What You’ll Discover in Dodie Magis Javanese Magnetism
Dodie Magis – Javanese Magnetism
Ultimate Javanese Magnetism
Myself Thomas Scheers I am in this field of Magnetism Mesmerism for more that 25years. I thought to know everything about Magnetism Mesmerism and Until I found a Youtube video from Magis Dodie. I was practically thrown from my chair!
I was eager to find out more. So I contacted him and soon I asked him to come to Belgium where he gave his first training to Europeans. He’d never been outside of Indonesia before.
He gave a fantastic training and everyone was very enthusiastic including myself.
Download it immediately Dodie Magis – Javanese Magnetism
In simple English, he brought his training in his way with a lot of practice.
This is the only way to master magnetism. It’s extremely difficult to learn this from a book. We also discovered that the techniques from my Mesmerism together with attracting energy from the Ultimate Javanese Magnetism It is the perfect combination
Do what Mr. Magis What happens after the training?
The short answer? YES you can!
And how can I be so sure? I have been trained by Mr. Magis To become a Master of Ultimate Javanese Magnetism myself. This is Western-style. Magnetism!
So I know it’s possible and it can be done also fast!
Through initiations you will be brought to the right level.
This is how you can learn your new skill quickly.
The result after 3 days will be a high level to build further.
You will find all knowledge from many years and different parts of the globe on a silver platter. You just need to apply it…
Only sensitivity is different for everyone. One person is extremely sensitive, while another is not. But don’t get me wrong! This is not to say that the energy doesn’t flow!
Sensitivity can be trained and this training is ideal for it.
Training allows you to work with other people, and each person has a different energy. AN OPPORTUNITY to gain experience and perfect your techniques.
This will help you to be more sensitive.
Ultimate Javanese Magnetism PROGRAM FOR TRAINING:
– How you can change your state in a few seconds to get access to attract all kind of energy in the universe.
– How you can get any energy from the universe easy and very quick. Attract: StarEnergy , Moon energy, solar energy, earth energy, … any energy for the purpose you wish or need…
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– How to create a receiver into your body to receive a greater energy. How to strengthen it and to attract … and to access energy to use instant … these energies for healing, attracting a goal, protection, love and relationship, every object you wish!
– How to get in contact with spiritual guides, holy spirits, higher light beings, masters or even angels can obtain their assistance through the Universe or Cosmos.
– How our spiritual brothers / sisters (to open in Javanese esoteric tradition, when were we born), to help us after we had access to them, namely,: “Kakang Kawah (amniotic fluid), Adi Ari -Ari ( placenta), Getih (blood) and Puser (Navel).
– How to use a mantra, not just reading, also create mantra! Specifically to achieve or attract your target. What would you like to achieve or do in your life?
– How to create a visual aide in Ultimate Javanese Magnetism ™ working 24/7 for you to attract customers for example …
– How to transfer energy to another person, with intent and energy transfer, easier, faster, stronger and clearer.– How to set up a protection against negative influences and how this negativity can be destroyed for yourself, loved ones or customers.
– How to make you more popular with your aura or energy field around you. How you will enhance your charisma.
– How you can feel energy with your physical body, clearly and in a few seconds … Not only with your heart or intuition … But actually feel the energy.
– Learn the secret of “Ultimate Javanese Magnetism ™” These include the techniques for extracting enormous amounts of energy from the Universe.
– How to mesmerize and hypnotize people with strong energy or assist in healing. You can also combine it with other things you do.
How you can make a strong connection with energy, such as through hypnosis “the report” But not with one word, but only with energy! Youtube has several videos that show this connection. People can become fully integrated on both sides. You can change your behavior and heal. You can simply give a powerful suggestion. These people are extremely open to your suggestion.
-How to make your intent stronger so it will work like a laser into the subconscious of the subject and burn your suggestion into the brain. Ideal to break patterns in humans and install a new program so they feel much better.
– How to create a stronger protection, for example in an accident (the function of a helmet for example …) Your car itself and many other things that can give you an energy shield to protect yourself and your passengers.
– How to use a self-You can’t learn defense techniques without actually learning yourself-Defense, which is extremely useful in unpredictable situations. You’ll notice that these forces are rarely in the wrong spot at the wrong time when you begin to work with them.
You’ll be more productive when you are in the right place at the right moment.
– How you “inner strength” can increase in only one day, so you can use breaking a metal or a hard thing as a brick. Superpowers.
– How to get in Javanese Access to the gods through esoteric traditions
– How to transfer energy to water for healing or influence how to make magnetized water. For a stronger connection … we are about 2/3 of water and water has the ability to take over the programming. It is a superconductor … we use it to our advantage.
– How to calm an angry person, and this in a few minutes, usually even in seconds.
– How to increase libido in another person, in a few seconds.
– And much more.
It can be applied to every area of your life.
Live your best life.
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Here’s What You’ll Get in Dodie Magis – Javanese Magnetism
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