What You’ll Discover in Dr William Horton NLP Basic Practitioner Certification Course
Dr William Horton – NLP Basic Practitioner Certification Course
Excerpts from
NLP Basic Practitioner Certification Course
With Dr. William Horton
What is it? NLPWhat is it and how can you benefit? This class, which can be taken live or at home, is intended to serve as a resource to you for the rest your life. NLP What it is and how to use it.
This intensive, powerful training will teach you more.-It is a packed course that most students can’t learn in long, tedious training classes. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us. NLP It allows rapid change. Why not learn quickly? We use NLP To learn more NLP – in plain, everyday English!!! You can have fun, expand your awareness and experience profound change right now!!
If you’ve asked several people what NLP You probably got different answers from each. That’s why those of us at NFNLP want to simplify this complicated art, and get you information you can instantly use.
Constance Polanski took NLP From its co-ABNLP state creators receive advanced training “Of all the trainings in NLP that I have been exposed to, Wil Horton, and NFNLP is the only training that brings it down to earth, and gives you techniques you can use the next day in your life! I got to experience NLP for the first time, not theory, not talking about it, but doing it! If you want to learn real deal NLP, take a course from Wil Horton today!”
This is the most powerful.-This class is packed with the most useful, intensive and valuable training you will ever receive. This class goes beyond the technical jargon. NLP This book reveals the secrets of how to do it. NLP It really does work. The basics will be taught and mastered. NLP Techniques that have helped NLP famous. We use NLP To learn more NLP.
This workshop will give you the tools to make it happen quickly.-change technology a reality. You will learn – in easy-To-comprehend English — from the people who exposed the secret myth of NLP. This intensive, hands-on course is for you.-on experience.
Success requires skills
In NLP You will acquire basic skills that will help you on your way to success. You will be able to:
Always do your best in difficult situations
Transform obstacles and problems into opportunities for success.
Learn faster in any field.
You can make dramatic and positive changes to your thinking, feeling, and actions.
Every time, you can successfully communicate your message.
Identify patterns within human behavior
You can see and hear better when you increase your sense of hearing.
You can learn to model yourself after high-achieving people.
Pay attention to how others respond to you.
Tensions can be defused.
Know where your competition is coming.
You can use objections to improve communication.
This is why you should enroll in this course immediately:
Get rid of the emotional baggage associated with painful memories.
Recognize and change the patterns that cause problems in your personal and professional lives to eliminate them.
Build rapport with others.
You can manage almost any situation.
Improvement and usage of mental states.
You can use the secrets of emotional management to propel yourself to great success.
You can create positive states of mind and still be able to use them in the worst situations.
You can get rid of any unhappiness in your mind.
By creating your personal network of excellence, you can always have your best resources at your fingertips.
You can rely on the results. Rich Alexander believes that learning more about how to help people change was the best way to learn. NLP NFNLP. He also got rid years of personal “trash” That was what had held him back from his success.
You will be able to understand people better than ever before.
Treat people as if they were a book.
Be more successful in professional and personal relationships
Give people better, more productive lives.
Make instant connections to others
Learn how you can eliminate negative moods.
You can make better decisions in your professional and personal life by planning for the future.
Your skills can be elevated to new heights. This is a fast-paced environment.-Hands on, paced-Through your learning experience, you’ll:
Listen to and respond in all communications. This will help you get more of what your want in almost every situation.
To be more productive, change your mindset.
Setting goals will ensure your success.
Establish a strong rapport with others, even those with challenging personalities, and make them feel like you.
These will be your skills NLP Techniques that you can immediately use:
Circle of excellence — have all your top resources available to you.
Change personal History — alter your responses to bad memories.
Adding resources — supply more skills to new areas.
Anchoring — learn the secrets of master communicators by using anchors.
Chaining anchors — learn to anchor new states in yourself and others.
Swish Patterns — leap past limitations into a new you.
New Behavior Generator — gives you dependable techniques to try on new skills; make learning easy; utilize the secrets of top sports performers.
Fast Phobia Technique — release traumatic memories, defuse phobias and fears from spiders, snakes, heights, to war and PTSD.
Mend a broken Heart — help yourself and others recover from bad relationships.
6-Step reframe — learn to use your subconscious in new ways.
Deep self-Appreciation techniques to improve your self-esteem-esteem.
An overview of the things you will learn
Subconscious rapport skills
How to get into another’s mind
How to hear and see clearly
How to ask the right questions to bring about change
How to modify internal states
How to find your strengths
How to make quick, lasting changes
Anchoring – the heart of NLP
Representation systems
Predicates – language of the mind
Information gathering
The Meta Model
Outcome elicitation
Fast phobia techniques
Help a broken heart
New Behavior Generator
New Behavior Generator – the advanced pattern
Swish Pattern
Godiva Chocolate Pattern
Eye accessing cues
Linear time processing – “Timeline 2000”
Frames NLP
Re-parenting – Advanced Inner Child Work
Change your personal history
Q & A about NLP
Adding Resources
Visual Squash – Stop Addictions – #1 for Addictions/Compulsions
And Much More
This training will be supportive and fun. Many consider this the best and most influential training available. You are the focus of both the home and live study courses.
Sale Page: http://archive.is/7370n
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