What You’ll Discover in Dennis Leri & Carol Kress Embracing the Unexpected
Dennis Leri & Carol Kress – Embracing the Unexpected
With Dennis Leri & Carol Kress
2 MP3 CDs, 20 Feldenkrais Lessons
These Awareness Through Movement (ATM), lessons are meant to help you prepare for your next adventure. the ATM Intensive to be held in the future Dennis And Carol This will be the center of it all the 5 Winds Kata Series (or as it’s called in Japanese), the Itsutsu no kata. A kata, literally meaning “Form” in Japanese, is a choreographed set of movements performed in a sequence. the Form and order of a procedure.
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A “Wind” It is an invisible force of tradition that provides momentum to any art that incorporates them. A tradition that is invisible but can be felt propels one along a path such as Judo or here, just like a leaf being propelled by an invisible wind. the Feldenkrais Method.
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 Here’s What You Will Get In Embracing the Unexpected
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