What You’ll Discover in Dr. William Baldwina SRT-Spirit Releasement Therapy
The fifth step is to use specific guided imagery for Healing Light. It is essential and vital to fill the …. space.
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Dr. William Baldwina SRT-Spirit Releasement Therapy
A term invented by William Baldwin, who has been a pioneer in this area, deserves my congratulations.
Dr. Baldwin died on April 24, 2004.
This work combines the spiritualist, shamanistic and psychotherapy perspectives into psychotherapy and spiritual heal. It has also helped psychology advance to its next significant and fundamental phase.
Spirit Releasement This is not a rite, but a therapy. It’s not exorcism. Instead, it is a therapy that comes from compassion and not confrontation.
Spirit Releasement This is to liberate the client and allow the spirit that has been attached to continue its evolutionary path.
Past Life Therapy Spirit, Soul Retrieval and established therapies can often be combined. Releasement Therapy.
Spirit Attachment
Entity AttachmentDescriptions of life after death and the process of what happens to humans after the passage called `death` are scattered throughout the world’s literature.
In recent years, there have been several books and stories about the experiences. “near death experience,” NDE (Near Death Experience), in which a person is able to see the future. “dies” It is then brought back to health.
Many people who have experienced such an experience can now accurately recount events that occurred when the body was clinically deceased, as well as the activities of the medical staff during the resuscitation effort.
It is as though the consciousness separates and records everything happening, often from a height near the ceiling.
Many have reported being welcomed by family and friends who are no more living.
It is implied that the personality lives on after physical death and remains fully aware and conscious as an independent entity in spirit.
The phenomenon of vastly differing “personalities” or behaviours that are contained within one body. There is also the possibility of spirit possession (full or partial).-The overtaking of a living person by a discarnate entity has been recognized, described, and understood in many ways by healing communities across the globe. This includes in various cultures, in different countries, and in different parts and times of the world. A disembodied consciousness seems to enter a person`s psychic space and attach itself and merge fully or partially with the unconscious mind of the person, which then impairs the individual’s mental and physical health – exerting some degree of control on the mentality, as well as the physical body.
The possession state is similar in some ways to Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, Schizophrenia, Hysteria, or Schizophrenia.
Spirit Releasement Therapy SRT
These are the most prevalent possessing and obsessing entities, which is the surviving consciousness from deceased people.
Emotions and feelings associated with a sudden, traumatic loss can be the cause of a spirit being attached to the earth plane. The universal transition to the Light can be impeded by anger, fear, jealousy and guilt. The spirit of someone who has died from drug overdose can attach to the person who used drugs or alcohol to sustain the feelings.
Sometimes, the spirit or soul of a person who has died is lost or confused.
Spirit offers us the ability to choose even after our death.
We’re free to return home to the Light or remain on earth and rove around.
We have the option to either attach ourselves to the murder victim or cause them pain in their lives.
Many spirits are still alive on this earth plane due to their lack of awareness about their own deaths.
It is possible for the spirit to be blocked from the Light by confusion, distrust, and disbelief regarding religion or spirituality.
This experience can be described as hearing voices, but it is not a sign of psychotic symptoms or behavior.
You may notice a change in personality after a surgery, an accident, emotional upheaval, suicide, or moving into a new place. This could indicate a newly formed bond.
An attachment or possession can lead to a rise in physical hunger for food, sex and drugs. Personal beliefs and attitudes can change suddenly, as can personal tastes. A person’s voice, facial features, and appearance can change dramatically. An earthbound spirit can keep the psychic energy pattern it uses to think, and can transmit any mental abnormality or disturbance to its victim, as well any symptoms of physical illness.
This condition can make it difficult and scary for the individual and their loved ones. Attachment to a person can be unplanned or accidental.
Negative Thought Forms
An attachment can be self-serving to fulfill a personal spirit need, benevolent in its nature, or harmful in intent.
It could be simply due to being physically close to a deceased person at the time of their death. It may also be due to a strong emotional connection between them.
An individual can become vulnerable and open to attachment because of any mental or bodily condition, strong emotion, repressed negativity, conscious or subconscious desire or need. This vulnerability can attract another entity with the same emotion, condition, need, or feeling.
Susceptibility to the intrusive spirit may result from severe stress. Use of alcohol or drugs, especially mind-drugs, can alter consciousness and make it more vulnerable to being invaded by discarnate spirits.
Same applies to the use anaesthetic drugs during surgery.
Spirit Releasement Elevated Therapy
Clinical Depossession
The therapy is made up of eight steps. The first step is to alter the consciousness of the client by focusing on inner processes. Read my article about Hypnosis
→ `What is Hypnosis?` which you can access here or from the Hypnosis page.
The first step is to identify and locate any attached discarnate spirit. I ask the person to help me navigate the mind and psyche of the client. The client will be in a relaxed, altered state of mind through the process of nonverbal communication.-Leading questions include the client’s mental, spiritual, and physical reporting. I use these reports to help me find clues that lead to the attachment of an entity.
The unconscious seems to be the place where the attached spirit is lodged.
Diagnosis is the second step. The most common attachment is that of an earthbound spirit from a deceased person. However, there are many types of nonattachment.-Spirits of non, physical beings-Human beings and nonhuman beings-Interfere with living beings by creating earth beings. Different types of interference require different treatment.
These steps also apply to the earthbound spirit attached to a deceased human being.
Third, engage the spirit to have a dialogue with it in order to identify the emotional or physical needs that keep it on the earth plane. Also, determine the circumstances that lead to the attachment to the individual.
I support the entity in resolving its problems. This emotional energy can be resolved and often results in the release.
The fourth step is actually the release of the spirit into Light. Usually, the spirit of family members or friends greets the entity.
This phenomenon is very similar to the NDE experience. As the spirits welcome their earthbound counterparts home, there is often a high-charged and emotional reunion.
The fifth step is specific guided imagery of Healing Light. It is essential and necessary to fill in the empty space left behind by the departing entity or entities.
There’s often an empty space left. The client is asked connect to a brilliant spark in the center of their bodies.
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They are guided to expand the light to fill the body, then expanding outward about an arm’s length all around through the Aura.
This forms a protective, shimmering bubble of Light around the individual.
After the session, the client can repeat the visualization multiple times per day as a meditation to build on it.
CHAKRA BALANCING. The sixth step is about the balancing the Chakras. These need to be activated, purified and blocked after the release of any attached entities. This is a separate method of harmonising and balancing our entire energy system. This makes it possible to be more open to constructive energies entering and to neutralise negativity. Because they are antennas for energy vibrations of all kinds, they must be open and harmoniously work together. They are our subtle sensory organs.
The session will end with a prayer that you can take home to be recited daily for seven days. Even though the entity has been removed during our session, there will still be thoughts forms, residual and dysfunctional energy. The special prayer will clear these.
This eight-step process involves ongoing therapy. It is crucial to resolve the conflict, to heal the emotional vulnerability and the residue that allowed the spirit to attach to you. Sub-mental healing and inner child healing-This is where the power of personalities comes in. It is also important to strengthen the self-image and ego. Although an entity might have caused a condition, behaviour or habit, it is possible for the condition to be resolved. However, the impression of the behavior, habit or condition may remain in the psyche. Traditional psychotherapy can be more helpful in treating this residual behavior once the attached discarnates cease to bother the victim. Often, additional entities are discovered and released during subsequent sessions.
You can have what you want. “a layering” Attachments
After the task of rescuing oneself from any disturbance is completed, it’s important for the person to continue exploring the realms within themselves.
It is the job of the therapist to not only help with healing integration into a stable platform to interact with the outside world but also to help individuals expand their sense of self after that stability has been achieved to include different experiences at many levels to grow, develop and expand.
SRT UKResults may often be seen right away. Spirit release therapy can help with many emotional and physical problems, as well as mental disorders and other conditions. It is a profound experience for the individual.
It’s a gentle, loving, and truly spiritual way to work therapeutically.
Spirit releasement Therapy It is not based on any religious beliefs or religions. It is respectful and clear in its approach to working with the body, mind, and spirit.
It is true that modern psychotherapy fails people often because it doesn’t recognize the existence and value of the soul.
In not recognising the soul, you have no map or possibility of being shown a map, which includes the entire nature of the individual’s experience.
The wholeness and beauty of all things.
SRT can be a difficult process. One must forget all about the definitions and just focus on the symptoms. Assisting the patient in identifying the point where the symptoms began to take root and then finding a resolution, healing and way forward. The idea that the patient cannot choose the best path for their journey is ridiculing the patient’s integrity. Everybody knows what they need at deep level. It is only that they need the guidance and support of a professional facilitator to help them take the natural path to completeness.
Only by staying with the symptoms, and then guiding the individual on his/her own shamanistic path through the psyche, can I cross the boundaries between western psychology and traditional healing methods to help the individual.
SRT is not a suggestional therapy.
Spirit attachment
The experimental methods used to develop the techniques are described below:
Observation, trial, error, comparison with other systems of exorcism, deliverance, and synthesising several proven clinical modalities for a client-Spirituality is perceived, reported, experienced, and reported.-physical, internal dimension.
Clients’ consistent descriptions of altered states have contributed to and confirmed the development of SRT’s clinical framework.
These results confirm the validity of the approach and hypothesis. The process is what matters, and the client determines the process.
There is no evidence that these entities, i.e. the surviving consciousness of dead human beings, exist.
However, due to the SRT’s effect within the clinical framework, it is possible to infer that the spiritual dimensions of reality exist and that many types of conscious beings exist (living) there.
It is possible that we will need to look into past lives, alternate realities, and other things.-Client defines the terrestrial realities. To find them and find the answers, it is necessary to be open to the possibility of finding them. But the answers and the resolutions they offer are there for anyone who is open to new perspectives on spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
The SRT Session takes about 3.5 hours and costs £175 by cheque with a Bankers card, credit or debit card or in cash and a £80 deposit will be required when booking to be sent before the session or by credit or debit card over the phone when making the booking.
Alternatively, on booking, a £80 deposit request can be sent to you by email to use the PayPal service.
Dr. William Baldwina SRT-Spirit Releasement Therapy: Sample
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