What You’ll Discover in Denise Linn 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance
Denise Linn – 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance
Are you ready? to Do you want to live a life of sparkling prosperity and abundance? It’s time to Remove any obstacles that are preventing you from moving forward. Many people believe that being more successful is possible. to External conditions are not the best. But there is a spiritual secret. . . It starts in you.
You do have the power to Turn your life around and achieve this high.-The voltage course will help you get to a place of great, glorious abundance. You can have fun, make it easy and be joyful on your journey to great abundance.
Enjoy four interactive lessons with a renowned author and teacher Denise Linn This article shares amazing methods that you can easily master. to jump-start your glorious, magnificent abundance.
Why? Denise You want to This course can be taught:
Denise knows what it’s like to Not enough. As a kid, her parents couldn’t afford housing so they knocked holes through the walls of an abandoned army barrack and moved in. Denise can remember many times when they didn’t have enough food and how angry her mother would get with charity from concerned neighbors. After Denise graduated from high school, she couldn’t afford to Go to She was eager to go to college so she worked at a truck stop cleaning dishes.-Her work required her to give up food so she could save money for college. As an adult, her cash reserves were so low that there was a period where she and her husband and young daughter lived on corn meal (which was cheap) and fruit that fell from neighbors’ trees and they sold all of their possession just to Stay afloat. Get it now Denise Her family lives comfortably on 40 acres of central coast wine country in California. She fervently desires to move there with her family. to She used the same methods and techniques as you. to Turn her poverty around-The transformation of consciousness into prosperity-consciousness.
You will learn four lessons in this course.
• Learn the biggest blockages to The abundance of how to Overcome them
• Discover how your childhood programming is influencing your prosperity today
• Understand and release past lives that are limiting you regarding finances
• Learn secret feng shui tips for expanding wealth consciousness
• Find out how to Remove all resistance from your auric fields
• Understand how you can use your physiology to You can dramatically reprogram your mind for abundance
• Discover how space clearing can activate more prosperity
• Understand how your core beliefs are influencing your life and what to Do to Change the mindset
• Learn how to Call upon the Prosperity Guides and Spiritual Assistance
• Uncover how the beliefs of your parents, grandparents, and even your ancestors are influencing you
• Heal the bloodline and release blockages in your DNA
• Discover special clutter clearing methods for glorious abundance
• Learn secrets for using affirmations and visualizations for wealth
• Find out how to Your dreams can lead to prosperity.
• Discover powerful ways that Vision Boards, Miracle Boxes, Wealth bowls, Spirit Sticks, and God Boxes active magnificent abundance
• Uncover the best way to Make an altar for your devotion to abundance
• Find out what stones, oils, ceremonies and spells are best for abundance
• Discover the power of allowing rather than attracting prosperity into your life
• Learn special shamanic methods, including shape-Shifting for abundance
Lesson Details:
Lesson 1: Preparing Space Abundance In your life
Join Denise Learn little from this lesson.-Methods that are known to Eliminate limiting energies to Make way for an avalanche prosperity consciousness to pour into your life. Find out what true abundance means and how it can help you on your spiritual journey. Learn how clutter clearing can be modern-day alchemy. You already have to Get rid of the old to Move to the next. Find out how to How to make the most efficient Prosperity Altar. Learn how it works. to You must prepare yourself thoroughly for the 21 Days ahead Denise Also shares powerful attunement exercise to activate wealth consciousness.
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Lesson 2: Clearing Blockages to Abundance (Days 1-7)
In today’s fascinating lesson, Denise This will allow you to remove any financial blocks resulting from your past and family. Additionally, you’ll begin to There are clear limitations you may have brought into your auric fields from family, friends, acquaintances, media and religions as well as collective unconsciousness. Find out what your core beliefs and values are that might be limiting your ability to achieve abundance. Karma clearing is a way to release the past lives that have held you back in your financial affairs. Denise Also, you can go on a powerful regression to your past lives to Clear out any blockages. Learn special clutter clearing techniques to increase your abundance.
Lesson 3: Open the Gate and Allow the Flow to FlowDays 8-14)
You’ll get clear on exactly what you desire in today’s exhilarating lesson. What are the 100 things you want? to Be, do, and have Denise It teaches about the seeds and origins of Creation. What do you really want? This is what you want. Vision Seed Collages will help you unlock the power and beauty of seeding your own future. Find out how to Ten affirmations are a good idea-You can affirmations of faith and trust up to ten times more effectively than simple affirmations. Learn which crystals, stones, oils and ceremonies are most effective for abundance. Find out how to Program yourself to prosper and experience the true magic of Miracle Boxes and God Boxes and Wealth Bowls. And, Denise Learn about the power and potential of your physiology. to Make it work for your benefit. Acting “as if” works!
Lesson 4: Create a Fabulous Future of Prosperous LivingDays 15-21)
Join Denise For this last abundance lesson, she teaches how to Create your future. You can learn powerful Feng Shui cures and Space Management techniques.-You can unlock your wealth secrets. Get a letter from your amazing future by activating your spiritual journey. Denise It also shows you how to use your dreams to program your future. Learn how to Connect with your Prosperity guides to receive spiritual guidance and call for spiritual support. The more you have, the more you can give—discover the power of tithing and giving back to Your community. Learn how to Keep taking action to Your dreams can become a reality. And, you’ll create your one year, five year, and ten-Plan for prosperity in the year. You can let go of your lack and embrace happiness!
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