What You’ll Discover in Dean Lister Worry Free Escapes
Dean Lister’s Worry Free Escapes Will Skyrocket Your Confidence On The Mat Because After Seeing This You’ll Know How To Escape ANY Submission!
Dean Lister – Worry Free Escapes
Revealed: The Never Before Seen Techniques A Battle Worn 41 Year Old Grappler Uses To Fend Off The Best Fighters On The Planet – He Even Dares Them To Try Submissions On Him!
Dean Lister’s Worry Free Escapes Will Skyrocket Your Confidence On The Mat Because After Seeing This You’ll Know How To Escape ANY Submission!
2011 Dean Lister was fighting one of the most feared Leg Lock guys in the world – Joao Assis in the Finals of the ADCC. Joao was younger than his opponent and was in better physical condition. He had an estimated 100 victories via Leg Lock in his career.
Download it immediately Dean Lister – Worry Free Escapes
Dean, decided to employ an interesting strategy – he gave Joao his foot: on purpose. Huh? What the hell is that?! Joao, who reached the finals of ADCC, is undoubtedly one the most dangerous submission artists in the world. Joao took Joao’s bait and launched his greatest leg attack. DeanHe taps a bit later and soon after he accepts his silver medal.
You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind and you surely don’t try a foot lock on Dean Lister – he is too good at escaping them and then tapping out the aggressor. This is a move that no one would dare to attempt. Dean He is so confident with his escapes strategy that he can turn tides.
Strategy in Action…
At the 2013 Jiu JItsu Expo Superfight – World Champion Tarsis Humphries took the bait and went after Dean’s foot after Dean brought the crowd to laughter by boldly encouraging him to attack his foot – he soon tapped to a Heel Hook.
2013 ADCC Open Class Dean was fighting perhaps the greatest fighter ever and one of the best leg attackers ever – Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida – and tried the same tactic but Buchecha was too smart. Instead of attacking Dean’s feet, Buchecha put Dean’s foot down and walked away – the 2 soon laughed and high fived during the match, and later Buchecha won a close decision.
Lastly in his greatest win ever – in the ADCC Open Class Finals, Dean He escaped a Guillotine from the great Brazilian Cacareco, and made it into a heel hook to win.
This strategy…
baiting an opponent to attack isn’t really taught
in Jiu Jitsu…
Boxing is a lot more skilled at this. James Toney, Pernell Whitaker, Willy Pep and Pernell Pernell would make their opponents miss and make them pay.
Dean’s Philosophy…
Dean’s philosophy is a different one as far as Jiu Jitsu is concerned.
Download it immediately Dean Lister – Worry Free Escapes
He practiced his best escapes so often that he was able to be confident enough to challenge others to attack him.
Imagine how different it would be if you were to expect people to try a Guillotine, armlock, or leglock on your so that you could reverse it and tap them.
How would it make you feel to have complete control over your emotions and be able to do what you want?
That’s how. Dean He feels, and he wants you to see how he does it.
Then, what’s the point? Dean’s Worry Free Escapes?
– Knee bar escape
After an opponent falls, escape to the knee bar
– When your leg is straight, you can escape the knee bar by removing it from your knees
– Knee bar escape if leg is straight 2
Conventional footlock escape with inner thigh leg and leg
– Double step/iminari footlock escape
– How to escape a legal Ibjjf footlock
– Outside footlock escape
– Outside footlock escape 2
Leg lock escapes starting at 50/50
– Compression escape from the inside of the thigh and outside of the thigh
– Knee compression escape
– Rolling knee compression defense
– Toe hold escape
– Toquinho heel hook defense
– Leg lock defense drill
– Guillotine defense
– Arm bar defense
– Side control escapes
– Kimura defense
John Danaher talks about meeting Dean Lister: “His leg lock game was still in development at that stage- mostly based around Achilles locks rather than the advanced heel hook game he would later develop and become famous for. Mr Lister Encouraged me to study leg locks and to improve my game.”
What is the Price of it?
What is it worth trying to find the secrets of feeling unbeatable on the mat?
This is one the most innovative programs available. Renowned leglock master Dean Lister is going to draw back the curtain and let you in on the secrets he’s perfected through the years.
We’d ask how much you think it would cost to get a personal instructional from Dean but we won’t bother – this dude is so in demand it’s ridiculous.
Again, what would you pay for such a learning experience?
We could have easily charged $197 for this and it would have been a great deal. But we’re not going to do that.
Reduce the price by 60% instead! That’s right…
You can get Dean Lister’s Submission Escapes Formula – in which he reveals all his secrets – for just… $77
You can feel confident on the mat by learning how to do it. Dean’s system for escaping just about any submission – this DVD Series will change your life -Guaranteed. You can return it to get a full refund, no questions asked.
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