What You’ll Discover in BOOM 3.0
BOOM – 3.0
It’s bigger and better than ever. BOOM! 3.0 Is your Fast-Track Formula for making money online. Join the other participants over the course of 12 Weeks. BOOMSuccess with!ers
- You can build your business foundation using proven methods. Online, Profit from Powerful Offers
- Blueprints, Swipe Files and Copy (To Copy). Paint-By-A Numbers Formula for Creating Successful Sales Funnels Email Sequences
- Here are some strategies Overcome Limiting Beliefs How to Manage Your Mindset for Success
- Simple Methods to Create Magnetic Content Increased engagement and sales conversions
- 8 Proven Traffic Getting Strategy To Find Your Ideal Audience Practically, they will beg for your money.
- How to Create a team You Can Trust To Let’s make your dream a reality!
You could wake up every day and do whatever the hell you wanted to do.
You can spend more time with your most important people.
You could set your business up in a way that works while you don’t have to.
Imagine if you were given the roadmap to create the life of your dreams…
You will have more time to live your life on your own terms and have more fun doing it.
Access to our proven products will be yours “paint-by-numbers” Checklists, tools, methodologies

- This is about thinking big. The next step is to think big.
- We’ll go through exercises to discover your “jam” These values are what you love doing, so everything you do should be in harmony with them.
- The Unique Lifestyle Number process can help you determine exactly what your ideal lifestyle will cost.
- You’ll get to crunch your numbers with our BOOM! Profit calculator to see how easy it can be to create your NEW REALITY.
- Find the online software, programs and tools that you need to manage your business and grow your business.
- Our exclusive 30 page guide will help you delve deeper.-Minute Increments exercise to identify exactly where you’re spending your time so you can discover how to do what you love and delegate what you don’t.
- Smash through your personal glass ceiling to arrive at a new normal you’ve only ever dreamed of before.
- Be free from any negativity or limitations that may be preventing you from reaching your full potential.
- As you get clear about what you want in your life, you can remove the obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals.
- Learn how you can live and work in harmony with your values “jam” A lifestyle that is ideal.
- Find the strategies that you can use at any time to change your mindset, keep on your path of genius, and achieve your goals.

- Attract clients who become your new best friends because they’re just as much fun to work with as they are to hang out with.
- Find out the secrets of major media outlets such as Forbes.com, Wall Street Journal and CNN. Learn how to publish on these media outlets.
- All you need to quickly create your WordPress website is just 15 seconds. You don’t need to be a techie to create a WordPress website.
- Check out our 25-point Branding Checklist with everything you need to design a brand you’re proud of—including everything for your social media layouts and website.
- Learn the secrets to a great website with our Ultimate Must Have plugins and the website layouts that will bring you the most attention.
- We’ll even help you choose the right platforms to attract more clients to your blog (AKA online TV show), and show you how to use it to build your list and get more clients.
- Create a huge following who will be eager to purchase your goods.
- Find out how to build the most loyal list possible for your audience.
- Our 7-The day video challenge will help build momentum online and build your audience.
- Learn how to increase your Facebook audience using the proven Facebook Client Harvesting Technique.
- At the end of this module, you’ll be able to make it easy for people to know you, like you and WANT you and your offer.

- 60% of marketers agree that blogging is their best method to find new clients. We’ll show you why in this module.
- Our 5-Your blog/online TV show will be more cost-effective if you use step structure.-The most effective client acquisition strategy.
- You will learn the essentials of blogging and 15 ways you can make your blog into a successful online TV show.
- Is it better to wing it or script it? We will answer that question and show you how to deliver in a way that’s engaging and aligned with your “jam”.
- Find out the top YouTube keyword features to help you get your message out there.
- The Ultimate Blogging Checklist allows you to access every possible avenue to build a loyal following who will share your posts for free (saving you all the work).
- PLUS get Jody’s “ninja tricks” Get more traffic and leads BOOM!
- This module is all about making sure what you’re offering and how you’re offering it is in alignment with your jam.
- We go deeper into planning your signature offers—whether that’s a workshop, retreat, online program, membership site, group program or the mastermind you’ve always dreamed of—we will help make it happen.
- We’ll take you through a Post-Use the It Note exercise to organize your thoughts and create a structured offer.
- You’ll also learn the best offers to fit into your lifestyle and how to use them to generate the most sales. To achieve the success that you desire, you will need to understand exactly what low and high-ticket funnels are available.
- We will help you calculate the exact profit you can expect for your entire business. We’ll also take you through how to price it and calculate your true offer profits (factoring in time, energy and financial costs) so you can make sure you’re charging what you’re WORTH.
- BONUS: You’ll get access to our client agreement template to make sure your clients are committing to themselves when they invest in your offer.

- Find the right marketing strategy for you, your offer, and your audience. Learn how to interpret metrics and improve response rates.
- We’ll teach you about the different funnels for different offers including events, podcasts, videos, book publishing—plus the secrets behind how Jody became a No. Her first book was a bestseller.
- How to apply the Strategy Application Qualifying Process to your high-profile projects-How to sell tickets over the phone to ticket clients.
- BONUS: We’ll give you a link to instantly copy our top-To make funnels for your ClickFunnels accounts, you can upload them so that they are available to you for your own business.
- ULTRA BONUS: This 4 video series launch method has been proven successful for many years. We’ll show you how to do it, each email swipe file you should copy, and the actual scripts for each video. Additionally, we’ll give you stats to help you understand what to expect. This is one of the most powerful funnel strategies we have ever seen!
- You can get your brand and voice out there on a variety of platforms.
- You’ll learn about Facebook Ads and pixel codes, and how to apply the most effective social media marketing strategies.
- Find the top features on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to increase engagement and turn more people onto you. ‘likes’ into sales.
- Our 4 Featured Articles will take you through the details.-Free video strategy and templates-Limited Offers and Evergreen (always Open) Offers
- We’ll give you a social media planner to help make the most of your time and your strategies.
- BONUSES: You’ll receive an exclusive YouTube Ad training series by YouTube Ads master Gideon Shalwick as well as Pincredible Marketing: How to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your site.

- You can identify your business goals, values and objectives to determine what you should outsource and when.
- Build a team that you can trust to get the job done.
- Learn where and how to find people that will do what your ask when you ask.
- Plus, save time AND feel more confident in the team you engage to support you with exclusive access to Jody’s own job ad examples for the two most crucial outsourcing jobs you’ll need to find someone for.
- This bonus module will teach you everything you need to master video from the comfort of your home. It includes how to create an intro and capture the right energy to the camera every time.
- It’s easier than you think! You’ll learn about the right audio and visual gear to use indoors and out. We’ll show you the best places to shop, how to set up everything up, plus the SECRETS you can use to achieve a PRO result even with your cell phone if you don’t have a camera!
- We’ll also take you through a professional studio setup, along with backdrop and teleprompter tricks. When you see the video retention stats, you’ll know why this is one module you DON’T want to miss!

Sale Page : http://www.boomformula2.com/
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