What You’ll Discover in Bushra Azhar 7 Day 7K
Bushra Azhar – 7 Day 7K
Class Curriulum
Module One: Expertise Into Enterprise: How to unearth & validate Your rejection proof offer
Module 2: 15 rejection Proof offer structures & how to craft your own rock solid rejection proof
Module 3: A roadmap to create the perception of an expert subject matter specialist in just two weeks
Module 4: The Outreach Method (including scripts), to get your first three clients without spending a penny
Module Five The LLC Method & The Nifty 50: Day By Day breakdown (plus scripts & templates) to make $7K Beyond
Killer sales call structure
Lucrative livestreaming
Tantilizing testimonials
Masterclass Book2Bank
Persuasive Blogging Masterclass
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Archive: http://archive.is/va935
 Here’s What You Will Get In Bushra Azhar – 7 Day 7K
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