What You’ll Discover in Consistent Options Income Guns and Butter
The Consistent Options Income The 2008 trade was about creating a high probability strategy to turn accumulated wealth into a regular income ….. File Size: 110MB
Consistent Options Income – Guns and Butter
Income Wealth Building vs.
The Consistent Options Income The 2008 trade was about creating a high probability strategy to turn accumulated wealth into regular monthly income. Many people have asked me how I was able to build wealth. This is the Guns & Butter That is why I trade. It is how I attempt accumulation. and Grow wealth. The longer-term outlook is better and The trading approach can make it possible to put more money to use. This strategy can be used to supplement your income trading strategies or to make extra money. You can also monitor the trading as often as once per day.
Download it immediately Consistent Options Income – Guns and Butter
   Consistent Options Income Strategy
Objective: Income
Highest Probability
Monthly Perspective
Guns & Butter Trade
Goal: Wealth Building
High Probability
Longer Term Perspective
Increase Capital Investments
Low maintenance
Easy to trade and Manage
Guns & Butter?
Economists are the leaders in the field. Guns & Butter Model attempts to describe the relationship between a nation’s spending on the military and it’s spending on civilian goods.
A nation’s objective is to strike a balance that provides for a prosperous yet secure economy.
In a Trader’s Economy, we want to strike a balance between holding financial assets (Guns) and Selling premiumButter) so as to provide a prosperous yet secure portfolio.
Lock & Load…
Wax on, wax off
We need to change the way we think about our position
We must free ourselves from the myths of conventional wisdom
You can control what you can’t
Accept the Real Risk of Trade Initiation
The Market rewards risk-takers
The Short Options A More Efficient Way to Use Our Assets
There is a Better Way
What is the? Guns & Butter Trade?
Long and/or Short Stock Places
Options To Enhance Returns
Sell calls to lower the cost of long stock positions
Sell puts to increase the selling price of short stock positions
But how do we make it more efficient?
An Intelligent Options An Adjustment Approach to Enhance Returns
Improved performance compared to conventional covered strategies
Avoid the traps created by the Covered Call Myths
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