What You’ll Discover in Dan Kennedy Ultimate Marketing And Entrepreneurship Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp
I will suggest you …. Borrow, Borrow, and Steal – even crawling over broken glass if necessary – but DON’T MISS THIS ONE-In-A-Lifetime Millionaire Chance-Maker, Dan Kennedy”It’s Insanely”-Profitable “Lifetime of Secrets”
Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Marketing And Entrepreneurship Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp
I will suggest that you…
Beg, Borrow, Steal, Even Crawl Buck Naked over Broken Glass If You Must – BUT DON’T MISS THIS ONE-In-A-Lifetime Millionaire Chance-Maker, Dan Kennedy”It’s Insanely”-Profitable “Lifetime of Secrets” 250+ Information – The Exact Insider Info-Millionaires Already Built Their Homes With The Help Of A Builder
Have 7-Figure Businesses
Look_ It’s Flat Out The “Best Ever“ Collection of 25+ Years of Time-Solid, Tested-The One on Gold Moneymaking Of The Sharpest Mind in Marketing – Dan Kennedy!
…. It was too late to be in that room. You don’t have to miss out completely. I honestly believe were our positions reversed, and I was not me, and I had this opportunity to get my hands on this9 I’d nearly kill to do it.
“It’s horribly immodest to say what I am about to say, but here it ừ – I have achieved what few ever do: living life 10096 on my own terms, exactly as I choose, and being totally liberated from any need to ‘make money’, without compromise, before the age of 50 – as a from scratch’ entrepreneur. This is not an accident. It is not luck.” It’s the result of a very carefully designed and followed through set of principles of entrepreneurship. Unusual marketing strategies can also be used to great effect if they are understood.
“I have spoken to audiences over 1,800 times, to audiences as large as 35,000, as small as 35, m every nook and cranny of North America, to well over 3-million people total. People have paid thousands of dollars each to attend my specialized Seminars. But I have always been “speaking to sell”. I have always had many purposes and clients’ needs in my mind. I have never been able to stand alone in front of a well.-qualified group and speak my mind, hold nothmg back, have no concern over offending anyone, and let people have an unvamừhed look at my entire lifetime of experience.
“At thừ Semmar, which I conducted only twice – and will NEVER conduct again -1 really laid out EVERYTHING that I know about creating wealth and freedom and ideal lifestyle through marketing and entrepreneurship, as I have never done before and never will again.
“You mừsed the opportunity of being m that room. But you do not need to miss out entirely. I honestly believe were our positions reversed, and I was not me, and I had thừ opportunity to get my hands on thừ, rd nearly kill to do it. And that is part of the reason I am where I am.”
Dan Kennedy
DATE: Sunday, 7 July Dear Friend
I’ve attended a lot of Seminars in my life. But I’ve never been at one that came even close to this one in value.in blunt, frank talk.in secrets revealed.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with Dan. I have listened to hundreds of hours of his material. Yet, the Seminar taught me things I’d never heard before.
This Seminar will be held in English Dan Let it all hang out. Dan This is his position “pre-retirement ultimate Seminar”He covered his entire body, where he didn’t hold back and was completely open to the world.
Lifetime of entrepreneurial experience …… embarrassing mistakes, costly lessons learned, and mind-Amazing successes, extremely powerful
Strategies, examples, and more examples
I was persuaded Dan To make this available in a “Seminar-At-Home” Kit. And I promise you, in my entire career, I’ve never brought a more valuable Program to market. If you read this letter and you aren’t hungry-Doberman-Who-Spots-You can find more information at-Slow and fat-Burglar-Get excited about receiving your hands on Dan’s full and unedited disclosure of everything he’s learned in 25+ years of entrepreneurial adventure — please immediately go find a mirror, and hold it up in front of your face, and make sure you’re still breathing!
$250.000.00 SEMINAR
It was the 1970s. Dan Put on the event that may have been the first $2,500.00 in the world-per-Seminar. In those days, $2,500.00 was a lot to pay for a Seminar. It was an enormous sum of money to spend $2,500.00.
This is the “Now” version.Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar was the first seminar to reach $250,000 in value!
It cost only $250,000.00 to attend. It might have. You can see why. Dan’s private and personal client list (which includes me) — entrepreneurs,
His experience includes working with marketers and CEO’s.-One, on-On-one for years, who’ve spent huge sums with him…….. that list includes over 250 different
Multimillionaires and Millionaires-Millionaires who’ve each made their fortunes based on DanThese are the secrets to your entrepreneurial success and marketing strategies.
That’s 250-MILLION DOLLAR “BRAIN TRUST”. Dan They know their secrets. He knows their secrets and has helped them find the best strategies to succeed in difficult situations. He’s seen their most embarrassing mistakes. He celebrated their victories. This one-Time-Seminar was the only one who shared it all.
A 250-Millions-Dollar Bank of Experience
For the first ever time, the vault door was open wide . Dan Did something he’d NEVER done before for any client.
Never in his books, nor courses. He took us through his entire career, all of his strategies and lessons learned from clients, as well as his own business. His biggest mistakes. He would make the same mistakes again. The key
The principles he has stuck to have been the best for him. This is how he guided his clients to explosive growth within their businesses.
Up to $6-Millions in 14 Months, starting at $1-Millions to $300-Million in 8 Years, $260,000.00 to $4-One year, millions. Etc., etc.
This is 250-Entrepreneurship experience worth millions of dollars, street smarts and hard work-learned lessons, guiding principles, unusual opportunities, very specific moneymaking strategies, case histories, examples — that Dan Finally, I decided to share my experience at the Seminar.
If you only paid 1/10th, it would be a great deal.-Of-If you add 1% to your worth, it would amount to a $250,000.00 fee. I am going to use this number in a bolder, bigger guarantee than you’ve ever received.
I can guarantee it “Seminar-ln-Your-Home” will be worth no less than $250,000.00 to you, with you as sole judge and jury — and if you vote “no” — executioner!
The Seminar lasted over 34 hours. By the end of the first day, every one there had — and displayed — a TO-DO LIST a list of very specific actions they should take that would net them at least $250,000.00. Anyone who didn’t have an invitation to leave was entitled to double their fee. Nobody left.
Similarly, I’ll give you a full thirty days to dig into the Seminar-At-Home: 18 audio CDs packed into a handy pack of 4 MP3’s-audio CDs. This Seminar will make you a lot of money and have a lot of fun.-At-Home and extracting every bit of value. But I’ll give you thirty full days as a “free trial”, just like Dan We were given the first day.
It will take you THIRTY days for everything to be evaluated.
Reserve your copy now (Temporary offer – FIRST 20 get a free $685-RETAIL PRICED BOONS DO *NOT* WAIT)
Create your To-Do a List every time you travel.
Marvel at the power, depth, and beauty of the secrets that have been revealed.
But, if you cannot clearly, clearly, clearly count more than $250,000.00 in real value — strategies you’ll be acting on that will certainly put at least
$250,000.00 of added income into your hands within 24 months — if you choose, you can opt out.exit, just as we could have at the Seminar.and I
You will receive a $995.00 refund and a $550.00 credit for every penny paid-Value ‘THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME’ BOONS. This is how certain I am that you will be more impressed than ever by this material.
By the way, although anyone could have opted to skip the Seminar at the end, and got DOUBLE their money, nobody did. AND, at
At the end, more than 50 of us sat down and begged Dan To immediately schedule a follow-up-Start Seminar.
Only those who attended the Seminar were invited to Mastermind Meeting. (We recorded this follow-Closed, up-door Mastermind Meeting, too. I’ll tell more later. It was intense!
This Seminar will provide you with more value.-ln-Your-Home, dollar-For-Dollar, more than any how-to material you’ve ever acquired, OR I’ll buy it back AND hand you a $995.00-You get a value bonus for your dismay
1. DAN’S MONEYMAKING MATRIX, UNTIL NOW PROVIDED ONLY TO PRIVATE CLIENTS. Dan This book outlines the most complete integrated marketing system for creating maximum profits and wealth in any business. This will show you the entire, complex, and sophisticated Moneymaking System.-Matrix Dan he has used for himself and his private clients. The Matrix is also available in diagram format, which you can use to create a master plan for your business’s redesign.
2. SPECIAL STATEGIES FOR FAST, DRAMATIC INCROME ENLARGEMENT Dan This is how he reveals the secret behind many of his business’s and clients’ success stories
The most remarkable success stories.
3. WARNINGS — WHAT NO OTHER SPEAKER DARES DISCUSS. Dan This article discusses the most dangerous mistakes entrepreneurs make and how they can cause irreparable damage to everything you have worked so hard for. These are Ten Mega-Mistakes & Grave Dangers stubbornly ignored by most entrepreneurs, until it’s too late. These include his worst mistakes.
4. ALL THE PUZZLE PICES “TOTAL FINANCIAL LIBERTY”. Dan has identified SIX CORE ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES that must be understood, cultivated, mastered and applied to get total personal and financial liberty. He says: “To live life on your own terms – that is the only legitimate definition of success.” The entire Seminar is about you succeeding on your terms.
5. How to Unlock and Unlock the Hidden FINANCIAL Opportunities in Your Business. Dan presented FIVE WAYS A BUSINESS’ ORDINARY CASH FLOW CONVERTS TO WEALTH — do you know what all five are? Convertible wealth flows through your fingers as if it were water flowing through a sieve. He covered the FOUR CORE SOURCES OF PROFITS in any business — and pointed out that, in 20+ years of consulting, he’d only encountered seven entrepreneurs or CEO’s who could demonstrate effective use of all four. Imagine the advantage you’ll possess equipped with all four! He also shared FOUR WAYS TO MULTIPLE CUSTOMER VALUE.
6. SECRETS OF WEALTH ACCELERATION. Dan insists that individuals and businesses have their own “moneymaking metabolism”, and that it can be turbocharged, to dramatically speed up the accumulation of wealth.to reach your own “magic number” Financial security and independence are guaranteed
7. RID YOURSELF OF “ENTREPRENEURIAL SELF-SABOTING”. Dan talked very frankly about the SEVEN “SUPER SABOTAGE” FACTORS that hinder your ability achieve your goals. These Factors can be extremely powerful if you are aware of them and take action to eliminate them.
8. SUCCEED WITHOUT SACRIFICING YOUSELF. Dan Napoleon Hill’s book, titled, influenced my thinking. “Grow Rich With Peace Of Mind”. Although Hill is most celebrated for his famous bestseller “Think And Grow Rich”, Dan This belief is reflected in the fact that more obscure work, later on, is more important.
There are many issues in this book Dan I was excited to discuss. how to command respect in an disrespectful world. how to be influential and.
how to reach your goals without stress
Compromising them or becoming consumed by them. This kind of wealth is more important than the bank balance type.
9. ELEVEN “SUPER MARKETING STRATEGIES”. These are the Eleven ‘Super Strategies’ that Dan Employs his private clients, individuals and companies who each happily pay him tens of thousands.-Of-From hundreds to thousands-Of-Many thousands of dollars per year. Most businesspeople do not know or apply all Eleven Strategies. You can re-These Eleven Super Strategies will help you engineer your marketing and create your income explosion. And These Eleven Strategies are not available elsewhere, I can assure that!
You may be curious as to why? Dan revealed so much, including so much of what he has previously “kept in his back pocket”, only for his private clients.
Well, Dan His pre-record is fast approaching-determined “retirement date.” He achieved everything he had hoped for in his business, both financially and professionally. He has slowed down his speaking. A group of private clients he has are still with him. They won’t let him go if you put a gun to their heads. Any new clients will be denied entry. He came to the conclusion that he didn’t have any reason to keep anything private, to keep any secret in his bag or worry about his mystique.
Claim your Copy of Dan Kennedy’s “Lifetime of Secrets” + Exclusive Bonuses NOW…. JUST $397 for EVERYTHING1I1 (PLUS, the FIRST 20 ORDERS Also Get the ‘FAST ACTION
BONUS $685 INFO RICHES Package for FREE*)
Dan wrote:
“How I wish I could have been at Napoleon Hill’s last Seminar. How I wish that I could have spent more time in a Seminar room listening to W. Clement Stone’s last seminar. Robert Collier’s. Etc. Actually, very few people of this kind. ‘legendary status’ in their fields EVER conducts such a lifetime of secrets, everything revealed, nothing held back Seminar. There are a variety of reasons such a thing never happens, but none of those reasons stand in my way. That’s why I decided to do THIS Seminar. I wanted to give EVERYTHING that I’ve got to people who would prize it, value it, appreciate it and use it – before I retire. It’s horribly immodest to say what I am about to say, but here it is – I have achieved what few ever do: living life 100% on my own terms, exactly as I choose, and being totally liberated from any need to ‘make money’, without compromise, before the age of 50 – as a ‘from scratch’ entrepreneur. This is not an accident. This is not an accident. ‘lucky’. It is the result a very carefully thought-out and adhered to set of entrepreneurial principles and uncommon marketing strategies that can be used by anyone to equal, or even greater, benefit
“I have spoken to audiences over 1,800 times, to audiences as large as 35,000, as small as 35, in every nook and cranny of North America, to well over 3-million people total. To attend my seminars, people have spent thousands of dollars. But I have always been “speaking to sell”. I have had many purposes. I am always mindful of the interests of my clients. I have never been allowed to stand in front a well.-Qualified Group and I will speak my mind, hold no back, offend no one, and let people see my whole life experience.
“At this Seminar, which I conducted only twice – and will NEVER conduct again -1 really laid out EVERYTHING that I know about creating wealth and freedom and ideal lifestyle through marketing and entrepreneurship, as I have never done before and never will again.
“You missed the chance to be in that room. Michael has shown us that you don’t have to miss out. I truly believe that if our positions were reversed, I would have taken this chance. I would almost kill for it. And that is part of the reason I am where I am.”
This is a 250-year-old argument that I made earlier.-Million Dollar value. Just 1/10th-Of-You would pay $250,000.00 for 1%. It’s a tiny fraction of 1/100th-Of-1%, you’d still pay $25,000.00. And You probably know that there are many people who charge $15,000.00 up to $25,000.00 per seminar. Over a dozen people I spoke with said that they had attended such seminars. Dan This Seminar delivered more value in the first hour than any other seminars over days. But Dan He didn’t ask for $25,000.00, as he could; he made it accessible to all serious people. He charged $2,995.00. More than 225 people attended. 43 people were turned away because there was not enough room.
It’s hard to say if $2,995.00 is too much or too little. It’s less than $150.00 each year for extraordinary experiences. Dan It was filled with water. And if you now only make $50,000.00 a year, you only need get enough “ammunition” from the entire Seminar to boost your income by just 6% to break even. Calculate your own numbers. It was a bargain even by the most sane standards.
Unfortunately, the Seminar was not recorded and will not be repeated. The good news is that we recorded the entire event and have edited it into 18 audio.-CD’s (shipped to your home on 4x MP3-audio CDs), so that you can have the same seminar in your own home.
And It’s possible to get it for as little a dollar.
$1,198.00 for the entire LIFETIME of Secrets Seminar-IN-YOUR-HOME. Guaranteed to be worth $250,000.00 or more to you, by your own judgment — with a full thirty days to make that assessment for yourself. I’m so confident you’ll consider this your best investment ever, I’ll even leave you $995.00-If you opt out, you will receive a value bonus and all of your money back
You would pay a lot to have a treasure map that you know is authentic and legit.-You will be financially free and independent for your entire life if you follow these safe instructions to build a secret gold bullion hoard. Anything Dan We would have asked him for his “map”, but we wouldn’t have been wise to argue or agonize about the investment. The’map’ is now available for half the price that I paid and 225 others to see it. And You will receive it, so you can study and use it at your convenience.
But wait! WAIT!
Order Now to Get A Fantastic War-A variety of profit-boosting tools are available
Resources Worth $1197…Absolutely free!
Earlier in this letter, I mentioned the “ALUMNI MASTERMIND MEETING” that those of us who were at Dan’s “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar” demanded — and participated in. It was an extraordinary 2-Day event featuring many of the Entrepreneurship Boot Camp Alumni showing off the successes they’d engineered using strategies gained at the “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar.” All that we heard and saw at this Meeting are in the CLOSED-DOOR ALUMNI MASTERMIND METING-IN-A-BOX. This Mastermind Meeting cost $995.00. I’m giving you the entire Box (9 Audio CD’s) when you invest into the Lifetime Of Secrets semInYou can find more information atr-in-a-box …. and I’ll ASK YOU to keep it ($995 value) even if you opt-You can cancel this RARE offer by going to the website.
Very Small Sampling Of These 9 CD’s Cover Important Topics
($995-Value Bonus
1. Listen as a Realtor explains how he uses KENNEDY time management and POSITIONING strategies to make his clients happy, draw high-quality, respectful clients, and get good new clients to allow him to list their homes.
2. Hear from a Mortgage broker ($21).-He was able to avoid being commoditized and has customers looking for his expertise (A/OT). “lowest rate”), and violates a whole list of industry norms.
3. Two Publishers share their thoughts on what happened to their businesses after the event. “Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp” That made their time infinitely better and more valuable than DOUBLED THEIR INCOME.
4. You think you can’t increase your prices? Hear the story of one attendee who doubled his prices after attending the conference “Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp” With no difference in conversions
5. Hear from a private operator/owner of a postal center RE-INVENTED HIS BUSINESS- 26 WAYS Kennedy Methodologies
6. Hear Platinum Kennedy BILL GLAZER, Inner Circle Member and owner of two exceptional men’swear stores and a consulting business, discusses his most memorable promotions and THE “KENNEDY SECRET” TO OUT-SELL ALL YOUR COMPETITION IN A VERY QUICK TIME!
7. Hear DEBBIE ALLEN, Author ‘Confessions. Of Shameless Self-Promoters’ – Describe yourself as a leader in your field, rather than just another salesperson. – Give you specific web site resources to access …. free.
8. The WORST REASON to ADVERTISE is – How to avoid making this costly and wasteful error.
9. How to Use a “hot” Marketing technology to reach customers in an exciting new way for less than 8-Cents per day
10. How to make and use “scarcity” Motivate customers to buy right away
11. The movie you need to rent and watch in order to witness the best example of “Takeaway Selling”.
12. How to figure out what it takes to make your business a million-dollar machine.
13. How to add a “premium priced layer” Whatever you do, increase your net earnings instantly and dramatically.
14. Hear the voice of an attendee “The Fear” Find out how to free yourself from this constraint that keeps business owners from increasing prices.
15. Listen to Michael Kimble’s LATEST OF DAN KENNEDY’S PROFIT STATEGY INVENTIONS. This strategy has brought in tens of thousand of dollars of revenue for every marketing project and mailing campaign. It is a strategy that most businesses can replicate.
16. Hear the carpet cleaner talk about how he charges 500% more than his competitors, and drives them crazy by attracting so many new customers.
17. You can hear how one attendee switched from ‘Cafeteria Selling to Package Selling’ instantly increasing her sales by 25%1.
18. This Strategy is used in many businesses including restaurants, service businesses, and professional professions.
19. Find the One Thing You Are Good At DanHis clients were able to increase his income by S420.000.00 within 60 days. If all you did was your own version of ”This One Thing’, you could pay 1,000+ for these audios !!!)
20. Revealed: A revolutionary way to get lots of referrals from professionals as a selling method-Marketer (i.e. A mortgage broker receiving clients from Realtors, a P.l. attorney getting clients from doctors, etc. DAN invents this unique strategy and Beta-I tested it with one of our attendees who described it. Next year, he plans to clone the device and sell it as an exclusive territory license to his peers in the industry for $19,000.00
21. Revealed: The most powerful Emotional Marketing This tool is impossible to resist.
22. Discover the most powerful competitive advantage that is readily available to your company.
23. Chauncey Hutter, Platinum Member, describes how his independent chain works
Listen to this: National brand chain kicks the butts of its customers – and yet, sells at 25% more prices.
Follow his Secret to Getting His Customers Back Each Year for an Annual Transaction.
24. Guest Speaker DAVE PETITO uses his extensive experience selling hundreds of millions of dollars of goods in the toughest of all selling environments — TV infomercials and home shopping channels — to give youSuper-Effective Sales Strategies that Incite People to Respond Now
25. KEN MCCARTHY, Guest Speaker, presents the most recent discoveries regarding practical and profitable uses of Internet Marketing Ken is the expert Dan You trust your Internet marketing.
26. Dan This article explains how any professional, whether a business owner or salesperson, can dramatically increase referrals – even if it’s just one word.-For-A word script that you can easily memorize and use to speak to your clients, patients or customers. You will also stimulate referrals every time you use it.
27. Platinum Member RONIPACH shows and discusses the unique mailing piece that receives a staggering 42% REPONSE RATEI
28. Check out this demonstration to see how it works. “SEQUENTIAL SELLING” To multiply your profits
29. JEFF PAUL talks about his QVC success with his financial planner – how did this sales presentation sell more than 100,000 units??
30. Hear MATT FUREY, Gold+ Member, discuss his secret formula to making hundreds of thousands from old, unvalued products that no one else wants.
It’s a great companion for the “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar-At-Home” Is Dan’s exclusive resource, the POWERPOINTS ENCYCLOPEDIA (3-pack PDF manuals). You can find this resource here. Dan 929 results “Power Points” The main categories are: 1. Advertising, Marketing & Sales; 2.) Personal Achievement & Productivity; 3.)
Entrepreneurship & Business Success..But, there are a gazillion sub-categories. Take, for instance, the in “Advertising, Marketing & Sales”There are also sub–Categories
Like: Headlines Guarantees Consumer Psychology Multi-Step Marketing Lead-Generation Sense Of Many, including Urgency Positioning
Many more.
Let me show you how POWERPOINTS was built. A highly skilled editor and an organized-Thinker, very familiar with Dan KennedyThe work of’s took all that he had.
Since 1975. Quite literally, a trailer-A truck full “raw material”.
You will need to remove duplicates and pull all the pieces together. “gems”You can organize it into categories and disciplines to make it look more like an encyclopedia.
Total, 19 years DanWe have nearly three years of laborious work and experience to put together POWER POINTS.
Each of the three POWER POINTS Handbooks includes a comprehensive, cross-referenced description.-Referred INDEX, as well as the POWERPOINTS CD-ROM has a “search” feature, so you can ask questions and get answers instantly! So, at any time, for any specific purpose, you could go right to the proper place in this “tool” and get a quick, concise refresher — what would Dan Kennedy Think and talk about it. These three POWER POINTS manuals, along with the fully-Searchable CD of POWER POINTS-The price of ROM is $399.00 on our Catalog and on the Website. Smart marketers will spot a great deal and get it for free.
Here’s what you’ll get in Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Marketing And Entrepreneurship Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp
Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Marketing And Entrepreneurship Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp : Sample
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Marketing And Entrepreneurship Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp” It is totally Downloadable We will make your link available immediately. We appreciate your patience.