, the English Mania in the World
35 Tony Robbins asks “Why do we do what do we?”
36 Helen Fisher explains why we love + cheat
37 Sarah Kay_ I would like to have a daughter
38 Malcolm Gladwell on Spaghetti Sauce
39 Philip Zimbardo shows you how people can be heroes or monsters
40 Sheryl Sandberg_ Why are there too few female leaders
41 Salman Khan_ Let’s make video education a revolution
42 Adora Svitak_ Lessons for adults from the children
43 Jeff Han shows off his revolutionary touchscreen
44 Taylor Wilson_ I did it!
45 Brene Brown_ Listening to shame
46 Pamela Meyer_ How do you spot a lie?
47 Isabel Allende tells stories of passion
48 Clay Shirky_ Why SOPA Is a Bad Idea
49 Alexander Tsiaras_ From conception to birth — visual
50 Amanda Palmer_ Asking the right questions
51 Markus Fischer_ A robot which flies like an bird
52 Gary Kovacs_ Tracking of the trackers
53 Eli Pariser_ Beware of online _filter bubbles_
54 Jane Fonda_ The third act of Jane Fonda_
55 William Li_ Can you eat to cure cancer_
56 Matt Ridley_ The best ideas in sex
57 Theo Jansen creates new species
58 Candy Chang_ Before I die I want to….
Vijay Kumar_ Robots fly …., and collaborate
60 Dan Ariely questions, “Are we in control of our decisions?”
Hans Rosling’s latest insights on poverty
62 VS Ramachandran_ 3 clues for understanding your brain
Derek Sivers_ Keep your dreams and goals private
64 Cameron Russell_ You don’t have to look perfect. Believe me, I’m a model.
65 Jason Fried_ Why work isn’t possible at work
66 Alain de Botton_ Gentler, kinder philosophy to success
Richard Dawkins’ militant atheism: 67
68 Matthieu Ricard on the habits that lead to happiness
John Wooden, 69, on success
70 Louie Schwartzberg_ Nature. Beauty. Gratitude.
71 Brian Greene – string theory
72 Joshua Klein on intelligence of crows
73 Graham Hill_ Less stuff, more happiness
74 Gever Tulley 5 things your children should not do
75 Deb Roy_ A word is born
Jane McGonigal 76_ The game that will give you an extra 10 years of life
Michael Shermer, 77, on strange beliefs
78 Dan Pallotta_ How we think about charity is wrong
79 Richard Wilkinson_ How inequality affects society
80 David Blaine_ How long I held my breath for 17 minutes
81 Jennifer Pahlka_ Coding for a better government
82 Kevin Slavin_ How algorithms shape the world
Terry Moore_ How to tie your shoe
84 Temple Grandin_ All kinds of minds are needed in the world
85 Seth Godin – Standing out
86 Oliver Sacks_ What does hallucination reveal about our minds?
87 Sherry Turkle_ Connected and alone
88 Esther Perel_ How to have long-lasting relationships with your partner
89 Juan Enriquez shares mindboggling science
90 Rory Sutherland_ Life Lessons from an Ad Man
91 Neil Pasricha_ The Three A’s of Awesome
92 Larry Smith_ Why it is impossible to have a great career
93 Julian Treasure_ 5 methods to listen better
94 Charlie Todd_ The shared experience with absurdity
95 Al Gore_ Reversing the climate crisis
Paul Stamets, 96, on 6 ways mushrooms could save the world
97 Sir Ken Robinson – Changing Education Paradigms RSA Animate
98 Nigel Marsh_ Making work-life balance work
99 Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of conservatives and liberals
100 Beau Lotto_Optical illusions demonstrate how we see
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