What You’ll Discover in Desda Zuckerman Reclaim Your Empathic Power
Desda Zuckerman – Reclaim Your Empathic Power
Release old stories and patterns (without processing) — and master the healing powers of your vast subtle anatomy.
Experience guided energy practices that go beyond your body, chakras, and aura — including a powerful clearing of ”congestion“ within your soul path.
If you “pick up on energy” easily, or you’re overly sensitive or empathic, you naturally connect deeply with people all throughout your day…
Whether you feel a slight tug in your chest…. an ache in your head…. or a strong emotion washes over you when someone passes by…. you’re probably sensing energetic connections (positive and negative) somewhere in your body.
Sometimes the energy you consume can get lodged in your energy system making it difficult for you to set boundaries or keep you from telling new stories.
And all of this happens without your awareness of the deeper origins of these patterns (even while you’re attempting to transform them).
Their origins may lie within your vast. “subtle body” energy field, the good news is that it’s possible for you to locate and clear them…
In Reclaim Your Empathic PowerThe subtle energy pioneer Desda Zuckerman reveals radical new perspectives that make it possible for you to release and melt away your old patterns and stuck energy — which you may have had your entire life — without processing or retraumatization.
Empaths can struggle to know their own needs or lose touch of their energy and senses of self when they interact in a social setting with others. These patterns are often caused by emotional issues. “debris” Within your subtle anatomy.
Many of us also have “congestions” that literally block our soul’s ability to evolve, according to Desda.
You can still clear this clutter and regain your empathic power.
You can release old trauma, fear, frustration, loneliness, and other patterns, — and take back ownership of your energy, your life, your dreams, and your gifts.
You can create and hold stronger energy boundaries.
This brand-New 7-Part video training Desda You will be amazed at the truth behind persistent issues. She’ll help you recognize their origins — not in your past, but within three different systems of your energy body:
The Bones of Light System allows you to have more freedom, to have inner support, and to allow your healing energy to flow.
The Layers System can be described as the organs of your physical body. It allows you to transform stuck patterns that have held onto you for many years.
The Blended Energies System, where congestions can be released within each of the 13 chakras, clearing the path for your soul’s development.
This 7-day special event was extraordinary-step journey into your subtle anatomy, you’ll discover:
How to connect with others from a place of power and wisdom
Expert guidance in working with the healing powers of your own energy structure
A radical new framework to help you recognize what makes you overly empathic or sensitive — and rebalance the energies within your vast energy body
Experiential tools to help you locate — and clear — painful patterns held within your subtle body
How to begin to occupy the full space of your Sacred Anatomy — the subtle energy field that extends 20 feet in all directions beyond your physical body
An energetic experience of the Bones of Light, the living support structure for your life and for fulfilling your soul’s purpose
How you’ve blocked the universe from giving you what you truly need — anatomically and emotionally
Guided healings to open you to the anatomy and unique purpose of the different parts of your subtle body
How the Layers System of your energy body influences the stories that have defined and limited you
The keys to unlocking universal energies — including those within the 13 chakras — which you need to flourish as a human being and as a soul
An opportunity to resolve longstanding issues and their underlying energy patterns…. without the need for processing
Guidance to help you access the support and stability of your own energy structure
And much, much more…
Get guided healings from Desda to Clear Congestion & Old Stories
Are you aware of how expansive… and how magnificent you truly are?
The beautiful, bright light-Your subtle energy body’s filled structure exponentially expands your potential to be 20 feet above your physical body …. in all directions.
(The physical anatomy and meridians as well the Higher Self you see are just slivers in your energy body and totality.
The energy practices and guided healings you’ll experience in this brand-New training will be an energy source-Clearing“enzymes” For this subtle energy field which Desda This is also known as Your Sacred Anatomy.
Led By Desda, you’ll locate the energy block, congestion, or problematic life pattern within your energetic structure — and remove it. In the process, you’ll dramatically shift your understanding of the sources of emotional pain, and discover your larger self.
Desda will guide you with the precise techniques you need to take your healing into your own hands… and experience clearer thinking, cleaner energetic connections, and a happier, more present life.
As you move gracefully within three systems of your subtle anatomy — known as the Bones of Light, Blended Energies System, and Layers System — your natural divine self will shine forth more brightly, making you more effective and joyful in your life, work, and relationships.
We Need a New Teacher
A born intuitive with exceptional clairvoyant, auditory, and clairsentient abilities. Desda Zuckerman A contribution to the in-In depth study of subtle energies she has seen around all living creatures since childhood.
Desda has spent the last 45 years mapping the deep human energy structure — a “sacred anatomy” It holds great power and guidance for all of us. By working with the healing energies in your own body, you can conquer your fears, dispel your demons and rewrite your story.
Get your instant download Desda Zuckerman – Reclaim Your Empathic Power
Whether you’re an individual seeker, healing professional, or transformational guide, this journey with Desdas will exponentially expand your understanding of — and your relationship to — the energy body.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
If you’re eager to go beyond the basics and open up to higher truths, more powerful forces, and a deep, and multidimensional healing of your energy body and your soul, this 7-Step journey was created with you in mind.
You’ll receive video teachings, guided healings, and experiential practices with Desda Zuckerman. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones — giving you a complete holistic understanding of three different systems of your energy body and the healing powers of your subtle anatomy.
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Module 1: Discover Unwavering Support & Stability Within the Bones of Light
Your The subtle anatomy contains all the information and wisdom that your soul needs to grow in this life and beyond. It is untapped brilliance …., a vast source for support, healing, guidance, and assistance.
Particularly, the Bones of Light is the subtlest. “skeletal” A foundation that provides stability and support for your entire life. When the universal energies flow smoothly, you will naturally get everything you need to thrive as a human being. Many of us, however, unknowingly block this support.
This module is the beginning of a fascinating journey. Desda, you’ll discover how the Bones of Light function within your subtle anatomy and orient your soul. A powerful guided practice will help resolve a longstanding issue — identified by you — so that you can fully access the support and stability of your own energy structure.
Part 1: Getting into the Bones of Light of Your Subtle Anatomy
In this module, you’ll:
Set your intention to clear from a specific pattern or lifelong issue — in your relationships, work, health and wellbeing, etc.
See the Bones of Light as the structure that can support you in your life and soul’s purpose
Experience this energetic presence of this powerful, subtle internal support system
Discover how universal energies flow and are blocked within the Bones of Light
Prepare for a guided healing within this part of your subtle anatomy
Part 2: Completely Receive From The Universe Bones for Light Guided Healing
This guided healing includes Desda, you’ll:
Free up your internal support to increase your ability to receive
Understand anatomically and emotionally how you have stopped the universe from giving you what you truly need
Identify & understand this block, guided by Desda
Remove obstructions to supportive energies
Take full ownership of what you receive from the Universe
Module 2: Releasing Your Old Stories
The Layers System
The Layers system is an incredible, concentric construction that reveals your subtle anatomy. Each layer is dedicated to a different aspect of your human experience. They include your bio layer (your body), and then moving on to the emotional, primal, mental, cognitive spiritual, etheric and soul layers.
Desda The layers are called the “wisdom keepers of your soul’s long journey” — which illuminate the hidden stories that define you, as well as new possibilities and visions for your life.
Each layer is responsible for bringing your soul’s order, orientation and awareness into focus. However, energy blocks can prevent your soul from following the natural path of its evolution.
This module comes with Desda This is your chance to learn about the layers, remove any obstacles so that you can access the wisdom, and create and embody a new story.
Part 1: Create a new life story Release a life pattern in the layers
In this module, you’ll:
Explore how the Layers System influence the stories that have defined and limited you
Stimulate and explore a new vision and new possibilities, which are fully aligned with your soul
Recognize the energetic patterns underlying the issue or story you want to release
Locate your old story or limiting pattern within the layers — and watch how it influences your actions
Part 2: Unlocking a Life Pattern. Guided Healing
This guided healing includes Desda, you’ll:
Be led through a process to fully define an old story
Uncover how this story shaped you and your emotional “climate”
Experience the cost and gift of these pattern
Release this life pattern and easily enter into a new story
Module 3: Clear a Soulpath Congestion for Deeper Healing
The Blended Energies System
Through 13 chakras and other energy centers, the Blended Energies System is where universal energies can be awakened. This system is where you can activate your highest potential, shape your personality, and reveal your soul’s journey.
The Blended Energies System, which is the birthplace of your soul and where you are reborn every moment, is also where you can find peace. Its continuously regenerating energies will guide you to love, serve, create and express it in your daily life.
These energies can become congested over time and should be cleared to allow you to access them for your healing or growth. This module offers an opportunity to clear these energies.
Part 1: Learn about the Blended Energy System
In this module, you’ll:
See how congestion within the Blended Energies System tends to define what you do and who you think you are
Gain a new understanding of the 13 thirteen major chakras
Learn the part of your larger issue that was critical in the formation of your personality
Prepare your structure for a healing by experiencing the energetic location of your congestion
Set focus and intention to completely clear and heal your subtle structure.
Part 2: Clearing a Soul Path Congestion: Guided Healing
This guided healing includes Desda, you’ll:
Understand and clear congestion that has defined your larger issue, determined who you are and slowed your progress.
Unleash your new more capable and confident persona and feel the flow of your gifts
Stimulate the sacred flow of your soul and your life force
Develop access to the powerful healing energies of your own energy structure
Module 4: Subtle Energy and Self-Care Routine
Daily Practices
You’ve journeyed through three systems within your vast, subtle anatomy (according to Desda’s map, there are seven!). You’ve cleared blocks, redefined stories about who you are, and released patterns that have limited you for many years.
You’ve felt and now you know you really are MUCH MORE than your body, emotions or mind…
In this final module, you’ll receive a toolkit of subtle energy, self-care practices. The journey is only beginning…. now it’s time to take what you’ve learned into your daily life, your relationships and your work in the world.
You’ll discover:
A subtle energy body self-care program you can use daily
Deepening awareness of the wisdom and support within the three systems of your subtle anatomy
Open even more to the new possibilities for your life
Appreciation for your true magnificence and the beautiful clearing work you’ve done over the 7 modules
The Empathic Power Bonus Collection
(Valued at More Than $500.00)
Additional to Desda’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses. These bonuses complement the course, and will help you to understand and practice at a deeper level.
Reading from Desda’s Book, Your Sacred Anatomy
Audio Recording From Desda Zuckerman
This reading is from Desda It is a transmission and introduction to the power of these insights as well as a way to access the space for healing, transformation and empowerment that she holds for students and all humanity. The power of a story can allow millions to align. The introduction “Carnival of Light,” Desda Talks about her life and how her gifts evolved. She has dedicated her clairvoyance and healing to healing. As Desda It is clear that we are much more than what we thought, and we recognize our potential to create an even greater world.
Insights Meditation Journal
Audio Recording PDF Teaching Desda Zuckerman
To make a real difference, everyone must be part of the game as conscious players. Use this meditation journal to help you reflect, to record your thoughts, and to explore ways to make a difference.
Correct & Ethical Way to Benefit From Affirmations
Video teaching starting Desda Zuckerman
Believe it or not, there’s a specific way to optimize your use of affirmations. It’s not enough to affirm something and feel it. Clear your mind, set your intentions and be open to your heart. In this video, you’ll be given easy steps for creating foolproof affirmations.
Spiritual Practice is Important
Video teaching starting Desda Zuckerman
Learn why a spiritual practice is essential for energy workers and for connecting with your Sacred Anatomy. It’s not about discipline, but about spaciousness. Regular spiritual practice can help you find your quiet place. You can move towards awakening consciousness by doing this. Energy work is the act of doing rather than being. If you’re having difficulty with your energy, “how, what, and when” To do anything, you must have a spiritual practice.
What are the Graduates of Desda’s Courses Are Saying…
It was a great experience, which helped me to manage different situations in my own life. It was a wonderful reconnection
— Eve Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
It is a great course. It is great. I am still working on it. I love that I was able download the recordings and transcripts.
— Jessica, Massachusetts
Desda A highly skilled and knowledgeable instructor. Her kindness and joy are contagious across space, time and the internet to reach you on a deep, personal level.
— Alex, New York, New York
Wonderful experience in connecting with my inner Self. It was amazing to experience guided meditations, and to develop energy awareness.
— Laurie, Idaho
It was both incredibly impressive to see the seriousness but also the tenderness with which these experiences and practices were shared. I was also impressed by the constant communication about inner preparation and respect. I haven’t been able to be present for all the stages of the course, unfortunately, due to major shifts in my workplace and dwelling. To allow for continued practice, I have downloaded the course to DVDs.
— Liz, Australia
The Shift Network classes will help you expand your ideas about reality. You’ll experience fresh ideas about what it means to be human. Spiritual leaders will share their insights on how to create a peaceful, sustainable world.
— Kathy, Seattle, WA USA
I have strengthened my relationships and communication with each of the 4 Aspects. This gave me insight into my own potential. New tools for navigating my way through life. I’m claiming my power and no longer frozen by old hidden fears. This is a time I LOVE!
— Fawn Christianson, Los Osos, California
The course is with Desda It was a way of life-changing experience. The class was accessible on the computer easily and all technical aspects were flawless. It is helpful to have class recordings and meditations available for easy access. They were very enjoyable and I returned to them often. I enjoyed the transcripts of my lessons. Desda It was a pleasure to work with her and she kept the information interesting and flowing. She is extremely knowledgeable and has a great ability to work with people of different experience levels. A Facebook group was a great bonus for anyone who wanted to share their experiences and ask questions during the week. This course was outstanding in every way. We are grateful. DesdaThis quality class is provided by The Shift Network and your crew.
— Karen Williamson, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Desda’s work fills in missing pieces that round out many other kinds of practice and study. There is something for everyone, no matter your tradition or mode of practice.
— John, Tampa, Florida
This profoundly sacred, light hearted and experiential course provides very practical daily tools for a deeper understanding and ongoing enlivened relationship with one’s unique Authentic Self. It’s also a fascinating introduction to the wonder of Your Sacred Anatomy is a book that reveals the deep, playful and amazing wisdom of Desda Zuckerman.
— Jewell, California
Learn more about the anatomy and function of the subtle body
— Anonymous
My understanding of my energy body has improved. I am more aware of subtle energies that interact with me and how to work together with them. My energy healing work is more fulfilling and connected.
— Anonymous
This course helped me to understand the nature of human beings and what it means to be human. I especially appreciated this course. Desda’s interaction with the Facebook group, offering support, insights and encouragement.
— Michelle, France
Every day, I shared with my patients and clients what they could do to make themselves more sensitive and strong. Desda Excellent tools have been created by him. We are so grateful!
— Kathleen Christ, Saint Louis, Missouri
Although I have been studying subtle anatomy for many years, this course has greatly expanded my knowledge and deepened my relationship to it. This course was a great help!
— Sharon, Sebastopol, California
Desda’s course has been a transformative class for me. It was a pleasure to get to know each of my aspects and work with their wisdom. I feel hopeful and excited when I can apply the knowledge I gained from this course to my other spiritual practices such as walking labyrinths or working with Reiki energy. I feel I am on my way toward learning and fulfilling my life’s purpose!
— Karen, Berlin, Massachusetts
Simple meditation exercises and practices can be very beneficial. It was certainly unique.
— Anonymous
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute-recorded Classes Sessions Desda Zuckerman
Rare opportunity to learn from a healer, teacher, or author Desda Zuckerman — from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a video lesson that guides you to learn specific skills and abilities to help you awaken your spiritual potential.
Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Session Sessions
Apart from the high prices,-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. The class transcription will be available in PDF format so you can review and print the key insights and practices.
Online Community
Our Facebook online community is the ideal place to continue your learning journey after every class. This is where you can have a discussion about the course material and interact with fellow students to help you explore further.
The Empathic Power Bonus Collection
Reading From Desda’s Book, Your Sacred Anatomy
Audio Recording From Desda Zuckerman
Insights Meditation Journal
PDF Teaching From Desda Zuckerman
Correct & Ethical Way to Benefit From Affirmations
Video Teaching From Desda Zuckerman
Importance of a Spiritual Practice
Video Teaching From Desda Zuckerman
You have an unrivalled opportunity to join the Reclaim Your Empathic Power Virtual Training
We feel honored Desda Zuckerman To offer this unique online training, has partnered with The Shift Network. This is a rare chance to learn from a healer/teacher/author whose profound insights and pioneering work help us heal and awaken our bodies and the world around us.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands This is dollYou can find more information atrs), you’ll benefit from Desda’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace.
If you’re serious about transforming your relationship to trauma, stress, and stuck emotions, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Register Now!
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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!
Your You can be 100% satisfied! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Reclaim Your Empathic Power With Desda Zuckerman — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
More Praise for Desda Zuckerman…
“Desda reliably makes magic”
Desda A gifted healer, whose skills go beyond what we know. Her work brings a refreshing sense of clarity. There’s no way to explain it. Subtle, yet powerful forces are at work. The Great Beyond can help with undetermined problems. Desda It works reliably.
— Harriet Beinfield, Acupuncturist and co-Author of Between Heaven and Earth: The Guide to Chinese Medicine
“Look no further than the Sacred Anatomy teachings”
This is a profound work. If you’re looking for a modality that sits and fits, look no further than Desda’s Sacred Anatomy teachings. Take one class and the benefits that you’ll experience in every area of your life will be transformational for you and those you come in contact with.
— Linda Darms
“My life is expanding because I’m occupying my full energy structure”
Desda Zuckerman‘s work in mapping the Sacred Anatomy which surrounds all of us, and [showing us] how to interact with it, has profoundly shifted my life. Continuing to learn about and occupy my own Human Energy Structure has allowed me to live a life of expanded capacity.
— Claudia Broderick
“Limiting patterns fall effortlessly away”
As a result of my journey with Desda, I’I am more grounded, focused and vital in my health. This has made me feel clearer about myself and my relationships. My work and my relationships with people have made me feel more energetic, both professionally and personally. My natural gifts continue …. and limiting beliefs effortlessly disappear. I continue to be amazed at what is possible even though I’ve been guiding transformational processes for over 30 years. This work has enriched every aspect of my personal life. I’m grateful.
— Jewell Scanlon
“I can now deal effectively with issues I had avoided and buried”
Desda has helped me be present in all four aspects — physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. I am now able to deal with issues that I used to avoid and have buried.
— Karen Zimmerman
“I’m realizing I have a lot more control over my body and life than I ever imagined”
[Desda] This opened my eyes to a new way of looking at the issues in my body. As I’m learning more about my energetic structure, I’m realizing I have a lot more control over my body and life than I ever imagined. Things that I thought were random are now something I believe I can control. [them]. I’m accomplishing major goals in my life. I’m in a much better place today than I was when I started.
— K.M.
“…. resolved some long-standing issues…”
My first session of healing with you. Desda in 1998, to studying the work to becoming a practitioner, it’s all been truly transformational on many levels. The reason I started the journey was to make a complete physical and spiritual recovery after my 1989 breast cancer diagnosis. A number of sessions helped me to not only resolve long-standing issues but also brought my attention to this remarkable body of work. It was something I wanted to learn to help me heal and transform. It was not just that I discovered my gifts as a healer, transformational teacher, and mentor.
— B.M.
“It changed the way I looked at dis-ease, pain, and growth…”
was my first encounter with . I found it to be illustrious yet compassionate. Desda ZuckermanThe work made a huge difference in my life. It changed my perception of dis.-Because it allowed me to see the energy all around, I felt ease, pain, and even growth. [It] It also changed how I saw healing and did actual energy work with my Feng Shui clients. Beyond being an “integrative” It encompassed the human energy structure, feeling and release in a profound, effective and unique manner.
— M.D.
“No other healing modality has given me deeper, more immediate, lasting release…”
I have been continuously awed by the depth of healing and insight I’ve received from Desda Her practitioners. I have never experienced a healing modality that has allowed me to feel deeper, faster, and more lasting relief.-For long-term health, wellbeing. From energetic imbalances, to karmic wound healing If not, [Desda’s work]I would be very unwell today, emotionally and physically Desda Visionary healer, Conscious Intelligence is her evolution.
— K.P.
“It freed me of a burden I didn’t even know I was carrying”
Again, thank you for everything.-It’s possible to heal. It freed me of a burden I didn’t even know I was carrying.
— K.D.
About Desda Zuckerman
Desda Zuckerman He has spent his entire life studying the subtle energies that surround all living things. From a personal quest to understand, it evolved into an extensive mapping of Human Energy Anatomy. Its precise application has been the result. This is the new paradigm.-Conscious Intelligence is an intentional healing modality that has emerged from shifting discovery. Since the age of 30, she has quietly taught classes, trained practitioners and led healing sessions for thousands of clients. At last, she’s revealing these Sacred Anatomy teachings to a wider audience to benefit all healers, seekers, and students of human potential.
Desda Who is the author? Your Sacred Anatomy: An Owner’s Guide to the Human Energy Structure . A dynamic healer, speaker, and teacher, she’s passionate about bringing her message of grounded transformation and one-The world needs body conscious wellness. With a loving heart, comprehensive knowledge, and heightened sensitivities honed by years of practice and insight, she’s serving as the vanguard of a new and expanding field.
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Here’s what you’ll get in Reclaim Your Empathic Power
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