What You’ll Discover in Derek Johanson Copyhour 2017
Derek Johanson – Copyhour 2017
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…But, those are famous wealthy copywriters & entrepreneurs.
What happens if the just-Start-Out-This simple copywriting is used by hustlers “secret”?
The freelance copywriter has now too many clients. “secret”.
This freelance copywriter is a master at it.
Complete copywriting FREEDOM for 60 days starting now (or maybe less).
What does this all mean?
…No more pulling your hair out trying to write a sales letter or ad that converts…
…No more failed attempts at coming up with a good selling angle…
…No more FEAR and hesitation about what to write…
Put this in your browser “secret” You won’t need to worry about the rest of it. You’ll know exactly what you need to write to compel your prospects to act.
You’ll realize that you don’t need a template.
There is no perfect script.
You’ll see that solid copywriting and salesmanship skills are already implanted deep inside your brain and that this “secret” They will allow you to unlock these and help you achieve copywriting freedom.
As you can see, the testimonials are quite impressive. “secret” has something to do with what’s inside my creation called CopyHour…
… but before I tell you about that, I’m going to mess with you a little… but in a good way because you’ll learn a valuable copywriting lesson from it.
I’m NOT going to tell you exactly what the “secret” is just yet because I’ve opened up what’s known to us in the copywriting biz as an ‘open loop’.
An ‘open loop’ is any aspect of your sales letter or story that doesn’t tie up immediately.
At the end, you’ll know how. “LOST” when something crazy happened and you’d feel a deep urge to watch again the next week.
Calling this strategy that I’m about to show you a “secret”I used the arrows to open a loop, and get you to continue reading down the page.
What do you want to know about the “secret” is…
And you’ll read on to find out more because…
YOU have a copywriting problem…
This problem is common to all of us.
It is difficult to write copy. It takes effort. It takes mental focus.
It takes a lot of research to find out who our ideal customer really is and how to communicate with them in a way that motivates them to act.
Writing sales copy is difficult.
You don’t know how to start…
You don’t know how to finish…
It’s easy to think you have to add more “power words”…
It is hard to know where to start. ‘frame’ the offer…
You scream that you need a template to work off of… but you can’t find one…
Then you start to think about what you can do. “trick” your prospect… then you stop… and say, “I’m not trying to trick my potential client. I have a valuable product or service. I just need to know how to express that.”
It’s not easy to write a sales letters. It would be easy if it were.
If it were as easy as 1.2.3. people wouldn’t pay me a minimum of $10,000 per copywriting assignment… and smile when they sent me the check.
And here’s the vicious truth that you might be avoiding…
Copywriting = Freedom
You want to make more money?
Write great sales copy.
Writing good copy will make you money. Your work will be appreciated by clients who will pay top dollar. If you make your own products, you won’t be subject to Google or penguins.
You won’t be building an empire on quicksand.
And you’ll have the unique ability to say to yourself, “Hmm, I want to make a bunch of money today.” Next, create a simple sales email in 30 to 60 minutes. And freaking make money with it that day… and for years afterward!
You can then move on to the next task with confidence. The next. And the next.
This is the reality for a very small percentage of people who do the little work.-Front to learn more “secret”.
CopyHour members were asked by me to rate, on an 8-point scale, their copywriting knowledge prior to and after they implemented this simple project. “secret”.
Look at it again — a 89% increase in copywriting knowledge…
These people may still be struggling to launch a campaign or create sales pages. CopyHour delivers incredible clarity in any marketing effort.
The Story of How I Unlocked This Copywriting “Secret”
derek-delmarI’m Derek Johanson, and I’m an addict.
I’m addicted to CopyHour and the “secret” because it continually helps make me money… that I tend to lose… see the sidebar –>
(I currently have two major gigs: I co-own a small consulting company and the other is my main gig.-own, and another is publishing a Hollywood actor who helps other actors develop a career strategy… This is a pretty standard “information publishing” business. Don’t ask me how I got into this b/c I know nothing about acting.)
However, I recently woke up to face facts: “path” The path to freedom in business was clear.
I wanted to make more money from my business and all my efforts. I wanted to be a better copywriter to achieve this goal.
And I’d known about Halbert’s “secret” You can count on it for many years!
It worked almost instantly, as I had heard it from others.
I was, however, one of them. “those people”… who knew how powerful this “secret” was, and how important it was, and how valuable it was…
And how it was one of the only things that could directly make all my marketing efforts worth 2x to 10x more than they are now, without any boosts in traffic or other changes…
But, for whatever reason, I still wasn’t just freaking doing it!
Like every other struggling entrepreneur.
Probably like you if you’ve heard of this “secret” before…
You’re not crazy, is it? “Secret”?
Here’s the “secret” Gary Halbert popularized this phrase:
Make a swipe folder of high-Ads that convert, are tested and win
You can copy the ads using your own handwriting “internalize” Take the style and make it your own
And do it every… single… day, for a minimum of 30 days, to “program” You can develop persuasive copywriting abilities in your brain (longer = more)
Maybe you’ve read this advice before. Every single copywriter and entrepreneur will tell you over and over again how it’s almost like magic, it works so well… if you actually do it.
In fact, maybe it’s old hat to you by now. “Duh… I know all this already. Tell me a new trick.”
But wait… have you ever actually DONE THIS ONE?
And I mean **really** done it…
Take a look at this quote by Dan Kennedy, taken straight from his book “No BS Wealth Attraction”:
“I’m often asked by other, much less wealthy copywriters what they need to do to [make money] like I do… I tell them the advice I got from famous copywriter Gary Halbert — which I followed — about rewriting in longhand at least 500 long-running, successful direct response ads and sales letters in order to train your subconscious mind.”
You can also check out this interview featuring two prominent copywriters.
Ben Settle: [talking about his early days copywriting] … just thinkin’ ahead, “I should get on second shift,” because now I had all this time at work where, yeah, I’m doin’ a job, but I’m also studying copywriting and marketing stuff and I’m writing ads. I spent a lot of time handwriting ads out back then —
Doberman Dan: I’m sorry to interrupt. Did you really do that?
Ben Settle: Yeah.
Doberman Dan: That’s awesome. I’m sorry. Keep goin’ ‘cause I tell people to do that all the time, very few actually do.
Ben Settle: Yeah, what I would do is – that was a big part of my education. … I would just handwrite ads out. … I mean, it’It’s a great way to learn how to structure ads.
Doberman Dan: Wow, I didn’t know you’d done all that, but a lot of people have been told to do that and they don’t but, yet, you did. Look at the result: You’ve been making your fulltime living from this for quite a while now.
Ben Settle: … I think copying out ads is essential, but the problem is most people aren’t that into it. So unless someone’s really into it, they’re probably not gonna do it.
And here’s a quote taken from copywriter Ted Nicholas’s “87 Marketing Secrets Of The Written Word”:
Below is an email address for 8-Figure ‘underground’ A copywriter wrote this to a marketing mastermind that I belong to. He was explaining how to write better sales copy.
… And the really cool part, even famous authors (not just copywriters) talk about the benefits of copying great writing.
Dan writes:
He copied the success stories of people who did exactly what he wanted to do. Donald said that he didn’t learn to write during his college education (go figure), instead he started typing out— verbatim— his favorite stories from authors like Hemmingway, Flannery O’conner, and others. Who says we don’t have the opportunity to learn directly from the best and brightest? This he did for several years. Link
… And these authors might have even improved their learning if they’d have written books out by hand. Here’s a recent news headline:
“Mediocrity Rules The Marketplace”
Recently, I received extremely powerful advice from an underground marketer after a chance meeting.
Download immediately Derek Johanson – Copyhour 2017
He told me… “Mediocrity rules the marketplace.” Most people won’t ever put in the time to become better at what they do. They settle for mediocre performance and mediocre results.
So the rare 1% who do put in the time, even if it’s just a little bit, absolutely clean up… almost effortlessly.
When you actually sit down and do this exercise… it’s deceivingly hard.
I mean, it’s simple to do in theory. But in practice… not so much.
It’s a lot like going to the gym.
In theory it’s a great idea. But when it’s time to lace up your sneakers and head out… well, your mind will find any reason not to do it.
But if you’ve got something to keep you accountable to it… you’ll go. Every day. You will be so grateful that you did it after just a few weeks!
CopyHour’s VERY Simple Method…
What I’ve done is taken Gary Halbert’s “secret” You can use this system to hold yourself accountable for completing these exercises.
I have a VERY simple method… one that doesn’t give you the option of “giving up” and screwing yourself over… and if you’re really serious about this, I’m going to let you in in a second.
It is very easy to understand.
Every single week day you’ll receive an e-Mail with a complete copy of the TESTED, PROVEN and WINNING ad.
It is your job to set aside 30 to an hour, (I recommend it as soon as you get up in the morning) and then do it.
And as an added accountability tool, you will have access to private forums and Facebook Group where you simply go in afterward to post that you’ve done that day’s assignment.
What’s the point of doing this?
It is a great way to create accountability, especially when you see how many other people have done these exercises.
Instead of allowing yourself to relax, you feel more committed to doing the exercises.
It’s simple, but it is very powerful.
Also, if you’re an smart phone user, CopyHour members have been using Coach.me – a habit tracking app, to check-Give each other props.
If you miss a day, it’s no big deal.
You have to take things seriously.
If you can do the exercises 5 days a week, that’s awesome. If you can only do them 1 day a week, that’s fine too.
This will give you as much out as you put in.
The Most Important Measure in Accountability
Listen, this isn’t a “biz-op” offer.
It’s just an “automated” way to force yourself to perform what may be the single most lucrative business exercise on earth… and NOT allow yourself to slack off.
And you’re not following MY instructions… you’re following Halbert’s.
Just “programmed the machine”.
But… on the other hand, we know that no one takes seriously things that they get for free. And we don’t want a hundred free-Loaders slow down the process and cause havoc in the forums and Facebook group, where some really badass business conversations are taking place.
Does my system work? Just look at the testimonials above & down below.
CopyHour is a fantastic opportunity. You can spend an hour each day doing Copy Hour exercises for 60-days and your copywriting skills are guaranteed to skyrocket.
I had read a couple of books on copywriting, and I would say I knew more about copywriting more than the average person, but I didn’t know what it’s like to write a great ad. I’m still far from being able to write great ads that would make me a millionaire, but now I have more intuitive understanding of how great ads work–my hand knows how.
It’s been only a month and a bit since I started CopyHour, and I’m surprised by how much I learned Copy Hour. Using my new skills, I was able to spot what was missing from my friend’s sales page, and also I managed to write my first copy for another friend’s project. What’s more exciting is that this knowledge is expanding everyday thanks to CopyHour.
If I can accomplish this much in one month, how much will I be able do in a year? Copy Hour is something I wish I knew about sooner!
– Anonymous
What does it cost to become an amazing copywriter?
CopyHour is a very unique system – there’s really nothing like it on the market.
I will say that my good buddy Clay (who you’ll see below) spent over $2,000 for training materials from a big name copywriter (who also appears on this page).
Clay said that although he learned a lot from the $2,000 course, it was disappointing at the end. CopyHour was more valuable to him and cost a fraction of what it did.
Before I tell you how much CopyHour is, let me total up the value of all the components you’re getting.
Over next several weeks (which will be the best of your life because you’ll become an INSANE copywriter) you’ll get about 65 lessons.
Each lesson takes me about an hour to create. These lessons cost me approximately $500 an hour. That’s a $32,500 value ??
There’s the accountability forum and Facebook group. Hosting costs me approximately $10 per year. I’ll only charge you 10 cents for that though because we’ll split up the costs amongst members. You could say that the forum is priceless because you’ll also get to interact with other CopyHour members…
Now, the best sales letter swipes. You’ll have access to hundreds of them. Some of these sales letters are hard to find… but let’s talk about the value of these swipes.
If you look at how much money these sales letters and ads pulled in for various people and companies, you’re looking into the BILLIONS. That’s not an exaggeration.
Let’s just say they’re worth 1 million for simplicity sake though.
Also, $17,500 + 10 Cents + 1 Million = $1,032,500.10
The total value of CopyHour is $1,032,500.10 but you’ll be able to join today only for well under that! haha.
But seriously, wouldn’t you agree, that paying $2,000 to become a master salesman and copywriter… to literally change the way you think and structure the way you speak, write and present offers, would be an absolute game-changer for you… and be worth every single penny?
If you use just one snippet of knowledge from doing these exercises you’ll make huge multiples of your money back.
Download immediately Derek Johanson – Copyhour 2017
But I’m not going to charge you $2,000… heck I wont even charge you $1000. I’d be justified in charging that much and most dedicated entrepreneurs would hand that amount to me without batting an eyelash. Especially considering how much a good copywriter is worth… and how much money they demand to write a converting sales letter.
And obviously, the higher amount you pay, the more committed you’ll be squeezing the most value out of your time with CopyHour.
But I want CopyHour to be accessible to every entrepreneur, consultant, & freelancer who wants it.
That’s why you can join right now for just a few bucks per day.
Exploit My 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee… & Stay In The System Even If You Refund
In the entire 5 year history of CopyHour, I received less than 25 refunds. And all of them were from people who refused to do the exercises or simply didn’t have the time.
So that’s why I’m confident enough to offer this guarantee:
I’ll leave you in the system even if you refund. Just e-mail me (hit ‘respond’ You can access any of the daily electronic e-mails you get)… I’ll give you your money back… and leave you in the system if you want.
Can you trust me?
Take a look at this Twitter interaction. The first man is curious about CopyHour. He thinks it may be a scam. Rob then responds that CopyHour has been recommended by John (whose testimonial is at the top).
John replied with the following:
Marcus was accepted.
Like I said… this is not about the money.
The money acts just like a weapon. “people filter” It is a way to make a commitment psychologically. It improves the quality of the community and your commitment to actually doing these exercises will earn you exponentially more back.
To join our club, hustlers must take action.
When you TAKE ACTION and join right now, you’ll also get 2 interviews that I did with successful copywriters.
These interviews are typically reserved for the “CopyHour Cartel” (my group & training course for freelance copywriters).
Bonus Interview #1: Ashley Ambirge
Ashley is an outspoken copywriter living & running her copywriting agency in Costa Rica. When she first got started, she was broke & living in a car. She went from $0 to nearly $100,000 in just one year. Watch her explain how a beginning copywriter should get their first job.
Bonus Interview #2: Ben Settle
You’ll notice Ben’s face from up above. He’s a highly respected email copywriter. You’ll also get Ben’s take on how to get freelance work… how to get good at copywriting really fast… and how to negotiate copywriting fees.
If you ACT on the info you’ll learn during these interviews, I’d say they’re easily worth $99. What will you make your first job?
Which brings me to this question…
Are you able to see the value of these exercises.
I know that some people don’t care about becoming a bad-As a copywriter.
They don’t care about having the ability to pump out a short letter in two hours that could make them tens of thousands of dollars.
And they don’t care about having the ability to do that over, and over, and over again.
They don’t “get it”.
But if you’re one of the rare **SMART** entrepreneurs who understands the huge, huge, HUGE value that being a top-tier marketing mind will have on your business (95% of people on this page now don’t get this)… or you understand that even a 10% improvement in your copywriting ability now will turn into an exponentially BIGGER improvement in your income levels…
Then, this is a complete no-brainer.
Here’s an email friend & entrepreneur Clay Rogers sent to me:
But Wait! There’s More In 2017!
I’ve added another incredible bonus:
Most of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know are members of some type of group. “mastermind”.
A small group of people that meet regularly to assist each other in their businesses.
For the last 3 years I’ve been part of a mastermind with my good friends Sean Ogle and Clay Rogers.
We speak on the phone once per month and meet up every year in exotic locations to make business plans. In this case, we went to Cabo in December.
Three men, three successful businesses, three very different approaches to them.
Each call will have 30 participants-45 minutes of content, then you can ask any questions you wish.
The calls will begin next week and continue through the end the month. In the coming days, we will announce exact times.
All the calls will be recorded and we’ll be taking questions via email beforehand, so you’ll get an answer to whatever you’re struggling with.
And It Gets Even Better… Do You Want A Kick-In-The-Butt & Personalized Feedback To Make Sure You’re Actually Executing On What You’re Learning?
Far & away the biggest issue people experience when getting started with copywriting is “knowing if my copy is any good.”
After you’ve started learning through CopyHour’s unique method you’re going to want FEEDBACK and accountability to actually EXECUTE.
You’re going to want someone to push you to write your own letter and help with you with that process.
And this is how I’m going to deliver that to you —
“CopyHour Advanced”
This adds-CopyHour allows you to submit one piece per month for review and critique.
We’ll all jump on a group call every 2 weeks (6 total) where I’ll tear down your copy and give you personalized advice.
You’ll get instant feedback on how to get started, what to write first… what’s working and what might need improvement. You’ll know if you’re on the right track and exactly what to do next.
Plus, you’ll get the extreme benefit of seeing other sales letters getting deconstructed.
This is a significant time commitment from my side. I’m considering CopyHour Advanced an ongoing “test”. So if you’re interested, scoop this offer up before it comes of the table forever (I don’t say this because I’m using a B.S. Scarcity tactic. It’s true).
Here’s exactly what you’ll get when you select the CopyHour Advanced Option below:
Personalized Homework – “What To Do Next”
Submit 1 Piece of Copy Per Month (3) For Review & Critique
Bi-Weekly Group Calls (6 total) Deconstructing & Critiquing Your Sales Copy
Join Today With Absolutely Zero Chance Of Getting Screwed Over & With 100% Confidence That You’ll Become A Kick-Assist Copywriter
Here’s what happens when you click the “Add to Cart” Click the button below
1. You’ll be taken to a totally secure checkout page protected by SSL 256-bit Encryption. All major credit cards are accepted.
2. After you enter your payment details you’ll create your CopyHour account, confirm your email address, and login into the member’s area.
3. You’ll have instant access to some CopyHour resources including a Dropbox folder with hundreds of classic, PROVEN sales letters & ads.
4. Important: The first CopyHour assignment is not due until Sunday evening.
CopyHour registration will be reactivated-Open from early July
Click Here To Join The Waitlist & Get Free Gifts
Now It’s Time To Get Off The Fence…
This is where I inform you that you have made a decision and attempt to get you to take action. “off the fence” It can be used to make a purchasing decision.
Here’s an unsolicited comment in a forum full of budding entrepreneurs:
CopyHour has many happy clients:
“CopyHour rocks, it’s convenient, loaded with great content and has sharpened the hell out of my Copywriting Chops. My clients dig my improved skills also.”
– Garri
“CopyHour opened my eyes to true, well-done copywriting. Each example taught me a lesson in how to write, the art of persuasion, what works and what doesn’t. Who knew copying ads by hand would be so beneficial? Totally recommended for anyone who wants to sharpen their writing skills.”
– Mary Kate Feeney
By far the best site I’ve ever joined. These exercises have helped me improve my copywriting and all other types of writing.
CopyHour has given me the motivation and drive I need to improve my writing each day.
– Jon Bishop
This program is simply amazing. I recently graduated from a top-tier university with a degree of Political Science. After four years and $200,000 in debt, I now have zero marketable skills that will actually make me money.
I’ve learned more marketable skills in one month of CopyHour then I did in four years of University. Derek, you kick ass.
– Udae S.
CopyHour is a great way for you to actually get some “hands on” practice … a way to study the best sales letters by actually writing them out and cutting your left and right brain loose (together) so that you actually absorb the methodology and science behind them.
CopyHour is highly recommended to anyone considering entering the field of copywriting, or to anyone already practicing in this area and looking to improve their skills.
– Ken Fitzhugh
Join us now, or don’t. It’s your career on the line.
It is something I highly recommend. You do it. It makes you feel better. You live a happy & wealthy life.
– Derek “Your Copywriting M.D.” Johanson
Is that you? That’s me (right) with Sean Ogle (left) and Clay Rogers (center). We’re at Hotel Ambos Mundos in Havana, Cuba. Ernest Hemingway started his journey in this hotel. “For Whom The Bell Tolls” — a book worth copying.
It’s fitting that we smoked cigars in the hotel where a legendary book was first started…
Why? CopyHour members are both the men pictured here with me. Both of them have made some serious money through their copywriting skills.
Download immediately Derek Johanson – Copyhour 2017
You know what else?
We’re just getting started.
P.S. CopyHour’s entrance fee is almost definitely a tax deductible business expense (ask your tax advisor).
P.P.S. Your copywriting & marketing knowledge should at minimum double by going through CopyHour, guaranteed, or your money back.
(If you leave this page and go back to wasting your time trolling Facebook, you’ll FOREVER regret it… and you’ll miss out on ALL the experiences that money can buy. Take massive action & join us now.)
Join Today With Absolutely Zero Chance Of Getting Screwed Over & With 100% Confidence That You’ll Become A Kick-Assist Copywriter
Here’s what happens when you click the “Add to Cart” Click the button below
1. You’ll be taken to a totally secure checkout page protected by SSL 256-bit Encryption All major credit cards accepted
2. After you enter your payment details you’ll create your CopyHour account, confirm your email address, and login into the member’s area.
3. You’ll have instant access to some CopyHour resources including a Dropbox folder with hundreds of classic, PROVEN sales letters & ads.
4. Important: The first CopyHour assignment is not due until Sunday evening.
Here’s what you’ll get in Copyhour 2017
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Derek Johanson – Copyhour 2017” It is totally Downloadable We will make your link available immediately. We appreciate your patience.