What You’ll Discover in Dan Kennedy Power Points
Here’s just a tiny sampling of the gems to be found in POWER POINT5: Entrepreneurship & Business Success: The paradigm shift in how you see yourself. That produces huge, rapid gains in sales & profits.
Dan Kennedy – Power Points
Below is a small selection of the gems found in POWERPOINT5:
Entrepreneurship & Business Success:
A paradigm shift in the way you perceive yourself. That leads to rapid gains in sales and profits.
What is the secret to being an entrepreneur that can take on risks without worrying?
What should you do if everyone doesn’t like your idea?
This is the best piece of advice for people management that no one should ignore.
THE Cardinal Rule for Delegation
This financial secret is how ordinary businesses can make extraordinary profits.
Why increasing sales isn’t always the top priority.
The Three Rules Of Management are designed to prevent panic, promote calmness, and insure objectivity over emotional reaction.
How to Minimize-Conglomerate Strategy can conquer most entrepreneurs biggest, most frequent reoccurring, most distasteful problem.
How to view customer retention.
Before you spend money marketing your product, what one ingredient should it have?
How to make a cash flow surge when you most need it.
The success of a single decision is more important than the long-term.-Success in business is the most important decision you make. So why are entrepreneurs failing to do this more often than other decisions?
Parasite marketing is a powerful way to generate marketing capital from thin air.
What’s the point of starting a business? (Most entrepreneurs have this all messed up !!!)
The power of overhead creep
How to prevent EGO from becoming your worst enemy and why it is so important.
These Five Rules of Business are virtually guaranteed to bring you ultimate wealth.
1. This is the only type of question you should ask when closing a deal.
A simple mistake can cost professional offices, service companies and stores millions of dollars every year.
You need to be aware of the dangers of offending people
This is the one thing that every prospect, client or customer wants so badly they will buy anything from anyone who can satisfy this basic need.
How to price a non-profit-Each time! (2) Two simple techniques to remove the price from the purchase decision even for price sensitive businesses that are surrounded by low-priced rivals. In person-To-Person selling or negotiating, this is the key to melting resistance.
The power and potential of package selling
Creative, copy, offer, target market, and other factors are more important than anything. How to make your advertising work?
How to double the readership of almost any ad.
The most efficient type of direct-mail campaign.
Five Emotional Factors that can make your advertising shine.
What is the one thing that people want to buy above all others?
The power of unfair comparison
These are two of the most common advertising errors.
These two magic words can increase the power of headlines.
The power of the right offer.
Two obstacles that even the most skilled copywriters, messagers and offers can’t overcome.
Why advertise? Advertisement is a good idea.
An insurmountable, difficult, and rewarding job.-Your-Ask the right questions to make your advertising more effective.
A sure winner direct-For almost any business, mail campaigns are possible.
The hidden power: How to use this strategy for regaining your power-You can invest in tired offers.
Five millionaires met on an island in the Caribbean to prove that there is power in this one secret: The power of risk reverse. How to make compelling guarantees.
The power of primacy, and recency.
Copywriters often forget the sales letter trick.
The Power Points An extremely detailed index makes all this work for you as if I were sitting right there, waiting to instantly answer any question.
The INDEX is almost magical. It was almost as hard as doing everything else to put together the Index.
This is a cross-sectional, detailed overview.-Cross-Index is cross-referenced and well organized so that you can quickly get from one question to another. Every Power Point is numbered. Each page is also numbered. The Index uses both sets of numbers.
You can instantly search for all of my items by going to the Index Power Paints fan
Sales letters
• Offers
• Envelopes
• Order forms
• Multi-Step marketing campaigns
• Promotional books
• Lead generation
• Using mailing lists
• Recorded messages
• Preparing for an important negotiation
• Reacting to sudden adversity
• Increasing a business cash flow
• Cleverly re-Inventing a business
• Cheap, do-It-Market research by yourself
• Adding sizzle to a speech
Etc., etc.
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How big are POWER POINTS in terms of size?
As big as my career experience.
Over 176 businesses, industries, and professions have hired me as a consultant. Clients range in size from less that a million dollars per year to more than a billion. I am a marketing legend because of the success stories of my clients.
I have sold, bought and built businesses. I have created publishing and marketing companies for $500.00 to $5,000.00 that have resulted in millions of dollars in sales.
I have experienced embarrassing and great failures.
Private clients have remained with me for as many as 10 years. Customers and subscribers are loyal to me for as long as 15.
I’ve faced many business problems and thousands of marketing issues. I’ve turned losses into winners, multiplied incomes and profits, created truly innovative strategies and methods, and even revolutionized some industries.
All that experience, whether it was successful or not, is condensed into POWER POINTS.
Three large volumes of POWER POINTS are delivered to you: the first volume. Advertising, Marketing & Sales; the second. Personal Achievement & Productivity; & the third. Entrepreneurship & Business Success.
In addition to the manuals, the entire POWERPOINTS ENCYCLOPEDIA can be obtained on a searchable CD.-ROM. This means that you can simply insert the little doohickey into your computer and type in some key words to create the CD.-ROM immediately finds all the Power Points Related to your key terms. You can also click on the individual or subject category. Power You are interested in certain points.
POWER POINTS initially was only offered to my clients and Inner Circle members. It was then published at $599.00. Michael Kimble, however, has published the book in a different binding and in a larger volume. He’s made cost savings that he decided to share with you. And (obviously) convinced me that this should be made available to all my customers — not just Inner Circle Members.
The entire POWER POINTS system is now available for $299.00. This is a huge discount of 50% on the initial retail price, $599.00. You can order now to receive the System Manuals as well as the CD-Only $399.00 for ROM, still a huge 33% savings
With just one use, POWER POINTS can put thousands in your pocket. Think about what you could do if you asked it one question each day?
Wake Me Up in the Middle Of The Night
Don’t be shy, ask me endless questions. Ask me any questions you like. Ask me a question at any hour of the night. As a circus sealion that does a squat every time a dead fish passes over its head. I will jump to alertness and be available to offer vou the best advice, suggestions, and answers whenever vou need them. This is what POWER POINTS allows vou the ability to do.
This really is THE ultimate Dan Kennedy product; if you’ve benefited from any of my products, then you must have this product.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Dan Kennedy – Power Points
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