What You’ll Discover in Craig Garber Client-Getting Sales-Boosting Ad Writing Workshop
Craig Garber – Client-Getting Sales-Boosting Ad Writing Workshop
This is an important announcement for all those who want to lower the sales resistance of their customers:
You can increase your response rates up to 1,500%
Write WINNING Display Ads, Websites, Sales Letters, Lead-Generation Ads, and e-Mails… No Matter WHAT You’re Selling!
People who came to my client saw their sales and marketing response rates increase by over 1,500%-Getting Sales-Advertising Boosting WorkshopThe cost to attend was $5,000 Now YOU can attend, but you won’t have to pay anything CLOSE to that, and here’s why:
Pushing your prospects to buy is the best and fastest way to get them to do so. “emotional buy-buttons,” We covered these topics starting at the head-To-Toe at this workshop. For instance…
- You want to be able to make people buy magic bullets? We’ll go over them…
- Special “hot words” That would stop them dead in their tracks. You’ll get ’em…
- You can make your prospects feel positive and optimistic about the future by selling them what you have. Yes — THIS is what selling is all about!
These audio recordings can be found here:
- I’ll take you By the hand and show you, step-by-Step, how to create more persuasive and emotional sales copy using the same simple and systematic sales process-Letter writing process that I use to write literally everything. One that’s been proven and field-tested to work since March of 2000… with more than 300 clients in over 102 different industries: in sales letters (online and offline)… e-mails… advertorials, and direct mail pieces… all over the world!
When you’re writing from a proven system like this, you Never Start with a blank piece of paper. This is how you create your system minimizes The time it takes to write Anything… and maximizes Your results.
- This was a ONE-It is a TIME-only event This is not a workshop that I will be running Ever again! With so many projects, new developments, and new businesses I’m working on, I thrive on change and on new challenges. This was a one-off.-shot deal onlyHere are all my secrets behind writing Clear, concise, conversational and emotionally engaging sales copy That Completely Eliminates buying resistance
- This program is essentially the following: “headache” You can’t put it in writing and you won’t have any uncertainty about your results. If you have a step,-By-step process of doing things, all you do is follow these steps in order, and then you’re done. It’s like going to the grocery store — you look at your checklist: Do you need butter this week? Yep. You could also try milk. You’re right, we ran out. Cookies? Not this week. It’s easy to write powerful ads and sales letters with your writing checklist. You’ll know Just what it says what to include — and… maybe even more important — what NOT To include.
- In 2003, I shared with Gary Halbert the 15 most important secrets I learned from him. These secrets have functioned as the foundation of basically every marketing strategy I’ve ever used! Every selling decision… all the social engineering of every marketing campaign I’ve worked on… and every piece of copy I’ve ever written. I’ve never discussed these things before, and do NOT plan on discussing them again!
Lutz, Florida
Thursday, 11:47 AM
Dear Friend
“Nobody reads ads.”
This was my honest response to his query.
People read what you say, as it turns out. Interests They are: Sometimes It might happen Be An ad.
That is why emotional compelling copywriting is so important. “the Swiss Army knife” Selling. The most important thing is to keep people interested in what your have to share. Important The best and the most Reliable You can sell any skill. This is the key to consistently generating leads. The greatest Cash amount-flow, with Last It takes a lot of effort.
Let’s take me as an example. Back in the 1990’s, prior to getting involved with writing copy, and before I understood how to leverage emotional direct-response marketing strategies… I was just another average dead-broke financial planner. I did not know how to find my next client. My anxiety was so severe that I couldn’t even think of anything. Something I would make changes in my business.
As you and I know, however, “hope” Is this a bad business strategy?
No, it’s not.
Things are better today, however Very different. If you’ve read my book, then you know I made a hair north of $578,000, with a small list of less than 5,000 names, while working out of my lake- house. My wife was my only employee (part).-time), and a web man. Here’s proof:
(The balance of my earnings came from consulting and copywriting fees that were not paid through my shopping cart. If you are interested, I can provide copies of the canceled checks that reflected this balance in my office.
And here’s proof of the size of my list. This was the total number of people on my original list (700).-800 unsubscribes, 816 people were added by Christian Godefroy, my friend who died a few days before. In reality, my list had fewer names than 5,000.
However, my accomplishments are almost unheard. And by the way – I had NO “celebrity guru” No big deal with joint ventures-time launches… and pretty close to zero affiliate income. I have virtually NO social media presence, and iIn fact, I don’t network with ANY other marketers — big name or small.
I have a few close friends, and that’s it. The truth is — when it comes to business, I’m a bit of a recluse.
I prefer to spend most of my time with my wife and kids… or bass fishing here on my lake, or working out, or enjoying one of my many other non-Business-related hobbies. I love to play guitar, travel, photography, music, reading, as well as other creative activities, such drawing and painting. This may sound boring for most people, but a great morning for me, is one where I sit out back overlooking my lake, with a good book and a warm cup of strong coffee.
Despite all this, I still have no problems consistently posting numbers like this. And the ONLY reason why, is because of my ability to crank out an abundance of sales copy that’s not only effective, but it’s also far more emotionally compelling and more persuasive, than virtually anything else out there.
Today, I am among the most successful.-Direct and freelance copywriters-American marketing consultants. At $7,500 per hour, I only see clients in my Tampa home office (or via Skype). This helps entrepreneurs from around the world. Clients pay me up to $60,000 per year plus ongoing royalties to have me create their turn.-From scratch, key marketing campaigns
I often help people start new businesses. But don’t believe me, instead… listen to what a few other people have to say:
“You CAN teach an old dog, new tricks!” “Craig, using only two of the ideas you gave me last year, I pulled in $304,044.82 in the last 7 days alone. The two strategies were, incorporating continuity into my business, the way you showed me… and sharing personal information in my emails – personal stories, even weaknesses, the same way you do. I have never earned so much cash, so fast. At 90% profit, I am in debt to you, forever.” Christian Godefroy – Chesieres, Switzerland Christian, who tragically, passed away recently, had been using direct marketing strategies for over 35 year and had sold more than $300 million in goods and services. |
- A lead-Chet Rowland is the owner of one the largest independent service businesses in Florida. I wrote a generation piece for him.-Generation response, when mailed to an Ice-Cold list. This market was not available before I began working with him. “completely unresponsive!” In fact, we split-I tested no less that THREE different versions, and each one had a.7% response rate!
“Millions more!” “All I can say is, I wish I found Craig Garber ten years ago. That would’ve saved me a lot of frustration and headaches, not to mention I could have made even millions more dollars than what I already have. On top of all the money I wouldn’t have wasted on guys far less talented and capable than Craig. And if you wants to speak to me in person about Craig, you can call me at 813-451-6466.” Chet Rowland – Tampa, Florida |
Brian Deacon, a private client from Asheville North Carolina, suggested that I help him. dump His current, but not his past, status is:-His life was being drained by business. Instead, he decided to change careers that would allow him to leverage his skills and build relationships.
To Brian’s credit, he accepted my comments and did as I advised. He also hired me as his first mailer writer for this new business. The result: A remarkable 42.7% response on his first mailing and $152,751 in sales. This is not a misinterpretation. Oh, and by-The-way, Brian (a former VP of Global Marketing at Microsoft – who worked side by side with Bill Gates) recently told me he expects this new business to bring him in over $3.5 Million Dollars in revenue over the next 12 months.
I’d say that’s pretty good, for a guy who at the time… was drowning in debt and just a few months away from having to abandon his dream of running his own business.
“Craig said NO.” “Craig is awesome…I did a day of consulting with him a while back and it was worth every penny I paid him! After spending time with Craig it was obvious my current business was not getting me where I wanted to be…he really helped me reinvent a new business. Additionally, I wanted to hire him to write copy for my old business and he told me that he wouldn’t do it because he didn’t see how it was going to improve my current business situation. When any other copywriter would agree, Craig said no because his reputation was on the line! I have found Craig to be very straight-forward…he is not going to BS you or tell you what you want to hear.” Sincerely, Brian Deacon – Asheville, NC |
- And here’s what happened, when I co-founded a niche company with a former client. Before I even lifted a finger to create the marketing systems for our first clients, I was able collect $84,000 in fees. ahead of time — before doing ANY work! In the first four months, we earned more than $116,000 from this project. This is what really made it so special. Particularly That was what made it so rewarding 3 weeks prior to getting paid… NONE of our clients (who paid me an average of $6,000 each), had ever even so much as heard my name before!This was due solely to my ability to sell print. (By the way, this was only the second time that I did it. I got $45,000 in advance the first time.
And because I understand how much more powerful great sales copy makes you… I didn’t think anything of this. THIS is simply what killer marketing strategies and GREAT sales copy does for you — it provides you with HUGE sums of money when you need it, simple as that.
You can now copy my email address Exact The secret to success
Here’s how: back in 2009, I put on an intimate, very thorough, 2 1/2 day Client-Getting Sales-Boosting Emotional Copywriting Seminar And Ad-Writing Workshop. The workshop was designed specifically to help people write better, and faster… and to take the “headache” Instead of writing sales letters.
I recorded this workshop and thought that they were lost. I happened to find them on an old hard drive we were about to throw away… Now, I’m going to release 25 sets. This program contains:
- 20 Audio CD’s: Over 17 hours of copywriting secrets that have never been revealed before
- Manual #1: 110 Pages of actual workshop content material, including the never before revealed 17 Components Of A Sales Letter & How To Create Them, with LOADS of specific examples, and…
- Manual #2 A COMPLETE Swipe File that will last you forever – 212 Pages Of Classic Ads from as far back as the early 1900’s, through the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. This Swipe File is one of the most versatile and practical ever assembled. It has all the SPECIFIC reference to each component of a Sales Letter.
Download immediately Craig Garber – Client-Getting Sales-Boosting Ad Writing Workshop
I’ll uncover examples of compelling copy that sells, in dozens of different industries and across a wide variety of niched marketplaces. (Includes Classic ads from Schwartz, Ogilvy, Famous Writers School, Vic Schwab, Maxwell Sackheim, Joe Karbo, Joe Sugarman, Halbert, myself, and others -- includes space ads, sales letters, order forms and more.)
You can write winning ads and sales letters by using the exact same formula that I use.-mails. All ads can be seen and set up in detail.-Up, From the Inside-Out. It’s like discovering Coca-Cola’s recipe for their winning soda pop… only YOU get to profit from this recipe, forever.
I have Never revealed this formula before, and I’ve certainly Never I have not gone into this in the same detail as I did with these recordings. It was actually quite the opposite. This information is available in no other way than the one provided by Google., simply because this isn’t something someone taught me.
It is a systematic and extremely effective step-By-Step-by-step process I created myself, the same way Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine, or the same way Bill Gates developed Microsoft’s Operating System. After thousands of hours of painstakingly hacking away at it, desperately seeking a better way of doing something — I finally cracked the code and made it mine.
With that in mind, let me tell you what this workshop was all about, and then I’ll also tell you what this workshop was absolutely NOT about:
The Best Selling and Marketing
Secrets Of The Ages… Are Now Yours:
- You’ll get a simple checklist breaking down an effective sales letter inTo 17 easy-to-One and two are easy to understand-Concepts of word. Good news! You will usually only need 8 to 9 of these per piece. They will be laid by me All In a grocery shop, it is written in plain English.-like checklist format.Without This pre-Launch checklist is what you can do NOT You can write a winning sales letter, but you cannot fly an airplane without going through pre-approval.-flight checklist. You will find that there is an orderly and systematic way to do things. This makes it much easier and more profitable to write compelling copy. Bottom line: If you can fall off of a log, this checklist can be used to make money.
- Oh, by the way, I get asked a lot. “How can I write so much and so fast?” With this checklist… it’s actually quite easy to be so prolific — it has to do with HOW you write and the ORDER you write things in. And as you’ll see on these recordings, it takes about 5 minutes for me to show you both of these things.
- How to Overcome “Weak Closing Syndrome!” Listen, closing isn’t easy — and in fact, more often than not… a weak close You can destroy An alternative, truly Good sales pitch. Sadly, many people can’t close at all. For example, some people list the benefits of what they’re selling too late… and others don’t offer There is enough benefits. You’ll discover exactly when to close, and How to close, so you’ll never feel “awkward” or unsure about how to ask for money… ever again!
- How to Write Explanatory Benefits!: The REAL truth about presenting the benefits of your goods and services, that make your prospects salivate!This one’s so easy, I’ll explain the lion’s share of it to you right now. First, understand the terminology. Different There are many benefits and features. A This feature is available Is that what you want? is… and a benefit is what something Does For you. So let’s take something as simple as a hammock, for example. Most people will tell you how strong and sturdy the wood is, and how it’s a new model that just came in. These are only features. IsNot benefits (what it is), Does For you). No one’s going to give you money because the wood is sturdy. Think about it, it’s a hammock, the wood is It is supposed To be strong. That’s like saying “This toothpaste is so wonderful because you can use it on your teeth.” Duh…The benefits to having that hammock, are that it’s guaranteed to be the most Comfortable hammock you’ve ever laid down in… it’s guaranteed to last at Last 10 years, no matter what kind of weather conditions you subject it to… it’s got a special balancing mechanism that won’t let it tip over if someone comes along and sits down in it with you… and when you want to clean it, all you need to do is hose it down with water.
Act Now These are the people These are the benefits. You can see the difference. Good… because once you combine this simple concept, with my uniuqe way of presenting benefits to your prospects, there won’t be a single question in your prospect’s mind about what you’re It is really selling… about how it can change their life… or about why they need to buy your goods and services… right NOW! - How to make your products irresistible The emotional You can sell your offers! Your headline should be followed by your offer. Most Your marketing is an essential part. I’ll show you, a very easy and formulaic approach to making your offers as appealing, and as mouth-As tempting as it gets!
- Oh my gosh, I almost forgot — what about headlines? When it comes to headlines, you need to whack your prospect over the head, while being as subtle as a whisper about it, and this is where using emotional copy that hits ’em in the “gut,” It is really It counts! Important Your marketing is a part of it. I’ve made two-The headlines were changed to word. Response rate increased five-fold! Actually, I gave a client who sells consumer products, a headline to a banner ad which lowered his customer acquisition costs by 700%. So you do NOT want to dick around here — you have to be as selective in choosing your headline as you are in choosing your spouse! I’ll give you over 50 different “fill-in-the-blank” headline formula templates to choose from, and… I’ll explain the psychology How to check your headlines and the truth behind them
Sale Page: http://www.kingofcopy.com/adwriting/
Here’s what You’ll Get from Client-Getting Sales-Boosting Ad Writing Workshop
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